Thursday, June 4, 2009

How Much Isit To Ship From The Usa To London




Both Psycho-Neuro - Endocrine-Immunology that the ancient Chinese theory of Five Elements agree that unresolved emotional conflicts can create energy imbalances in the physical body and, consequently, metabolic disorders and organic diseases. Just as the accumulations of various types are toxins that can cause imbalances energetici e manifestare alterazioni emozionali e negli stati d’animo delle persone.

Vedere il nostro corpo come una macchina, considerandolo suddiviso in organi e sistemi e separare le funzioni psichiche dalle organiche rappresenta un principio di dualismo mente-corpo che deriva dal pensiero di Cartesio in filosofia e dalle teorie di Newton in fisica.

Questo modo di pensare oggi sta cedendo il passo ad altri apporti filosofici nonché alla fisica einsteniana.

Il considerare il corpo e la mente separati ha provocato una differenziazione tra sintomi somatici e psichici: i primi vengono considerati il risultato di una disfunzione organica ed i secondi di una alterazione della mente.

Anche i più recenti psychosomatic approaches, which consider the physical symptoms as the effect of a mental disorder, continue to maintain a separation between the two levels and even the PNEI, which we mentioned at the beginning, unable to completely overcome this limitation.

The view that now is becoming the most is that the Human Being is a "psychobiological unit" and can be defined "psychic body".

The "psychic body" is a unit supported by the nervous system (divided into central, peripheral and central) that works in conjunction with the Environment and with the rest of the organs and systems.

It 's the nervous system that creates a set of dynamic responses and adaptations through which they develop patterns of behavior and metabolic reactions to stimuli and the emotional conflicts.

Understanding this "psychobiological unit" is clearly in the discoveries of modern quantum physics and biology:

The Theory unified field (Fidel Franco) and the theory of strings and superstrings (particles multidimensional, real messengers, ceaseless weaving of material particles, which arises from the coherent organization of each body) offer a unified view of all the mind-body connections and at the same time, explain the mechanism of the disease as a phenomenon of "resonance" observed in the field and microphysical causes changes in the substrate biophysical "consciousness" found in the formations of the Nervous System (Zohar, Danah, "Quantumself" - William Morrow & Co. 1990), and changes in biochemical, functional and / or organic.

's research biologist Bruce H. Lypton show that DNA is influenced by our thoughts and the environment, hence we understand the importance of our thinking, both positive or negative, our biology and therefore on our health.

Genes &

# 160; geni

The human being is composed of billions of cells each of which has functions that are equivalent to those of our nervous system, digestive system, respiratory system, the endocrine , circulatory, excretory, reproductive and, through the use of certain proteins behave like antibodies, an immune system.

also have the capability of learning experiences related to the environment and create a sort of cellular memory that can be transmitted to daughter cells.

For example, to form an antibody against a virus protein, the cell must create a new "gene" (using DNA fragments that encode specific proteins), which becomes the model for defense against the virus.

The antibody produced in this way becomes active, producing endless copies of himself that "snap" the invading virus and the disabled "marked" because it is destroyed.

Genetics, through its research, has convinced us that genes have control of our lives and that heredity determines our behavior and our pathological predispositions.

It was discovered rather than diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular problems, cancer, etc.., Can not find the cause in the hereditary predisposition, but the complex interactions between various genetic and environmental factors.

We can say that the activity of a gene derived from the gene itself but by a signal coming from the environment.


& # 160; dna  

Le cellule del nostro corpo sono composte principalmente da quattro tipi di grandi molecole: polisaccaridi (zuccheri complessi), lipidi (grassi), acidi nucleici (DNA e RNA) e proteine. Naturalmente le proteine sono il componente più importante degli essere viventi.

All’interno di un cromosoma, il DNA costituisce il nucleo e le proteine avvolgono il DNA coprendolo.

Quando i geni sono coperti, le loro informazioni non possono venire “lette”.

A questo punto occorre un segnale dall’ambiente per cambiare la forma alla proteina in modo che si stacchi and can be read from the DNA of the gene.

explain this process:

Each protein consists of a linear chain of amino acids whose links ( peptide) are flexible in such a way that allows the chain to take various forms by virtue of the interaction between charges electromagnetic present in the chain of amino acids, just like a spinal column that has the ability to rotate and twist.

The final form (conformation ) of a protein is the result of balancing its electromagnetic charges, and, if the charges are altered, the protein will change its shape per adeguarsi alla nuova distribuzione delle cariche.

La distribuzione delle cariche elettromagnetiche in una proteina può essere modificata da una serie di fattori quali: il legame con altre molecole come ormoni o enzimi, l’aggiunta alla catena di ioni carichi elettricamente oppure l’interferenza con campi magnetici.

Una molecola di carica positiva o un segnale di carica elettrica, che si lega ad una estremità della catena proteica, crea un eccesso di carica alterando l’equilibrio elettromagnetico della catena, con conseguente modifica della conformazione della proteina.

Il cambiamento della conformazione crea un movimento della proteina che attiva determinate metabolic and behavioral functions such as digestion, breathing or muscle contractions, and so on.

When the signal is separated, the protein returns to its original shape.

These alternations cause continuous changes in shape of the protein (even thousands of times per second) and represent the movements that make life possible.

When the biologists were able to dissect the chromosomes, they found that the genetic material is composed essentially of two types of molecules, proteins and DNA.

The long strings of DNA molecules can be divided into individual "genes" : segments that make up the model per proteine specifiche.

In questo modo noi abbiamo il “codice” per ricreare il meccanismo proteico della cellula e, attraverso la riproduzione della doppia elica di DNA, l’autoreplica del DNA stesso.

