Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Neck, Shoulder, Arm, And Thumb Pain


After many requests I've decided and I reopened HERE ..
Whether you are all welcome!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

What Happens If You Clear Poptropica?

Well well well ...

We arrived the last day before departure.
- car sold
- garage sale made
- approximately luggage ready
The important things I've done.

Now I'm alone, (for a few hours), in an empty house, sitting on a chair detached torture me, writing my last post.
E 'by a month or so I think of what to write in long hours in the car to go to work. And what beautiful things I thought you knew. Wonderful poems that will never see the light of the pixel because ... I've forgotten. The posts are like dreams 'come out with words and we have no choice but to write quickly because then vanish and do not remember'. Vasco docet.

One year and nine months exactly.

There was a time for everything. The time for the enthusiasm for the new, fear of the unknown, nostalgia, embarrassment for the inadequacy, happiness for success, curiosity, the desire and the desire to return to stay. There was a time to do everything that life ragala. A life within a life like a Chinese box. My box now also contains the American box. Beautiful, full and dense. There was the time. Above all, there was Space. The best gift that my America I did was give me back the idea of \u200b\u200bspace, physical and mental, and spiritual land. Italy stifled here I started to breathe.


'm back in control of my life. Of my time and my space. Close in the mechanisms that I clung for too many years, I found the light here. I went through this with my eyes open and hands ready to receive. I come home different. A new person irrevocably.

With hearts embrace those who will be here tomorrow but I'm not leaving here.

Now I look ahead of me.

And the blog?
The answer has always been clear to me. No doubt.
'Good Morning Texas' is born and dies with this experience. No regrets. If you ever want my 'bloggers' were to return I will certainly let you all know from these pages.

Meanwhile take care and Have The Nicest life you can!


Saturday, May 10, 2008

When Can I Submit Dental Claims


1 - Texas is the first state in the number of horses, more than 1 million.

2 - Denton County is known as 'Horse Country USA' and has more than 300 horse ranch

3 - County there are 25,000 horses of all breeds.

4 - trade of horses has brought in the county $ 20 million in 2004. Only the fees for the transportation of animals abroad amounted to $ 11 million.

5 - The county is renowned worldwide as an equine training center.

strength of all these numbers I made 'an intriguing guided fieldtrip' to discover the world of the Texan ranch. The bus tour is organized by the CVB (Convention & Visitor Bureau), lasts half a day and costs $ 25 per person. The experience is worth it because it is the only save friendships and the like, which is able to open your gates of the ranch shod. We visited four but only two accurately, meeting the manager and having proof of the main activities of the ranch (running, obstacles, training, breeding, competitions). I discovered that a horse is born predistinato in a certain activity as the parents themselves did not choose between them and galloped wildly grazing in the meadows, but were, so to speak, tempted to mate. Sometimes, if the stallion in question do not like mares, is stimulated by the scossettine until it sells the precious liquid, immediately picked up and re-inserted in the right place. This practice is not very good but the people who run this ranch and deeply love horses so I guess it is just my bias that leads me to see it negatively. One of the 'Ranch' said a sad episode of the death of one of their finest horses took place immediately after it sold at a ranch in California. Did he do for a deck with 100 red roses and pictures hanging in his house. She wept as she goes the story told to us.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Stongest Airsoft Gun World


The cliche fits here too ... Time is flying like an eagle swoop and in one week and one day my ankles bend to climb ladders another plane, this time one that ends my stay here. A mix of emotions when I think about it upsets me so far I glissando impregnadomi the question of everyday experience, diving, body and soul in this American. And this will continue until the carriage come off his foot round the asphalt 'dallassiano'. That will be the time to look ahead. Not before.

's past the May 1 to April 25 that together I love to celebrate with friends. And this year my life got dear friend with whom to spend time wandering and cuddly even though I had to work. Are passing one by one 'the last times .....'. And the sad part here would be if I tried every time to think about the beauty of what I experienced rather than being overwhelmed with sadness for what they lose.

