Finally I have put off the urge. In the end I have given this thing a long time I wanted to do but I did not understand why. I've got planned and eventually won the curiosity, as often happens to me. The thing has not changed though. I still do not have precise ideas about what is and especially for I have desired to see. I have vague opinions: the first is certainly the case of folklore and so it is an instinct of anthropological discovery that led me right there. Second is the verve animals not fundamentalist, that gives me hope not to discover bad things. Third reverential admiration I have for the animal to the horse while I'm riding like a jockey a giant. Then there is a situation which is 'attesizzata' on the field, even in the arena and concerns that something is in the ancestral relationship between man and animal. And as such, difficult to verbalize in a logical way. I would say just silly platitudes. I'll leave everyone to form their own idea based on that will add between facts and photos. But first my idea of \u200b\u200ba cowboy, a figure, magnetic gaze, how to take good jeans, for the movement of his hands faster than the west ... And for the thousands of snapshots that box them hours in the saddle galloping to their faithful companions adventure now in the middle of nowhere in front of a fire, just with their melancholic loneliness, now standing in front of a red rock sunset, filled, so a soft firmness of mind. An irresistible blend for each maiden.
All this is in Rodeo little or nothing. Despite the plot of real cowboys, the rodeo is here the circus of the cowboy and cowgirl, which sells us skilled horseman hoping to distract from a lack of real challenge. The frightened horses and bulls imbufaliti (?) Are the same as other players: they know what to do, as, since, when and where they should go out and even if, to do a mock improvised attack. Poracci, they too have to earn the corn! But the disappointing part is that not even that could be expected. The thing that really bothered me is the amount of nationalist messages that are proposed to continue: waving flags saying 'support our troups' 'U.S. Army', the hymn sung in a general standing ovation (and not the 4 J uly !) costumes imprinted with the American flag. I mean I understand the pride of a nation but because they associate it with the Rodeo? But that the cowboy is not the emblem of freedom and independence!? I do not know, I was plastered. Steps anthem, although I personally do not find associations of any kind, but to encourage support troops is part of the political messages of a political and therefore, as such can not represent the entire audience of rodeo.
One last thing worthy of note. Among the entertainment there is also a shot in the calf with a lasso. Well most of the time, won the calf! And I cheered. Who says that you're forced to cheer for the cowboys!?
And then ...
1 - in the quarter-Cowboys Fort Worth, Stockyards , home to the Rodeo, there is not a swing door! The saloon doors per intenderci...
2 – un gruppo di italiani ha partecipato alla gara internazionale di cutting (quando il cowboy deve entrare col cavallo in una mandria per separare un vitello dagli altri, quello destinato al mercato ahimè.
3 - è qui, agli Stockyards che ho mangiato l'hamburger più buono del Texas!
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