Poiché le caratteristiche di un organismo vivente sono determinate dalla natura delle proteine, e, siccome queste sono codificate dal DNA, è il DNA che determina i caratteri dell’organismo.

E’ così che, per la Genetica, il DNA è la “causa prima” che ha in sé tutte le informazioni ereditarie dell’uomo.



In seguito alle più recenti ricerche scientifiche che portano allo studio del Progetto Genoma Umano , si scopre invece che il numero dei geni forniti dal DNA sono insufficienti a coprire i fabbisogni della complessità della vita umana (25000 contro 120000), soprattutto se pensiamo all’infinita gamma dei comportamenti, all’enorme capacità di azioni coscienti espletate, alla coordinazione dei movimenti, alle precise risposte ai mutamenti delle condizioni ambientali, alle capacità di apprendimento e di memoria, alla complessità della fisiologia del nostro organismo, ecc.

Infatti le scoperte rivoluzionarie dell’ Epigenetica (controllo del patrimonio genetico) dimostrano che caratteristiche e comportamenti complessi, coordinati e funzionali, nonché metabolismi, rimangono intatti anche in cellule enucleate.

Cioè cellule enucleate conservano le loro funzioni biologiche in assenza di geni. Questo vuol dire che esistono altre memorie cellulari e che i modelli di DNA trasmessi dai geni non sono fissi dalla nascita.

Infatti le influenze dell’ambiente: il nutrimento, lo stress, le emozioni, possono modificare i geni senza modificare il modello base, e l’aspetto più importante di tutto questo è che queste modifiche sono trasmesse alle generazioni future like models of DNA, that is, through the duplication of the double helix.

We can say that the changes of the information produced by cellular signals, which are the "life experiences" can be transmitted as a store of genetic inheritance to their children and family and not just the characters transmitted by the DNA.


& # 160; depression

Thus, organs and systems involved in these changes translate and express "specific anatomical modifications" that can be found in "Biological Medicine" and the discoveries of Dr.. Geerd Hamer at various stages of the disease and according to the organ or system affected, showing that all diseases have a psychological origin.

The concept of "psychobiological unit" is confirmed when you notice, in the CT images of brain abnormalities in specific brain areas.

The pictures show particular changes to a circular shape in the glial mass, localized in distinct areas of the brain that determine the area where the conflict occurs and indicate the subject's psychic body corresponding to that area, demonstrating the intimate connection between mind-brain-body .

To clarify:

From the standpoint of phylogeny, the man in the evolution of millions of years, to be single-celled to date, has developed organs and functions as needed.

organs and functions that operate on a "regular program" operation and control of a situation of survival (food, space, family, etc.)..

When a catastrophic event happens suddenly, psychologically experienced as a danger to the survival, biological causes an acute and unexpected shock and is activated immediately, self-defense, a "special program" , which disrupts the normal operation, triggering the evolution of a pathological process by which a phylogenetically is "sensible" for survival and that, with a different mode of operation, will cope with the conflict.

The "special program" is different and specific for each organ involved and is managed directly by the brain in the transmission of information by means of neurotransmitters.

As we have said from the moment of shock alteration manifests itself "synchronous" on three levels: mind-brain-body, highlighting a particular sign brain (outbreak) detectable in the TAC

This situation will evolve together with the various phases of "disease" both emotionally and bodies involved in activating the "special program" until the resolution of conflict.

Since the shock the subject enters a phase of sympathicotonia (overproduction cortisol and adrenaline) that sustains him and helps him deal with emotional conflict and staff until such time as the condition of conflict decade.

vagotonia start of a phase during which you experience the damage and injuries caused in the previous phase.

The longer the period of conflict and depending on the severity of the bodies, longer and more dangerous is the period of settlement.

When the phase of vagotomy is at most there is a crisis (epileptic crisis) and is at this stage that there is the greatest potential risk (heart attack, pulmonary embolism, etc.)..

The worst cases are when the conflict lasts long and / or continuous repeated recurrence of the situation becomes chronic and the solution becomes more dangerous because the crisis is more serious.

must avoid or delay the crisis by keeping the subject in sympathicotonia sympathicotonia products, both allopathic and homeopathic or natural, so "earn" time to treat the pathological changes and the challenge of solving the conflict with greater confidence, using the appropriate treatment and the timing of any biological entity.

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MAGNETIKA © (2nd Chapter)


These remedies look alike, in a sense, homeopathic remedies Hannhemann and, as such, are the result of a surprising intuition, in fact they are designed and prepared to "work " at various levels, the effects of emotional conflicts and traumas that occur 4 expressions on the human being: Mental

- emotions, phobias, fears, stress, etc.. ARKOS-throne

Staff - metabolism, organic diseases, etc. . Darach

Mobile - cellular memories, degeneration, etc.. ADEKA

support tissues - bones, cartilage, muscle, etc.. Dominum

Therefore, the remedies are 4, but each is prepared in 10 different dilutions and each dilution acts at a different level investigation of the pathological.

Each of the 4 remedies consists of three basic molecules composed of salts and various combinations of salts allow the choice of remedy as needed.

Preparation of remedies Magnetika

The procedure consists of exposing the remedy, which is placed in a rotating drum, a magnetic field Tripolare a given frequency (3600 Gaus, of which 1200 Gaus on each pole). At the same time

remedies are invested by Microfequenze Harmonic Oscillating produced by a complex system of synthesizers that use technology and MT FM (Frequency Modulation and Micro Tuning).

The frequencies with which they are polarized salts are 3: A carrier, which has the task to work always and only on brain neurotransmitters and two interactive, acting on the frequency levels of emotional conflicts in "traumatic memory".