Maintain concentration and fresh mind. Here's what I do.
Meanwhile anyone who wants to give me advice on:

is welcome to leave suggestions on his staff AMERICAN MUST!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Monthly Rate Hotels Phoenix

One Saturday in a Messianic Synagogue
for the series: "You never stop learning"

This I believe davvero e profondamente. Per questo amo scoprire angoli misteriosi , assaggiare esotiche esperienze, intrufolarmi in sapori di altri tempo, spazio e cultura.
Sabato io ho celebrato lo 'shabbat' per la prima volta. Io non sono ebrea ma ho grande rispetto e forse anche una personale simpatia, per la religione ebraica. Per questo ho accettato di buon grado l'invito di un amico a partecipare a uno 'shabbat' a Dallas.
Il gruppo religioso in questione, è una sottocorrente ebraica che riconosce in Gesu' il Messia. Per questo sono spesso oggetto di cofusione: se riconoscono che il messia è già venuto ed è Gesù allora sono cristiani? E invece no, sono ebrei perché loro si dichiarano tali e all Jewish ritual follows function; even the language. It is not easy! They have all the liturgical elements of Judaism: the menorah, candelabrum 'seven-branched'. Lights on Friday night to celebrate the Sabbath, a holy day for the Jewish people. The Mezzucah, parchment that contains songs of prayer to be recited every day in the morning and evening). The men wore
Kippah and Talledo, shawl white with dark stripes on the sides.

The ritual also provides for the traditional tour of the Torah, written on leather, and custodina ark, so that all the possan kiss.

What I discovered, after 3 hours, is another world of believers that is enclosed in a huge and beautiful buildings every week to share a faith. Every church or the like, which I visited, it was huge and fully functional, efficient organization with a group. Which we is not even in Parliament. Each has its role, its function, its own task and do it with precision and devotion. A device that refers to me at a conference rather than a 'mass'. But this is not the only detectable dissimilarity. The thing that strikes me most, of the pseudo Catholic, is the great joy which is the dominant emotion for all the rituals that I have seen celebrating. (Of course, the Catholic and not cheerful!). I like this size but joyful at the same time gives me the impression of diminishing the substance of religion. If that takes us to church and sing and dance maybe we could do it without resorting to the gods? I do not know, I can not understand. Maybe my problem is a cultural gap in this case, I can not fill. 'S why I could not remain silent when our' guest 'has trumpeted a tirade against the pig' unclean animal, etc. ... ' I spat and honest: "I like the pig ..". You have created a bit of frost around but now I'm used to. It does not bother me. How can I deny the goodness of Tuscan ham or salami from Tuscany??

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Adult Film Industry Forum


Per celebrare questo giorno:
"Pledge of Resistance"

We believe

that as people living in the United States
it is our responsibility to resist the injustices
done by our government,
in our names
Not in our name
will you wage endless war
there can be no more deaths
no more transfusions of blood for oil

Not in our name
will you invade countries
bomb civilians,
kill more children
letting history take its course
over the graves of the nameless

Not in our name
will you erode the very freedoms
you have claimed to fight for
Not by our hands
will we supply weapons and funding
for the annihilation of families on foreign soil
Not by our mouths
will we let fear silence us
Not by our hearts
will we allow whole peoples
or countries to be deemed evil
Not by our will and Not in our name

We pledge resistance
We pledge alliance
with those who have come under attack
for voicing opposition to the war
or for their religion or ethnicity
We pledge to make common cause
with the
people of the world to bring about justice, freedom and peace

Another world is possible and we pledge to make it real.

cit. from the site "Songs against war":
" Not In Our Name" is one of the main opposition groups born in the U.S. in reaction to the policy after 11 settemre. On the first page are the names of Noam Chomsky, Laurie Anderson, Robert Altmann, Patch Adams, Zack De La Rocha.

The Pledge of Resistance has become the anthem of Not In Our Name. It was written and recited by Saul Williams, a young poet, hip hop musician and actor. It reflects a more deliberate commitment rooted in the soul statunitense - il Pledge Of Alliance , la promessa di fedeltà alla bandiera insegnata in tutte le scuole - riformulandolo radicalmente.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Make Up Cases Wholesale


e in un giorno straordinario il pensiero va a una persona indimenticabile , Anna...

