Friday, April 11, 2008

Alabama 12 Helmet Used


Yesterday here in North Texas, there were damages of 5 tornado that hit the area on the night between Wednesday and Thursday!
I was standing in the local university when he sounded the alarm and made us gather in the basement. We were closed for an hour. I was not really going out almost nothing but twist had been spotted a few miles north, and then we had to wait. This happened between 8 am and 9 pm. After I had dinner out in the open and everything seemed to come back. In fact everything was yet to happen. At 3:30 in the night the storm was unleashed and my friend Ema phoned me to warn me that here in Carrolton, was sounding the alarm. I, stupid from sleep I have not had time to respond and calmed by the fact that here the siren sounded, I tornata a dormire. Il giorno dopo scopro che avrei potuto trovarmi con il mio letto come nella scena del film 'Pomi d'ottone e manici di scopa'!!! Da una parte però mi sono detta: con la casa che mi ritrovo, non basterebbe certo chiudermi nell'armadio per non essere spazzata via, quindi tanto vale, farsi un utimo indimenticabile trip a cavallo del proprio letto!!!!!
I danni però, c'è chi li ha avuti davvero. Tra questi un amico che stamani mi ha inviato una mail:

Thanks god it didn't damage my house too much, some neighbors were less fortunate as they got some windows shattered, still, about half of the trees in my block are blocking one side of the circle... And we Have shingles and debris all over the place.

All the toys even heavy stuff Was Moved To The Other Side of the yard, and my fence Literally thrown in the parking lot ramp of the house across the street.

The permanent grill Was broken off at the base.

Since this is the first time feel him near the tornado and like all things that scare them, I'd like to see it. From a distance, of course!


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