Thursday, June 4, 2009

Beautifulagony Free Clips

MAGNETIKA © (2nd Chapter)


These remedies look alike, in a sense, homeopathic remedies Hannhemann and, as such, are the result of a surprising intuition, in fact they are designed and prepared to "work " at various levels, the effects of emotional conflicts and traumas that occur 4 expressions on the human being: Mental

- emotions, phobias, fears, stress, etc.. ARKOS-throne

Staff - metabolism, organic diseases, etc. . Darach

Mobile - cellular memories, degeneration, etc.. ADEKA

support tissues - bones, cartilage, muscle, etc.. Dominum

Therefore, the remedies are 4, but each is prepared in 10 different dilutions and each dilution acts at a different level investigation of the pathological.

Each of the 4 remedies consists of three basic molecules composed of salts and various combinations of salts allow the choice of remedy as needed.

Preparation of remedies Magnetika

The procedure consists of exposing the remedy, which is placed in a rotating drum, a magnetic field Tripolare a given frequency (3600 Gaus, of which 1200 Gaus on each pole). At the same time

remedies are invested by Microfequenze Harmonic Oscillating produced by a complex system of synthesizers that use technology and MT FM (Frequency Modulation and Micro Tuning).

The frequencies with which they are polarized salts are 3: A carrier, which has the task to work always and only on brain neurotransmitters and two interactive, acting on the frequency levels of emotional conflicts in "traumatic memory".

The Synapses

; il_soffio_della_vita

La comunicazione tra cellule nervose avviene attraverso “ segnali” chimici o elettrici che, passando da una cellula eccitata a una in riposo, provocano in quest’ultima un potenziale d’azione, eccitandola.

Il punto in cui i messaggi nervosi passano da una cellula all’altra si chiama sinapsi. La cellula che trasmette il segnale si dice presinaptica, quella che lo riceve postsinaptica e possono essere di due tipi:

- sinapsi elettriche - sono punti dove si scambiano ioni ed altre molecole trasmettendo stimoli elettrici.

- sinapsi chimiche - sono points where the presynaptic cell, close to the synapse, and produce specific substances called neurotransmitters that are released when the area in which they are earned is depolarized by the arrival of an action potential. They are released into the synaptic cleft and go to bind to specific receptors on the postsynaptic membrane of the cell.

- It is important to say that chemical synapses can have contrasting effects: "excited" where the neurotransmitter depolarizes the postsynaptic cell, producing a new action potential, and "inhibitors" where the neurotransmitter binds to the membrane postsynaptic cell by increasing the resting potential and producing a "inhibitory postsynaptic potential" which is opposed to any signals that may arrive after the excitatory cell, neutralizing it, so as to prevent the transmission of any other electrical signal.

neurons interact through specific frequencies that allow all the bioelectric processes essential for the management of all metabolisms: mental, psychological, emotional and organic .

When you create changes in this area, and most often occurs because of psychological traumas, conflicts, poor management of emotions, constitute special circumstances activity of neurons can be altered to produce and pathological situations and brain, a cascade also extend to metabolism, organ and tissue matching.


When you create a predisposition to the formation of conditions which produce real "habits" or "ways of operating priority" , also reinforced by the establishment of "cellular memories " and that cause phobias, recurring thoughts, obsessions, anxieties, etc.., Magnetika action is to inhibit these features altered by blocking the transmission di quei neurotrasmettitori che innescano e mantengono questa situazione.

Infatti l’assunzione di una compressa di Magnetica, mezz’ora prima di coricarsi, determina il blocco per otto ore dei segnali elettrici relativi alle informazioni che noi vogliamo inibire.

Si possono prescrivere contemporaneamente fino ad un massimo di 3 rimedi di diversa struttura e potenza energetica.

Ogni notte, per 2 mesi, si effettua così un vero e proprio “reset” del sistema dandogli la possibilità di rigenerarsi e riportare le sue condizioni di funzionamento in armonia, con la modifica dei flussi ionici attraverso un ritrovato riequilibrio delle polarità all’interno and outside of the cell membranes and protein chains that wrap around the genes.

In this way, gradually vanish in the system changes produced by emotional conflicts in various parts of the brain and, consequently, the dysfunctions and diseases that cause all the appropriate bodies and metabolisms. The action of magnetic

manifests itself starting from the nervous structures of the mucosa of the digestive system, by which they are read and decoded the information contained in the " program remedy (just as happens between the reader and CD).

a result of this "contact" attention or "neural tension" of the subject, the stage of sleep, is attracted to this complex mass of "harmonic information" that act through neurotransmitters, the energy changes caused by trauma and conditioning, contrasting them with a uniform magnetic field and to empathize with "harmonics" input by the remedy.

At this point the subject will benefit from a series of "reset" in the areas affected.

The human mind, to accelerate real-time events and memory at the speed of thought, is forced to use a mechanism of internal dialogue of the information past and present compressing (zipping ) the magnitude and immensity of the mass of information, thus creating areas of energy disorder.

In this way the same neurotransmitters, which pass signals are unconsciously altered traumas, are "attracted" by magnetic frequencies, whose sole purpose is to dissolve the accumulated energy dystonic in one or more trauma, and begin to operate harmoniously.

This, as we have said, takes place during sleep so that perceptions, vital functions and meaning of the subject will not be altered.


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