Monday, April 21, 2008

How To Coin Pusher Game


So che sarebbe meglio guardare further and talk about anything else but to me this defeat and I boils boils especially because I find it amazing. The point is not to have lost, they are used, the point is to understand how it is possible that there are still people who vote for Berlusconi? In the past it could be lack of information but now one of comedy on TV (the few that have survived the edicts, it is true), theater, grillini in the square, books etc. should not that be counter-residue appendicioidali infected which could move in mind vote for the snake! But it was not so '. Why? It is said that there are only two answers: either the Italians are stupid or just misinformed. Trying to exclude the second rushes into turmoil. So I'll have accept that the correct information is never enough in a country governed by those who have TV, newspapers, publishing houses, etc ... In fact it should not even be an adjective that qualifies the information. The noun itself should contain a principle of ethical integrity that vehicle circulation. But apparently in an era of empty semantic 'information' is just one of many words have fallen into the net. I think at this point is having to take it back along with all other items go missing on the lips of those who have chewed unworthily. I think it must continue to inform putting aside the political correctness . This formula has paid only the exponent of deployment opponent! I have only seen one spot of Di Pietro, who denounced all the flaws of Berlusconi. It 's true that I am from here, perhaps I saw less but do not think I'm wrong when I say that Veltroni with the noble attitude has not got a fig tree. In short, why not attack the opponent? Here you will devour! If you do not have anything to hide or interests to defend, but I hope that this is so, I would crank it up and Berlusconi with a walk. In short, the story already eat alone was enough to neutralize forever. But he won !!!!! Why nobody thought to protect Italy? Steps Veltroni and his moderate center. The center is not done, you know, for the battle. But the left? It is hidden behind a rainbow! As characters from The Wizard of Oz, crossed the election campaign following the golden road of a fairy tale that does not believe any more, pretending to fight the Wicked Witch of the East to get then where? From the Wizard that there is, in fact. Bossi has won the people screaming 'take the guns!'. We realize it or not that people are mad and would vote for anyone just to try to get better. And 'The time of ideologies because there is nobody who prefer the concrete acts solvers. And the ideology of today are not what they once animated and substantial actions. Today we have become completely bourgeois bourgeois or stunt, which rose from an armchair control the leadership of a supposedly radical formation. But radical?? The is believed to despair! But there's no reason to continue to do so. We can say anything about the waste of Naples, but what matters is not to trip over in the morning leaving the house. And the center-left administration has messed! You can write sull'immagrazione rivers, tolerance, cooperation among peoples, etc. but not worth nothing if you can not send your daughter out for an ice cream alone. We want facts. How to not put on its books convicted or awaiting trial. And the results show: many of which still hopes to correct in the center and moderate Veltroni, much of which I can not explain unless as ill-informed or disingenuous, and most of the facts with the parties, the League and Italy of Values. I find myself having to hope in the work of the League. Other than self-examination for the left! I who in my veins I've got pieces of Tuscan Red Flag, which are coming up serving at the tables of the Party of Unity and I touched the tears at the funeral of Berlinguer, I can not feel bad. Orphan. But a lot of pissed off.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Cheap Canadianairsoft Stores

days are absurd

Someone knows why it was decided to kill a bear instead of handing it over to Italian authorities, which guaranteed the animal shelter in one of our national parks ?????
It 's the second time that happens, the first was the work of the Austrians, this time the Swiss, then ??!!!
Their only crime was to not recognize the boundaries between states. And in the midst of the alpine forests defy anyone to be able to do ... How sad.

days are absurd.

think what happened to a woman, certainly naive, but of great purity, which has paid with his skin the desire to believe in the goodness of others. I refer to Pippa and his adventure ended in Istanbul. What's worse for a life as his only finish in this horrible way. A life betrayed to the core. Dying has proven otherwise the one who tried desperately to prove. How sad.

days are absurd.