The Synapses

; il_soffio_della_vita

La comunicazione tra cellule nervose avviene attraverso “ segnali” chimici o elettrici che, passando da una cellula eccitata a una in riposo, provocano in quest’ultima un potenziale d’azione, eccitandola.

Il punto in cui i messaggi nervosi passano da una cellula all’altra si chiama sinapsi. La cellula che trasmette il segnale si dice presinaptica, quella che lo riceve postsinaptica e possono essere di due tipi:

- sinapsi elettriche - sono punti dove si scambiano ioni ed altre molecole trasmettendo stimoli elettrici.

- sinapsi chimiche - sono points where the presynaptic cell, close to the synapse, and produce specific substances called neurotransmitters that are released when the area in which they are earned is depolarized by the arrival of an action potential. They are released into the synaptic cleft and go to bind to specific receptors on the postsynaptic membrane of the cell.

- It is important to say that chemical synapses can have contrasting effects: "excited" where the neurotransmitter depolarizes the postsynaptic cell, producing a new action potential, and "inhibitors" where the neurotransmitter binds to the membrane postsynaptic cell by increasing the resting potential and producing a "inhibitory postsynaptic potential" which is opposed to any signals that may arrive after the excitatory cell, neutralizing it, so as to prevent the transmission of any other electrical signal.

neurons interact through specific frequencies that allow all the bioelectric processes essential for the management of all metabolisms: mental, psychological, emotional and organic .

When you create changes in this area, and most often occurs because of psychological traumas, conflicts, poor management of emotions, constitute special circumstances activity of neurons can be altered to produce and pathological situations and brain, a cascade also extend to metabolism, organ and tissue matching.


When you create a predisposition to the formation of conditions which produce real "habits" or "ways of operating priority" , also reinforced by the establishment of "cellular memories " and that cause phobias, recurring thoughts, obsessions, anxieties, etc.., Magnetika action is to inhibit these features altered by blocking the transmission di quei neurotrasmettitori che innescano e mantengono questa situazione.

Infatti l’assunzione di una compressa di Magnetica, mezz’ora prima di coricarsi, determina il blocco per otto ore dei segnali elettrici relativi alle informazioni che noi vogliamo inibire.

Si possono prescrivere contemporaneamente fino ad un massimo di 3 rimedi di diversa struttura e potenza energetica.

Ogni notte, per 2 mesi, si effettua così un vero e proprio “reset” del sistema dandogli la possibilità di rigenerarsi e riportare le sue condizioni di funzionamento in armonia, con la modifica dei flussi ionici attraverso un ritrovato riequilibrio delle polarità all’interno and outside of the cell membranes and protein chains that wrap around the genes.

In this way, gradually vanish in the system changes produced by emotional conflicts in various parts of the brain and, consequently, the dysfunctions and diseases that cause all the appropriate bodies and metabolisms. The action of magnetic

manifests itself starting from the nervous structures of the mucosa of the digestive system, by which they are read and decoded the information contained in the " program remedy (just as happens between the reader and CD).

a result of this "contact" attention or "neural tension" of the subject, the stage of sleep, is attracted to this complex mass of "harmonic information" that act through neurotransmitters, the energy changes caused by trauma and conditioning, contrasting them with a uniform magnetic field and to empathize with "harmonics" input by the remedy.

At this point the subject will benefit from a series of "reset" in the areas affected.

The human mind, to accelerate real-time events and memory at the speed of thought, is forced to use a mechanism of internal dialogue of the information past and present compressing (zipping ) the magnitude and immensity of the mass of information, thus creating areas of energy disorder.

In this way the same neurotransmitters, which pass signals are unconsciously altered traumas, are "attracted" by magnetic frequencies, whose sole purpose is to dissolve the accumulated energy dystonic in one or more trauma, and begin to operate harmoniously.

This, as we have said, takes place during sleep so that perceptions, vital functions and meaning of the subject will not be altered.

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MAGNETIKA © (3rd chapter)

LE "power" of MAGNETIKA

As we have seen the disease is nothing but the expression of an altered physical or mental condition:

It 's the change in a state of equilibrium implemented by our body to meet a critical situation of conflict.

E 'then the photograph, the representation of the relationship we have with ourselves and with the environment around us: work, desires, commitments, emotions, passions, survival, failures, anxieties, fears, etc..

Disease is a biological behavior that is the way "sensible" and intelligent with which our body deals with the struggle for survival.

The meaning of life is in fact "in staying alive."

Each of us faces the disease with the means at its disposal and that is because we are not all equal: the establishment, inheritance, type of life, environment, education and behavior to differentiate us, making us unique and personalized expression of the disease, but the "mechanisms" with which our body expresses the disease, are driven by biological survival programs that are common to all.

When a situation occurs that the individual sees as a possible danger to the survival of creating psychic alteration which leads to an existential conflict, and that triggers a repair program.

Each of us lives under this threat to knowledge and consciousness has of itself, which are the result of education affected by various factors such as morality, environment, religion, politics, etc.. and determine the awareness of their ability to address and resolve the difficulties of existence.


If, on the contrary, it creates the belief that he could not resolve the situation, he becomes prey to emotions and feelings prevent us from thinking and the risk becomes higher.

At this point you establish a concatenated organization of thoughts, formed by the sum of the unresolved problems in life, structured so as to create a constant state of mind and repetitive, which adds to the disappointment of failed attempts at a solution, which leads to a devaluation of himself ever deeper and the formation of increasingly serious illnesses.

remedies "Magnetika" , as we have seen, act on changes in four aspects of the Human Being:

Mental, organs, cells, tissue and support in every area, su 10 diversi livelli di coscienza del Sé.

