Thursday, June 4, 2009

How To Make A Wa Hoo Npard

MAGNETIKA © (3rd chapter)

LE "power" of MAGNETIKA

As we have seen the disease is nothing but the expression of an altered physical or mental condition:

It 's the change in a state of equilibrium implemented by our body to meet a critical situation of conflict.

E 'then the photograph, the representation of the relationship we have with ourselves and with the environment around us: work, desires, commitments, emotions, passions, survival, failures, anxieties, fears, etc..

Disease is a biological behavior that is the way "sensible" and intelligent with which our body deals with the struggle for survival.

The meaning of life is in fact "in staying alive."

Each of us faces the disease with the means at its disposal and that is because we are not all equal: the establishment, inheritance, type of life, environment, education and behavior to differentiate us, making us unique and personalized expression of the disease, but the "mechanisms" with which our body expresses the disease, are driven by biological survival programs that are common to all.

When a situation occurs that the individual sees as a possible danger to the survival of creating psychic alteration which leads to an existential conflict, and that triggers a repair program.

Each of us lives under this threat to knowledge and consciousness has of itself, which are the result of education affected by various factors such as morality, environment, religion, politics, etc.. and determine the awareness of their ability to address and resolve the difficulties of existence.


If, on the contrary, it creates the belief that he could not resolve the situation, he becomes prey to emotions and feelings prevent us from thinking and the risk becomes higher.

At this point you establish a concatenated organization of thoughts, formed by the sum of the unresolved problems in life, structured so as to create a constant state of mind and repetitive, which adds to the disappointment of failed attempts at a solution, which leads to a devaluation of himself ever deeper and the formation of increasingly serious illnesses.

remedies "Magnetika" , as we have seen, act on changes in four aspects of the Human Being:

Mental, organs, cells, tissue and support in every area, su 10 diversi livelli di coscienza del Sé.

In questo modo il soggetto viene aiutato ad acquisire, di volta in volta, attraverso il superamento dei conflitti, una maggiore conoscenza e consapevolezza così da ritrovare l’equilibrio psicofisico ed integrarsi con la propria esistenza e con l’ambiente.

Elenchiamo il campo d’azione di ogni “potenza” dei rimedi:

  • 01 - SOTTOMISSIONE Tutto ciò che non si riesce a dire e che limita la libera espressione della propria volontà.
  • 02 - CONFLITTI DA SOTTOMISSIONE - E’ la “cronicizzazione” e l’acquisizione di “usuali” comportamenti di vita in cui i condizionamenti soffocano la personalità.
  • 03 - BLOCCO EMOZIONALE - Chiusura totale, è l’incapacità di comunicare. E’ la difficoltà a manifestare emozioni e sentimenti e ad esprimere la sessualità.
  • 04 - BLOCCO EMOZIONALE DOVUTO AI GENITORI - E’ la mancanza di comunicazione totale, come la precedente, ma relativa al rapporto con i genitori, dovuta ai condizionamenti ed alle paure subite da parte degli stessi.
  • 05 - TRAUMI SUL DNA - Traumi primari ed ereditati dai nonni.
  • 06 - TRAUMI SUL DNA DERIVANTI DALLA MASSA GENETICA - Alterazioni ereditate da tutte le precedenti generazioni. La somma delle somme ereditarie.
  • 07 - REGISTRATE SUGLI ORGANI E FUNZIONI - INTERCOMUNICAZIONE TRA EMOZIONI PRIMARIE - Mancanza di dinamica tra la parte emozionale e la parte organica.
  • 08 - SE SUPERIORE - Inizia presa di Coscienza.
  • 09 - DUALITA’ DOVUTE A SOTTOPERSONALITA’ - Fabbrica di bugie, masks. Submission to the ego.
  • 10 - ADJUSTMENT, NEW MAN - Discovery of an ocean of energy, encouragement, vocations, freedom of Being. Interactivity with extrasensory abilities of the mind, perception, processing power.

Observing the action expressed by 10 powers as we see from the Power 01 Power 10 , starting from the behavioral and physical expressions, through emotions, through a process of growth and acquisition of awareness comes to the perception of our Being as Consciousness Separate but linked and merged with All the .

The Biological Medicine, which we discussed earlier, is the result of careful observation of the behavior of living beings against themselves and the environment by combating for survival.

The struggle for survival during the evolution of species, has meant that it would create in our brain programs behavior and response of our body such as to enable us to survive in our environment.

The most important programs are: the achievement and maintenance of territory of food, the defense of offspring , the fear and escape, the ' attack.

The lion, for entire seasons defended his territory and its position as the pack leader and player for this by adjusting the functions of your body need to fight every time he stuck a suitor, when he loses a battle and is exiled, start phase of conflict resolution experiences and activate the repair of damages.

If the damage is beyond the ability of the repair implementation lion dies of heart attack within 9 months and will conclude the process of a biological law which obey vital programs.

L ' Human Being, like other animals, is subject to the laws of biological survival, but it is not only an animal, is something more because, unlike the animal, has a higher consciousness that, through experiences, the expression of the will, the desire for knowledge, the growing perception of being part of an infinite whole, the spiritual, religious, self-awareness, feelings, emotions, consciousness is a ever and constant expansion, which leads him in his growth, to understand how to overcome the trauma-related emotional involvement by helping to introduce behavioral changes in their lives. The task of

Magnetic is to accelerate this process of evolution of consciousness and bring the man, not only through his conflicts, but also, through conduct more aware, to avoid crearsene new ones.

© Magnetika

® Presentazione elaborata nel giugno 2009 da H.p. Mario Meluzzi nel ruolo di consulente scientifico.


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