And I do not even have a dog that brings in at least about the ideas that are as close to mine. For the first time since I was born. How sad.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Could I Fake Community Hours

John, III, 19

'JOIN IN SOCIAL CHAIN' BUT would say 'Leopard, which OF SADNESS IS INTENDED, is not it?


appreciate your ideas and suggestions in order to escape this harsh reality 'but' here and now that we must reckon, and 'here and now that we must resist, and' HERE AND NOW THAT WE HAVE TO FIND THE ANSWER, MAYBE INSIDE U.S. ...

sin but they are wrong, the words of my guru:



Sunday, April 13, 2008

Mount And Blade The Wedding Dance

creative thinking

If tomorrow when I wake up I see the smiling face of psychodwarf bisciun I'm going back to sleep and I try to sleep again, thinking that was a bad dream. And thinking I create an alternate reality. It is said that the thought has real power to create. We hope it's true. We hope in fact, would not have to prove.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Alabama 12 Helmet Used


Yesterday here in North Texas, there were damages of 5 tornado that hit the area on the night between Wednesday and Thursday!
I was standing in the local university when he sounded the alarm and made us gather in the basement. We were closed for an hour. I was not really going out almost nothing but twist had been spotted a few miles north, and then we had to wait. This happened between 8 am and 9 pm. After I had dinner out in the open and everything seemed to come back. In fact everything was yet to happen. At 3:30 in the night the storm was unleashed and my friend Ema phoned me to warn me that here in Carrolton, was sounding the alarm. I, stupid from sleep I have not had time to respond and calmed by the fact that here the siren sounded, I tornata a dormire. Il giorno dopo scopro che avrei potuto trovarmi con il mio letto come nella scena del film 'Pomi d'ottone e manici di scopa'!!! Da una parte però mi sono detta: con la casa che mi ritrovo, non basterebbe certo chiudermi nell'armadio per non essere spazzata via, quindi tanto vale, farsi un utimo indimenticabile trip a cavallo del proprio letto!!!!!
I danni però, c'è chi li ha avuti davvero. Tra questi un amico che stamani mi ha inviato una mail:

Thanks god it didn't damage my house too much, some neighbors were less fortunate as they got some windows shattered, still, about half of the trees in my block are blocking one side of the circle... And we Have shingles and debris all over the place.

All the toys even heavy stuff Was Moved To The Other Side of the yard, and my fence Literally thrown in the parking lot ramp of the house across the street.

The permanent grill Was broken off at the base.

Since this is the first time feel him near the tornado and like all things that scare them, I'd like to see it. From a distance, of course!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Can You Reserve A Flight Without Committing To It

Finally I have put off the urge. In the end I have given this thing a long time I wanted to do but I did not understand why. I've got planned and eventually won the curiosity, as often happens to me. The thing has not changed though. I still do not have precise ideas about what is and especially for I have desired to see. I have vague opinions: the first is certainly the case of folklore and so it is an instinct of anthropological discovery that led me right there. Second is the verve animals not fundamentalist, that gives me hope not to discover bad things. Third reverential admiration I have for the animal to the horse while I'm riding like a jockey a giant. Then there is a situation which is 'attesizzata' on the field, even in the arena and concerns that something is in the ancestral relationship between man and animal. And as such, difficult to verbalize in a logical way. I would say just silly platitudes. I'll leave everyone to form their own idea based on that will add between facts and photos. But first my idea of \u200b\u200ba cowboy, a figure, magnetic gaze, how to take good jeans, for the movement of his hands faster than the west ... And for the thousands of snapshots that box them hours in the saddle galloping to their faithful companions adventure now in the middle of nowhere in front of a fire, just with their melancholic loneliness, now standing in front of a red rock sunset, filled, so a soft firmness of mind. An irresistible blend for each maiden.