In questo modo il soggetto viene aiutato ad acquisire, di volta in volta, attraverso il superamento dei conflitti, una maggiore conoscenza e consapevolezza così da ritrovare l’equilibrio psicofisico ed integrarsi con la propria esistenza e con l’ambiente.

Elenchiamo il campo d’azione di ogni “potenza” dei rimedi:

  • 01 - SOTTOMISSIONE Tutto ciò che non si riesce a dire e che limita la libera espressione della propria volontà.
  • 02 - CONFLITTI DA SOTTOMISSIONE - E’ la “cronicizzazione” e l’acquisizione di “usuali” comportamenti di vita in cui i condizionamenti soffocano la personalità.
  • 03 - BLOCCO EMOZIONALE - Chiusura totale, è l’incapacità di comunicare. E’ la difficoltà a manifestare emozioni e sentimenti e ad esprimere la sessualità.
  • 04 - BLOCCO EMOZIONALE DOVUTO AI GENITORI - E’ la mancanza di comunicazione totale, come la precedente, ma relativa al rapporto con i genitori, dovuta ai condizionamenti ed alle paure subite da parte degli stessi.
  • 05 - TRAUMI SUL DNA - Traumi primari ed ereditati dai nonni.
  • 06 - TRAUMI SUL DNA DERIVANTI DALLA MASSA GENETICA - Alterazioni ereditate da tutte le precedenti generazioni. La somma delle somme ereditarie.
  • 07 - REGISTRATE SUGLI ORGANI E FUNZIONI - INTERCOMUNICAZIONE TRA EMOZIONI PRIMARIE - Mancanza di dinamica tra la parte emozionale e la parte organica.
  • 08 - SE SUPERIORE - Inizia presa di Coscienza.
  • 09 - DUALITA’ DOVUTE A SOTTOPERSONALITA’ - Fabbrica di bugie, masks. Submission to the ego.
  • 10 - ADJUSTMENT, NEW MAN - Discovery of an ocean of energy, encouragement, vocations, freedom of Being. Interactivity with extrasensory abilities of the mind, perception, processing power.

Observing the action expressed by 10 powers as we see from the Power 01 Power 10 , starting from the behavioral and physical expressions, through emotions, through a process of growth and acquisition of awareness comes to the perception of our Being as Consciousness Separate but linked and merged with All the .

The Biological Medicine, which we discussed earlier, is the result of careful observation of the behavior of living beings against themselves and the environment by combating for survival.

The struggle for survival during the evolution of species, has meant that it would create in our brain programs behavior and response of our body such as to enable us to survive in our environment.

The most important programs are: the achievement and maintenance of territory of food, the defense of offspring , the fear and escape, the ' attack.

The lion, for entire seasons defended his territory and its position as the pack leader and player for this by adjusting the functions of your body need to fight every time he stuck a suitor, when he loses a battle and is exiled, start phase of conflict resolution experiences and activate the repair of damages.

If the damage is beyond the ability of the repair implementation lion dies of heart attack within 9 months and will conclude the process of a biological law which obey vital programs.

L ' Human Being, like other animals, is subject to the laws of biological survival, but it is not only an animal, is something more because, unlike the animal, has a higher consciousness that, through experiences, the expression of the will, the desire for knowledge, the growing perception of being part of an infinite whole, the spiritual, religious, self-awareness, feelings, emotions, consciousness is a ever and constant expansion, which leads him in his growth, to understand how to overcome the trauma-related emotional involvement by helping to introduce behavioral changes in their lives. The task of

Magnetic is to accelerate this process of evolution of consciousness and bring the man, not only through his conflicts, but also, through conduct more aware, to avoid crearsene new ones.

© Magnetika

® Presentazione elaborata nel giugno 2009 da H.p. Mario Meluzzi nel ruolo di consulente scientifico.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Shirt And Tie To Wear With A Grey Suit


Addio azzurro cielo
Addio notti trapunte di stelle
Addio fragranti fiori
Addio sfolgoranti tramonti
Addio scoppi di risa
Addio affetti
Addio lusinghe d'amore
Voi non potete più trattenermi qui
Sono in volo verso Casa

Addio caldo abbraccio del sole
Addio fresca brezza Farewell sweet music in the morning

poignant farewell beloved children

Farewell dear friends I have long been happy with you

Rocked by my thoughts
Dive into the emotions you want
abandoned the dream of illusion

Farewell to my body , now you're building
Farewell breath, you get out of my chest
Farewell heartbeat, companion of my life
Farewell Farewell projects

dreams I am flying on the wings of silence to House
My heart beats again ..... in Him ......

...... and all the sorrows of my life that I
buried in the garden of my soul.
Now, in the presence of the Father,

will bloom beautiful flowers that will cheer
the eternal spring of Heaven.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

How Herpes Travels To Arm


This course, which has a national character, is part of the program of a school where knowledge is communicated not only knowledge, but the experiential and interactive which stimulates the student not to stay on the surface, this is not restricted only to 'notional and theoretical learning, but deep down the principles transmitted using observation, experience and freeing your mind of prejudices and opinions that non hanno un reale fondamento perché non fanno parte della sua ricerca personale.
L’aspetto pratico del Corso è molto importante perché si basa su tecniche fisiche, respiratorie e mentali scelte in modo da tenere conto delle alterazioni funzionali e delle necessità di riequilibrio psicofisico dell’uomo occidentale moderno, in modo da prevenire e mantenere la condizione di buona Salute. Obiettivo che si raggiunge imparando l’Arte di “prendersi cura” di noi stessi, con attenzione e calma mentale, attraverso la comprensione delle proprie capacità di salute e l’assumersi responsabilità e comportamenti in armonia con la propria esistenza.

