is called SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms from) the smallest unit of genetic variability. If all humans are equipped with virtually the same DNA, the genes that differ little from each other, but each individual is genetically unique because in some places there are small differences in DNA, called polymorphisms that, taken together, appear to determine the 'genetic individuality. Although it has not yet been shown to have single nucleotide polymorphisms (the smallest unit of DNA) to make us different from each other, research on SNPs has already become the new gold mine of biotech. Snp is based on the fortunes of companies that manage the databases of DNA, and more research focuses on SNPs that attempts to design drugs tailored, "stitched" on the individual DNA. Of course it takes enormous collections of data and large-scale projects that are able to find samples of DNA among the populations most isolated and ethnically unique in the world. It is here that comes into play the strategic hypothesis, fanciful but not entirely unfounded, you can create a weapon racially selective.
The internationally renowned geneticist Luca Cavalli-Sforza, through its work on the genetics of populations showed that the concept of race is scientifically unfounded. However, there are genetic differences in vulnerability to disease, which may have passed, especially among isolated populations, are demonstrating how research on SNPs. Although the ability to isolate these specific genetic traits has yet to prove the hypothesis seems to be enough to launch some scientists on the trail of the "ethno-bomb". Only two cases have emerged from the secret laboratories, but both are considered "scientifically implausible".
In November 1998 the Sunday Times launched its media bomb: Israel would lavorando a un’arma geneticamente selettiva. Lo scopo degli scienziati militari sarebbe quello di creare un batterio o un virus geneticamente modificato per attaccare solo i portatori di determinati geni, geni caratteristici della popolazione irachena. La notizia è di quelle non verificabili per definizione e va a cozzare con un dato evidente: la sostanziale identità genetica fra arabi e israeliani. Questa constatazione, però, non ha impedito alla British Medical Association di considerare realistica la possibilità che, entro una decina di anni, si arrivi a sintetizzare un’arma del genere in quanto “una volta isolati i geni che determinano l’altezza, il colore della pelle e altre caratteristiche somatiche, il fattore razziale could become a target. "
are absolutely verifiable programs, chemical and biological warfare carried out by the South African government during apartheid, emerged for the first time during the Truth and Reconciliation Commission hearings that were held in Johannesburg in 1998. There the words "South African Mengele," as newspapers called it, did some light on one of the worst episodes of apartheid and the history of science. Wouter Basson, a cardiologist staff of former President PW Botha, was found to be the brains of some research projects pursued in the Roodeplaat Research Laboratory, all focused on the goal of finding ways of "natural" to kill without a trace. To this end, the laboratory was crammed with everything strains cholera, anthrax, poisonous mushrooms synthesized by Russian scientists who, it seems, have been tested during the war in Angola. The other project that was dear to Dr. Basson was to develop a vaccine to contain racially selective fertility, a project which, although it was considered impossible by most colleagues Basson, accounting for about one third of the resources and work of the center .
The fact that the "race bomb" was impossible to Dr Basson has not prevented from continuing to seek it and, above all, to test his own ingenious creations. October 1999 si è aperto a Pretoria il processo nel quale il medico razzista deve rispondere dell’assassinio diretto di 30 persone e di quello, “accidentale”, di altre 200, per la maggior parte guerriglieri della Swapo in Namibia, che hanno trovato la morte nel corso degli esperimenti del Project Coast, come aveva battezzato le sue “ricerche”. Ma sul banco degli imputati non c’è solo una mente criminale. Resta il fatto, ben più grave, che per procurarsi i suoi ceppi di colera, antrace e svariati batteri modificati, Basson è riuscito a entrare nella cerchia dei super scienziati della guerra biologica, infiltrandosi nei programmi di guerra batteriologica inglesi, russi e statunitensi, ai cui esperti vendeva i results of his experiments. A small group of scientists still work, that no national or international court would dream of calling into question.
extracted from Civil Defence Lazio
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After thousands of crows and drum fish found dead in Arkansas (USA), to whose cause of death has not yet been given any plausible explanation for the unusual phenomenon does not end here
(...) I have reason to believe that they can be two likely hypotheses to explain these phenomena. I also believe that will not run out anytime soon. Test
military (who? Skylark , Sten transnational body secret) on specific targets. Now affects individual animals, individual ethnic groups of men break down tomorrow: Hispanics, Jews, African Americans, Hindu, Slavic, Arab ...
Phenomenon exquisitely strong. Disturbances on the continuum between our size bribes, would cause such die-offs. Why are some species and not others? Target archetypal relationship that is in pain.
Read the original article from the blog
The Great Unknown ... and also the nice booklet prepared by FEMA in 2011, reported in the comments of that article.
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