All this is in Rodeo little or nothing. Despite the plot of real cowboys, the rodeo is here the circus of the cowboy and cowgirl, which sells us skilled horseman hoping to distract from a lack of real challenge. The frightened horses and bulls imbufaliti (?) Are the same as other players: they know what to do, as, since, when and where they should go out and even if, to do a mock improvised attack. Poracci, they too have to earn the corn! But the disappointing part is that not even that could be expected. The thing that really bothered me is the amount of nationalist messages that are proposed to continue: waving flags saying 'support our troups' 'U.S. Army', the hymn sung in a general standing ovation (and not the 4 J uly !) costumes imprinted with the American flag. I mean I understand the pride of a nation but because they associate it with the Rodeo? But that the cowboy is not the emblem of freedom and independence!? I do not know, I was plastered. Steps anthem, although I personally do not find associations of any kind, but to encourage support troops is part of the political messages of a political and therefore, as such can not represent the entire audience of rodeo.

One last thing worthy of note. Among the entertainment there is also a shot in the calf with a lasso. Well most of the time, won the calf! And I cheered. Who says that you're forced to cheer for the cowboys!?

And then ...

1 - in the quarter-Cowboys Fort Worth, Stockyards , home to the Rodeo, there is not a swing door! The saloon doors per intenderci...

2 – un gruppo di italiani ha partecipato alla gara internazionale di cutting (quando il cowboy deve entrare col cavallo in una mandria per separare un vitello dagli altri, quello destinato al mercato ahimè.

3 - è qui, agli Stockyards che ho mangiato l'hamburger più buono del Texas!

Friday, April 4, 2008

African American Wedding Programs Examples


Il mio vicino è un uomo di mezza indefinita età. Pare viva da solo ma alle volte tiene pure compagnia anche se io la I would like his company did not mica. He does not know this, however, and tries every way to be close to me, exactly, and make me feel his presence. I believe that this gentleman has an alarm to sound every morning without her for an hour. Until I do not I get desperate and with eyes still under the pillow. My neighbor is also believed that I was bored and he wants to keep me company with the PlayStation. Change a game a month, ever that I did not rejoice with him new technologies in terms of audio in video games. E 'caring, no doubt about it. Stays awake to play up to 2, 3 am and immediately begins at 8 am, just be sure not to leave too long without his rhythmic company. What a dear. He also likes the barbecue, as 99.9% of the rest of Americans, and even then he is generous: it is always in favor of wind so that smoke and I come odorino well at home at the most unthinkable. Yes, because otherwise it would be something extraordinary: you know what news you smell food in the house for lunch or dinner! Much better after lunch or in the morning after breakfast, right?

Once, at night, exhausted, exasperated exhausted, I tried to knock. And he, as a child care that meets the rules of a game, has begun to hit the ceiling with something, I do not know what and do not want to know. It did not give two, three shots in imitation of my repetitive signal (this would made a real baby). He must have thought (that pretentious word!) The game was upward, and then continued for a couple of minutes to give shots and mica has been limited to hitting the same spot, no, he has shot through the house screaming something Guttural unclear. Maybe he did not think of winning.

Once I had the idea to talk to our landlord, but then I met him at the supermarket and I saw that there a place for these works 'socially useful'. Then I thought: if this is clearly not cosider is fine and we're in Texas, USA (do you have a gun? "Why not?), I folded up to the silence.
violence and ignorance. How can you swallow this cocktail?

Postscript: in the movie 'My Neighbor Totoro' neighbor, represented in the image I added to the term, it was not so shit! But you know, the movie is always much simpler ..

Postillina: the film, however, recommend it, as I had occasion to recommend in previous posts on the wonderful world of Miyazaki.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Socket A For Amd Athlon Xp 2.25ghz

a bit of music and memories ..

Friday, March 28, 2008

Fruit Of The Spirit Joy Coloring Page

To place TIME

Elezioni 2008. Io sono qui. E tu dove sei?

Reading the experiment last post DARK, I could not resist and then put the result. In my case it was quite obvious, but who knows, maybe sometime you may have bad surprises!