Una volta raggiunto un minimo di 12 partecipanti will be decided on the location and dates will be scheduled.
The course is divided into 12 workshops: one weekend per month for 12 months and there is a final exam where the student must submit a lesson in one hour.

For information call: +393474794916 Tel

Yoga can not "teach" Yoga is transmitted.
The "program" Yoga is an act of love that takes place when the transmission takes place, that is when they become partakers of the other emotions that are the result experiences lived and not really something that is learned only by studying or listening.
Each student, whether touched by this emotion, is the urge to try to turn, and is receiving the proven experience teaching.

This course is part of the program of a school where knowledge is communicated not only knowledge, but also experiential and interactive with which stimulates the student not to stay on the surface, this is not restricted to learning theory and notional, but deep down the principles transmitted using observation and freeing your mind of prejudices and opinions that have no basis in reality.
Ciò richiede un grande impegno, attenzione e pacificazione mentale, fermezza ed una apertura percettiva che permetta di spaziare liberamente nelle vaste dimensioni della Coscienza per una crescita armonica, attenta e consapevole.
Conoscenza, esperienza ed emozione sono alla base della saggezza.
Questo è il momento in cui l’Umanità non ha più bisogno di insegnanti o maestri che, con i loro insegnamenti, possono condizionare la Mente o creare dipendenze, questi sono tempi in cui ognuno deve divenire maestro di se stesso.

Anche l’aspetto pratico del Corso è molto importante perché si basa su tecniche fisiche, respiratorie e mentali opportunamente scelte per creare un vero e proprio “Corso di Yoga therapy "which takes into account the physiological and psychophysical balance the needs of modern Western man.
will therefore preferred "sequences of positions" (Krija) sorted and organized so that they have a beneficial effect on the joints, muscles on the apparatus, on metabolism, organs, and emotional appearance that will, as necessary, to soothe, relax, stimulate, activate, drains, etc.. organs and tissues.

The man in our society, caught in a vortex of emotions, urges, actions, too easily forgets himself and his vital needs: there is no love, no respect and little Plan the psyche and health deteriorate, and appear alterations that lead to diseases.
At this point the only remaining possibility, in an attempt to regain health and happiness, is the most easy to use drugs.
drugs that, in most cases, in addition to not solving the disease, are addictive and make chronic problems.

There are other ways to regain health and one of these is to take responsibility for ourselves and use all those tricks to become the architects of our well-being, striving to "take care" of ourselves with care, mental calmness and discipline, in order to understand their health and ability to la responsabilità verso Se e verso il proprio corpo.
La conoscenza e la pratica dello Yoga ci permette di ritrovare e mantenere lo stato di salute e la pienezza della Vita momento dopo momento in qualsiasi ambiente o situazione in cui cu troviamo.

Le origini dello Yoga
• I “rami” dell0 Yoga
• Espressione e finalità dello Yoga
• Le posizioni classiche
• La conoscenza di se stessi attraverso l’esperienza diretta di sensazioni,emozioni, stati di coscienza evocati con pratiche Yoga sia fisiche che mentali
• La Concentrazione
• Il Rilassamento
• La Meditazione

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Rhinestone Turning Green


When your eyes throw

lightning storm is in my chest

The earth sings his best songs

the touch of your feet

My love

traveled for centuries, and when you have
found peace

If you looked at my face

would you make my life sweet beyond death

The mystery of the infinite

is written on your forehead
and I never tired of reading

Community Service Letter Of Completion Sample

LE People come into your life ...


People come into your life for a reason a season or a lifetime. When you know it, you'll know what to do with that person. Surely it is to give you advice and support, to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. These people can
seem like a godsend and they are: they are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to end. Sometimes they go, sometimes they act up and force you to take a decision. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled, our work is done: your prayer has been answered and now it's time to move on. Some people come into your life for a SEASON because your turn has come to share, grow and learn. They bring you an experience of peace and you laughable. They may teach you something you never did, usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy.
Believe it, it 's true! BUT ONLY FOR A SEASON. The relationships that last a lifetime teach you lessons that last a lifetime, teach you what you need to build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person and put what you have learned in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

Stomach Pain While Ovulating





OF times spent together,

MOMENTS OF SHORT AND fleeting moments

and farewell long and tormented.

E 'of words unsaid,




that Graffiti HEART,


overwhelming EMOTIONS WITH

you could not IMAGINE.

E 'made up of moments

where you would like to "Stay"


"It 's time to go."


and soul mate








need to be strong,


THAT CAN CHANGE existence,

who purposely pretends to ignore

fear, false strength, or overconfidence ...

And the occasions past,


even in the midst of so many people, perhaps a little 'Empty,


OF EMOTIONS THAT THE REASON FOR NOT CAN 'prevent you from trying

ready to face another ESTATE,

another winter, another year,




Friday, April 24, 2009

Hit Head And Have A Headache

direct translation from the lessons of Paramahansa Yogananda


ENERGY RESOURCES OF THE BODY The human body can be likened to a car battery. Just as the car battery dipende dall’acqua distillata immessa dall’esterno e dall’energia proveniente dall’interno, il corpo umano dipende dal cibo e dalla Forza Vitale.