Monday, March 24, 2008

How To Adjust Headlights On Scion Tc


I admit, that of ' on the road is the thing that I like more of this strange country. It gives me a sense of extraordinary freedom. Yet, theoretically it can be done in Europe. But he has the same taste; not even think about it in these terms, when you're in Italy. Maybe it's because we tolls you lender and is not always easy to get around by car in the city, at least not without a dose of tranquilizer! Here everything is arranged for you, travel on four wheels:

1 - first of all not expensive to rent a car, brand new , with lots of various insurance and peace of mind if you break something you just call them, wherever you are, (the beautiful chains) that you are taking and give you a new car.
2 - petrol costs much much less than in Italy ($ 3 per gallon).
3 - there are also motels in the middle of nowhere and all prices.
4 - eat well, but not in abundance and cheap.
5 - there are never problems with parking (except downtown).
6 - the roads run straight and without traffic is a marvel.
7 - street names are composed of numbers and cardinal directions: easy to navigate without a map.
8 - the machines have the cruise control , the actions and you forget you're driving.

Since spring break, so we decided to this time give us a ride to the east, in search of the heart Spa Arkansas, the Natural State, or Hot Springs. I do not but I never expected the Arkansas Natural State is full of parks and lakes . Not by chance is a tourist destination for many Americans, who come to enjoy lakes, hot springs and hiking trails in the shade of pine forests. Very relaxing. To get there I crossed a small piece of Texas, and to return a piece of Oklahoma. Texarkana is a city located on the border between Texas and Arkansas (the name is a mix ) e Texoma è il nome della regione tra il Texas el'Oklaoma! Non conosco altri esempi , ma sono sicura che in America ce ne sono moltissimi posti ibridi. Un altro posto ibrido è la mitica Paris-Texas, che è stata la prima tappa del mio viaggetto. Non potevo non andarci. Dopo Wenders quel posto non è più stato un punto sulla cartina ma un luogo mentale, onirico che infatti non ha niente a che vedere con la ridente cittadina che gode del primato di miglior paese di sosta degli Stati Uniti (che poi pagherei a sapere chi li dà questi ricoscimenti!). Comunque Paris sembra davvero un posto piacevole e ci vuol del senso dell'umorismo per innalzare una Tour Eiffel adornata di cappello da cow-boy in Texas! Especially since the pictures looks huge and seems to live a joke! And good Texans!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Can I Connect My Xbox Through A Dvd Player


I paid when I was in high school or college to have this mini-holiday arrival of spring. Yes, because the spring is an exceptional time of year. Especially for people like me who hold their breath during the winter, almost, because they can not go into hibernation, waiting to pass soon. I like the cold, Christmas, the snow, but if I had to choose I would say that the crisp air of pollen and the buzz on the trees I belong more. And then I think everyone feels better when the sun is shining in the sky. No coincidence that the Nordic countries are conspicuous by their vitality, not least in the popular imagination. Moral: now I'm happy to get this week off from everything to just lay around and do whatever you want but never find the energy to do. Everyone here take the opportunity to travel to Cancun, New Orleans, San Diego, Galveston is the most popular destinations. In fact, fares go up. I do not think so I will venture to these same shores. Should I avoid because mingle with the student mass is almost become impossible. Better to settle for less touristy places and more middle-aged (the Dante of course!). And here the fun part of America: Take the car and go and go and go and go and go and go ....

Monday, March 10, 2008

Sample Welcome Letter To New Employees


That way you imagine a city full of books that sprout from every nook and sewer. In reality this is not so because it is not just in cities. Archer City is an intersection of two roads which run along the few buildings that contribute to this intersection in the middle of the desert, a precise location on the map of Texas. And if one is better informed, finds that this dot hosts the largest library of used books in the United States and was founded by a man who is born there and then took off to become one of the highest paid screenwriters in Hollywood: Larri McMurtry (a title for everyone, what has earned him the Oscar: Brokeback Mountain ). From this stems from her curiosity and desire to be in half-hour drive to the Texas plains to get there. And what they discover is a surreal place that really takes the form of these stores or huge, divided into 4 different areas and home to something like 300,000 books. Then call it 'shop' makes little justice because he was born unbridled love for the object book and not by the desire to make a profit through the sale of books. Indeed, prices are far from cheap, particularly given the second hand (if not the twentieth!). As if it was important to sell but have accumulated over decades, mountains of books and already this has become an end. In fact, I have to say that there is a feeling of not wanting to buy for fear of removing something to this paper sculpture. Then I thought, "Maybe this is not one of the reasons that gave birth to the cathedral of books: let every traveler carries with it a piece of this dream." So I have three pieces here with me ...