LA VOLONTA’ ATTIRA ENERGIA DAL COSMO DENTRO IL CORPO. Questa Forza Vitale” è raccolta principalmente nel midollo allungato e distribuita nel corpo attraverso le sottodinamo nei cinque plessi. Il midollo allungato è alimentato dall’Energia Cosmica che ci circonda e che è attratta nel corpo dalla forza di volontà, in questo modo l’Energia Cosmica è convertita in Forza Vitale the will which is the radio receiver and the generator main body. Very often, however, people get discouraged and allows inherited inhibitions of the subconscious mind to hinder the will. The charm of old age, accidents, illness, heredity, instincts, etc.. demoralize the will of many individuals. During a serious illness, for example, memories of previous illness as well as memories of past failures, frustrations and disappointments caused by weakness, fill the consciousness with the fear that the body can not heal. Death may occur if a "did not give in", and if you refuse to be discouraged, will produce the vital force that can repair and readjust all tissues including bones, organs, etc.. So if one refuses to be discouraged or take seriously the illusory body changes and thoughts related to hereditary limitations, the disintegration of the body is arrested. Different degrees of strength of will develop the corresponding degrees of sensitivity to pain and death battle wounds and some live, others are resigned to "fate" for every little ailment.

thus becomes evident that the type and length of life depend on the will. Many people die long before they die physically mentally, and when one ceases to have ambitions e di interessarsi alla vita, la volontà si paralizza. Quando questa volontà-radio è fuori tono o distrutta, l’Energia Cosmica cessa di rifornire la “dinamo” di riserva del midollo allungato e la salute fisica lentamente viene meno per mancanza di Forza Vitale. Questa è la causa principale dei sintomi della vecchiaia. Più forte è la volontà, più grande è il flusso di energia nei tessuti e nelle varie parti del corpo.

Il food can not rejuvenate the body of a person whose will is weak, because it's the will inside, or life force, which changes food into energy. Solid, liquid and gas can not be treated after the supply of life force, which depends on the will, has ceased. When one has a strong will and resolute becomes increasingly independent from the food: it can absorb the consciousness of immutability and inject it with cosmic energy in all cells, making them free from deterioration or growth. Then, these cells become "magnetized" and living alone with the vibratory power of cosmic energy or Smart word of God, the Bible is God

cosmic energy, through the will, supply the medulla oblongata, which in turn feeds the five complexes. Life Force carries on the plexus in the "work phone" of the five senses through sensory nerves and the muscles and joints through the motor nerves. The same vital principle charges the movement, gives life and nourishes every cell in the body also every nerve, all of these in turn recharges all other body cells. Since cells are nothing more than condensed energy and desire, can be instantly renewed by the power of a strong and unshakable will. Therefore you should never think or say to be tired, because then you become twice as tired and paralyze the will to be active in order to enter the Cosmic Energy in the body. Acute and chronic diseases resulting from lack of vital force, by a poor diet, overwork or from other bad habits.

The food and medicine have only an indirect effect on simple and limited to germ cells and are very slow in changing the nature and behavior of somatic cells and organs specializzati. La medicina ed il cibo appropriato possono aiutare molto ma non possono ricreare un organo. Perché ? Lo spermatozoo e l’ovulo, traendo nutrimento dal corpo della madre, si sviluppano da particelle invertebrate di protoplasma trasformandosi in un bambino con ossa, nervi, organi, ecc. La Forza Vitale ed il cibo crearono tutti gli organi specializzati partendo dall’ovulo e dallo spermatozoo perché essi contenevano tutte le informazioni nelle cellule germinali obbedienti alla mente, comunque, mentre gli organi si formavano, le cellule cambiavano. Queste cellule diventate “somatiche”, costituenti gli organi ed i tessuti, sono molto rigide e difficili da controllare al punto che che il cibo e le medicine sono incapaci to recreate organs. Originally, the mind and life force induced germ cells to create organs, but once you change the germ cells in somatic cells, they begin to govern the mind and life force, then humanity can regain the power to heal , recreate lost limbs or organs, only learning how to convert somatic cells in good condition, that is obedient to the germ cells. Releasing the Life Force and mind from the bondage of body and increasing the vitality and mental power, you can make that change in somatic cells germ cells.

Gli organi sono mantenuti dalla mente subconscia che contiene la registrazione delle nostre esperienze e del nostro comportamento attraverso tutte le nostre incarnazioni, perciò, sebbene il corpo umano si sviluppi da cellule germinali mutevoli, subconsci e ben determinati architetti (designers) lentamente trasformano queste cellule germinali in cellule somatiche che costituiscono gli organi specializzati e le membra del corpo umano.

In altre parole, le cellule somatiche sono governate da architetti organici specializzati: questi sono il risultato delle nostre azioni passate e nascono e muoiono con organs and limbs consciously to plan and build. When a lung or an arm is lost, the architect who specializes in lung or arm that dies with him, so the body is unable to recreate these lost parts of the body.

In order to recreate the lost organs is necessary to perform the following:
1) The Life Force must obey the will instantaneously.
2) The will must be converted to the Will of God that creates all. 3) The Life Force must be filled with the "designers" psychological organs when these same human organs are lost due to illness and accidents. The "designer" lost must be displayed until it is reborn again. To be able to do this, you must be able to materialize his thoughts.
4) The will must be able to make them float in the Life Force is the vital force must be continually recharged by cosmic energy. The will must be kept clear and unobstructed by hereditary influences discouraging.
5) Finally, when the will can overcome all the prejudices inherited instinctive concern that the recreation of human organs and create "designers" psychological living, then these "designers" are starting to use the extra charge of vital energy and condense the Life Force in semiconscious electrons are further condensed into gas, matter and so on. Then the architects (designers) are starting to use the new protoplasm created by the condensation of energy, chemicals, food and blood of the body to rebuild and replace an organ lost. Buried in the human mind is evil: weak idea of \u200b\u200bimpotence for millions of years, and it will take years to learn how to practice these methods.