Below pictures taken there. A copy of the leaflet spread the news of the death sentences of Sacco and Vanzetti, and urged the workers to struggle. The Portrait of Larry with his son. The edition of 'Naked Lunch' by W. Burroughs in the series pornographic 'Traveller's Companion'.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Mason Jar Candles In Ontario

's last photo of this morning.
NB - the type of the strong side has flip-flops!

Where I live in Tuscany and it does not snow hardly the same thing here. In fact, here is your stranuccia the snowfall. Although thinking about it as well last year it snowed. It is for this reason that the snow brings me to something unusual and magical.

When the snow falls for me, the world takes on the colors of the tale. The charm is released because everything takes on a new form and thus a new life. This opens up new possibilities for everyone. The imagination begins to work and suddenly you are somewhere else.

"Snow is a poem. A poem that falls from clouds and light white flakes.
This poem comes from the lips of the sky, from the hand of God has a name.
A name of a dazzling whiteness.
Snow "

Maxence Fermine

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Wholesale Damask Wrapping Paper

51 to 48

we lost a battle, not war!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Can U Catch A Wart Orally


Today's the day for Oby. Yesterday I saw all day with the TV spots. A bad red tie underneath the dark blue suit. It stands out so well with his Carniato. But I see me a little thinner. You are wasting. As I recall the invitation to eat lasagna! Now with all these phone calls (Sunday called me back) and all the messages I send to the radio, we Roseanne! I have to protect him from the Clinton Family. A nightmare. And as he said Beppe Severgnini (I went to a meeting with the editor of Corriere della Sera on Sunday) to Hillary's too good. It looks like the wicked witch in 'Hansel and Gretel' that draws in his gingerbread house is perfect, the two brothers, they can fatten up and then devour them in a tasty soup. We want to be as smart as Hansel and make them feel a little bone chicken instead of the fingers of your hand so that we will never be enough grassoccelli by appealing to her. Oh, for the political classes are attractive even when we strinto the belt until the last hole when it comes to taxes. But maybe it works here in Italy? Italian politicians are coveted by the savings of small rather than the hoards of colleagues and / or contractors. But then the only way out in Italy would be really not vote. Show dissent through the single act of protest which would treat them and really cares. I'm 32 years old and when I turned 18 I have always voted and always the same color. This time I might not be able to vote is good, although I'd rather choose not to. Okay I give up right to a hard-won mainly by women? Yes, in this case yes, because you do not exercise a right when we vote for someone who does not consider that estimate or at most the lesser of two evils. This is not a waiver of a right if we are disappointed by the band that we voted and that has not implemented one of the measures envisaged by the program under which we voted. You do not exercise a right when you are not motivated to exercise. It 's like to go on strike as the fault of the maker of snacks. You do not exercise the right to inviolability of the home if I kill to protect it with a gun near my twenties playing on my door asking for information (it happened here yesterday). Are many and inviolable rights that we have. Unfortunately, the question remains to be still in a position to really exercise. Here and in Europe. In the rest of the world did not just talk. I wish that for once was the sovereign people to decide whether there are fine the way things are. We want to see new faces and to hope that when you return promises one thing then is maintained. A beautiful groomed to 'those guys who can spit and scream in Parliament, which can bring down governments in trouble family, which allows the law of the pardon as the first major operation, which allows those with winks deserves jail, you can not comply with the program, which allows you to go to elections with an electoral law 'crap', which allows you to make bullshit law, which allows you to make laws ad personam, which makes insulting the Constitution, which allows it to be racist and I could go on for hours, do not want to give it to him ? If you were a child did not have behaved so badly puniremmo??
We continue to call into question the principle of impunity as a sovereign instead of justice?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Anyone Had A Endometrial Polyp Removed



"Hi, this Barack Obama to"

"But you say?" I think, in a second order "It 's a joke! But is it really him? Ah, and' a record!" "Yeah, good morning! What do you think?"