This method of healing occurs unerringly with the development and the strengthening of will power and life force, in addition, this force of human will must soak the invincible, unlimited healing power of the Almighty. Neither medicine nor any other agency material was able to have control over the electronic force, vibration, and the creative power of human cells. If the body is deprived of energy and consciousness can not live if you can not deny that medicine has its usefulness, however, know that most depend on the limited power of medicines, your will be weaker and more difficult it is to access unlimited healing power of the Divine. The more sarete in questo Potere tanto meno avrete bisogno di dipendere dalle medicine. Difetti organici e malattie croniche possono essere trattate con successo con la forza di volontà ricaricata divinamente e la Forza Vitale che da soli sono i costruttori onnipotenti di tutti i tessuti nuovi o corrotti del corpo. Ossa, sangue, midollo, nervi, tessuti cerebrali, ogni parte del corpo è materializzata direttamente dall’ovulo e dallo spermatozoo per mezzo della latente forza di volontà e dalla Forza Vitale.

Naturalmente, originariamente la Volontà Divina dovette create and materialize the sperm and ovulation, which contained the most perfect divine plan. The primordial sperm cells and ova were materialized in the bodies of the original man and woman, Adam and Eve, before the spread of cause and effect was established. They could rebuild their bodies and spread materializing their vitality and their tendencies, covered with flesh and limbs materialized. They were in constant communion with the Almighty, so their force of will was in tune with the infinite will and they could create human beings from the ether in the same way of God 'only after that their will became a slave of the ego and senses rather than driven by saggezza che essi svilupparono il sesso e la creazione sessuale. Questo significò la caduta dai loro poteri divini a modi terreni di vita e creazione. La loro volontà, non più guidata dalla saggezza si oppose alla Volontà Divina che è guidata solo dalla saggezza. Da allora una caparbietà malguidata, ostinata ed una satanica ignoranza, essendo concentrata nel corpo mutevole invece che nell’Immutevole Spirito, hanno creato difettosi, limitati “designers” dei loro corpi e dei loro organi.

Questi “designers” mentali difettosi, ereditati dagli originali genitori di tutta l’umanità, sono così perpetuati nelle infinite cellule dello sperma e degli ovuli. In questo modo l’uomo perse il potere di materializzare figli spirituali e di creare corpi perfetti in cui qualsiasi organo o arto, ecc. poteva essere ricreato a volontà. La rottura di ossa, la perdita di membra, organi o perfino ferite o perdita del cervello non avrebbero conseguenze se potessero essere ricreati o ripristinati senza dolore per mezzo di metodi supercoscienti e con la Volontà Divina, durante il rilassamento cosciente o sotto anestesia. Se il territorio della volontà e dell’energia è l’intero corpo umano, l’individuo ordinario, che è schiavo del suo corpo, trova che possiede soltanto un controllo imperfetto sui muscoli. La prima thing to do is to learn to control the muscles and body with the will and the Life Force, then learn to feel alive will the relationship between life force and vital organs with the relaxation of involuntary sensory nerves and organs, for example by removing power from the heart, lungs, etc..

Doing exercises for "energizing" (tension and relaxation) can operate with an absolute faith in the almighty power of the will. The purpose of tension and relaxation is the decoupling of the Life Force and mind body awareness. Slowly, painstakingly and patiently, stretch and relax, that is, send and remove either the life force, several times several times, from anywhere in the body. When this is achieved, the will and the Life Force in fact possess the whole body and can, through their "healing rays" chronic remove defects from all over the body. The astral body, similar in appearance to a vast nebula or the tail of a comet, charging the physical body of Cosmic Energy through the medulla oblongata. As the official science has shown that a piece of chicken heart can be kept alive and can grow with the administration of food and chemicals, the "Hindu Yoga showed that the heart and the human body can be kept alive in a state of "recklessness" without food, oxygen or chemicals.
(If the heart had stopped and the energy distributed throughout the body, it does not decompose, but if the heart had stopped and the energy withdrawn from the plug, the decomposition of the body would be inevitable. The Yogis know how to stop the voluntary action of the heart and lungs to stay alive at the same time retaining a bit 'of cosmic energy in their bodies so as to support the cells in a state of unconsciousness.)

Questo metodo non è efficace per gli organi involontari che possono essere ricaricati solo praticando la tecnica di concentrazione Hong- So. Per curare disturbi cardiaci o cerebrali, uno può mandare mentalmente energia alla parte affetta concentrandosi semplicemente su di essa, senza tensione. In questo modo si può mandare una debole, fievole corrente di energia a qualsiasi parte del corpo. Effettivamente il tendere e rilassare con la volontà produce più energia che la concentrazione da sola, ma anche una gentile cosciente tensione e rilassamento dell’intero corpo invia energia salutare e vitalità curando cuore e cervello. Bisogna ricordarsi, comunque, che nel tendere e rilassare l’intero corpo with a view to cure ailments of the heart or brain, the concentration must be focused on the organ ill.

C'E 'Another method of healing.

· Sit with back straight.

· Contract and relax your body gently.

· Calm down - Tap once the medulla oblongata in order to make it easier for you to focus on it. Then visualize the cosmic energy that surrounds and penetrates the body through the medulla oblongata and the point between the eyebrows, and subsequently into the spine.

· Feel the energy flow along the entire length of both arms to the hands.

· Continue to contract and relax the body and feel the life force flow from the medulla oblongata and from the point between the eyebrows, across the spine to the hands.