"If You Want To me you can vote for it right now, just call 866 ..."

"What do I do? Not bad voice on the phone almost call almost immediately. YES I CAN!"
then realized "But I'm saying? I'm Italian and I can not vote!"

(Not because I'm Italian, of course, but because of the many rights that I have no one to vote).

Too bad. For once I even called home.
I've never been much considered as voters.

than American!

Eppure funziona. Mi ha messo voglia di votare per lui. Dopo che me lo ha chiesto lui, così...a tu per tu...con questa bella voce cavernosa e decisa...Mi ha convinta subito.


Monday, February 25, 2008

Clear Fluid Before Period Or Pregnancy


Divano, tavolino da divano, mortazza fresca, pane fresco, pecorino, pomodori (dei mejo che se trovano) maionese e serata degli OSCAR in TV. E così, tra un piantino e l'altro, ti gusti tutte le tue robine saporite; perché tanto non se può fare a meno di frignare a ogni consegna dell'ambita statuetta! Mi piace proprio stare così accucciolata in casa. Mi fa molto 'inverno' e 'due cuori e una capanna'. Sono soddisfatta di questi oscar. A me i fratelli Coen piacciono, li trovo originali e le loro battute ieri sera, accompagnate da un atteggiamento sull'orlo del noncurante, smorzavano la naturale tensione che accompagna tutta la premiazione. Mi dispiace per Cate Blanchett. E' stupenda in 'Elisabeth' e non mi sorprende che il film si sia aggiudicato il premio per i costumi. Che carina l'attrice francese, Marion Cotillard, irriconoscibile paragonandola alle scene del film su la Piaf, che ha ringraziato dicendo:' Ma allora è vero che in questa città ci sono gli angeli!'. Pensare che ha la mia età.....
Gossip Corner: tre attrici incinte, la Blanchett, The Jessica Alba, Nicole Kidman (a bit nervosina yesterday ...).
am overjoyed for Tilda Swinson (do you remember her in 'Orlando'???).
And what about the boys to the Oscars? Speak for themselves. Too bad for George and Johnny, but as I said last night: 'I am so beautiful and talented and rich! That daughters 'care of the statue?!'.

And you know what's the beauty of these evenings? You do not overflow with suspense. If you think the awards (from San Remo to the Big Brother quiz) in Italy, you feel bad. They make you pass the desire to know the result. Here are the breaks but then the show goes well as it should be smooth and what the heck! We hope that the carbon paper we have set up this country comes to these details so far left to chance. That should be taken only worse as children by their parents?!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Muni Bonds Puerto Rico 2010


Yes, life can change in an instant. We see but do not know. I do not believe and accept it. The fear and yet do not we take care of.

tatuiamo it and tasted it there.

On this occasion the music has warmed me like the breath of someone you love.

not sleep, my eyes are open for you.
I look outside and look around.
How inflates the road
of dust and wind in the back alley ...

When you arrive, when you come to me
look at the corner of the sky
where is written your name,
is written in the iron
in the circle of a ring ...

And I still love
and it makes me sigh.
now and when he returns to the charm.

And if I find myself tired,
and if you find me off, if the best
already come
and I could not
keep it inside me.

Old already know why,
hotels and even sad,
that is too little and not enough
and only once.

And still protect the grace of my heart
now and come back when the spell.
The wonder of you ...
you near me.

stones in his shoes and dust on the heart,
cold in the sun
Bastan and not words.

Mi spiace se ho peccato,
mi spiace se ho sbagliato.
Se non ci sono stato,
se non sono tornato.

Ma ancora proteggi la grazia del mio cuore,
adesso e per quando tornerà nel tempo...
Il tempo per partire,
il tempo di restare,
il tempo di lasciare,
il tempo di abbracciare.

In disgrazia e in fortuna,
in pena e in povertà,
nella gioia e nel clamore,
nel lutto e nel dolore,
nel cold and the sun,
sleep and love.

protect Wherever the grace of my heart.
Everywhere protect the grace of your heart.

Everywhere protect, protect me ill.
Wherever you protect with your heart.