· Stop to contract and relax and rub firmly with the entire left arm with the palm of his right hand (up and down several times). Do the same thing in the right arm with your left palm.

· Relax continuously displaying the Cosmic Energy and wanting to believe that it derives from the medulla oblongata in the hands through the arms.

· Now, with his eyes closed, but quickly gently rub your hands together for about twenty times.

· Separate le mani e portate le braccia in alto, sentirete la corrente vitale fluire dal midollo allungato nella spina e nelle braccia con una sensazione di pizzicore e formicolio.

· Le vostre mani così magnetizzate con l’Energia possono essere usate per curare e guarire qualsiasi parte ammalata del vostro corpo o di qualsiasi altra persona che non è necessario sia nelle vostre immediate vicinanze, perché non occorre toccare il vostro paziente. Questa Forza Vitale che passa attraverso le mani ha un potere infinito di proiezione.

The human and Energy will monitor the human body is imperfect, but the will work perfectly divinely transmitted not only to treat your physical afflictions, but also those of other lontani.Perciò although you should, therefore, see Consult your doctor and he must have faith in you, and you need to send the healing energy by moving your hands electrified by the method described above up and down in space as you want to stop the electrical flow in the body of your sick of all paziente.Fate this in a quiet room for 15 minutes, until you feel you have reached your goal.

Convert your hands in batteries divine divine rays emanating from your hands anywhere and at any time may be required. So, your hands, loaded with divine power, will send beams into the heart and brains of your patient, so the seeds of ignorance will be destroyed and he will smile with health in the Love of God

Learn to convert your healing hands on batteries, so that the divine current will flow through them at will. By these means, when used properly, diseases of body and mind as well as the disease of ignorance of the soul, will vanish in this gentle touch, they are distributed da vicino che da lontano. In questo modo uno diventa pescatore di animi : che egli possa impigliarli nella rete della sua divina saggezza guaritrice e donarli a Dio.

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The gas and run

run to you a hundred per hour and do not let more


I would melt like snow and
such as running water

sing your sweet reason in the night

This I would

Flying in the sky like a cloud over the world and cry

a shower of rain, a sad love

I would know the pain of too much tenderness

wanted to bleed

cry of joy
This extreme happiness
I would like to see you laugh

as a spring day and feel the sun in my heart I would

and hold you tight as harp
draw sweet melodies

I would be a flower field

you relapse
and put in your hair


I would look into your eyes and lose myself

no escape in the immense ocean of tenderness

This I would

Breathe your breath slowly absorb yourself

to merge in
This one breath
I would whisper

ear sweet words to dissolve

our love in a sea of \u200b\u200bkisses That I would

Write the word

always in our hearts and in the infinite

This I would

That I Love You I

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Boat Design For Pinewood Derby



Faced with the disease of school divisions are arbitrary and sterile: "Medicine is' UNIQUE" There is no allopathic or naturopathy, there are only sick people who want to alleviate their suffering.
It 'my opinion that the "medicine" and "natural medicine" should operate in an integrated manner. Allopathic medicine in the course of human history has been enriched by knowledge and by following the evolution of the disease over the centuries has specialized in various directions. While branches such as the Diagnostic and especially surgeons have reached very sophisticated levels of efficiency and are still evolving, the field of Clinical Medicine and Therapeutics has not evolved hand in hand.
fact in an attempt to chase healing of disease through the elimination of symptoms and acting directly on the metabolism with natural active ingredients and has lost sight of the fact that the Human Being is not only the body, mind or just only the psyche, but it's a whole in these aspects are intimately connected and interacting with each other and where the symptom is nothing more than the "light" of an uneasiness that often has its cause beyond the body: in other planes of Being. The man is a biological entity that depends primarily on the laws which contain and provide access to information on the evolution of the Human Being from its first cell to date. Read each one, according to his of being and relating, in relation to interpret the constitution, heredity and environment in which vive.A this point, Natural Medicine, which takes account of these factors, is the discipline that can, through careful observation and individual provide valuable tools for the prevention of diseases and imbalances, cure, or alongside the Medical Officer with success in treating chronic diseases and support the patient in the treatment of acute illnesses that require treatment with important medicinal chemists, and helping to modulate the effects disintossicazione.In This therapeutic approach is multidisciplinary and uses all the known pharmacological and natural therapies, Psychotherapy and behavioral-that, in a synergy that can help the patient out of the disease and maintain health.
We, modern people, in this hyper-technological society we grow the same dreams of our ancestors and to ask the same medicine as always: the reassurance against the fear and the promise of healing. Unfortunately, the medicine can not cure all diseases and yet we are often faced with situations in which body, mind and consciousness are interwoven with pain, fear, expectation, hope. An Integrated Medicine offering a new relationship between doctor and patient can help a person to take his life with dignity and to feel better: The Medicine "Official" practiced to use with intelligence, and strict adherence to a logical and deductive in its infinite knowledge, if it is accompanied by Naturopathy which has in itself the tendency to learn through an interactive experience that stimulates not remain on the surface, that not limited to simply reading the symptoms, but deep down through observation free from prejudices and preconceived ideas: create what I call "Medicine." All this requires a big commitment, attention, creativity, peace of mind, firmness and a perceptive ability that is able to constantly open to new acquisitions.
's why the Naturopathy, in relation to each individual patient, considers it important to inform the person about his condition so that it includes what the conduct to be respected-Tando their skills of health with the responsibility that each must have to himself and to his own body to the success of treatment and especially for prevention. This idea is contained in the simple expression: "take care" and involves both the doctor that the patient in a therapeutic relationship of equal responsibility, albeit with different tasks, actually promotes the healing process.