Saturday, June 26, 2010

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Il cane da caccia

The Golden Retriever dogs are specialized to find and return the game killed by a hunter, often fall into the water. To fulfill this task properly, the dog must be a great swimmer ...
A good Golden Retriever is not afraid to dive in 'colder water, even if the' access is difficult.
addition, it must be very determined to find the game and this requires a considerable force. For this work, the dog needs a good nose.
To avoid damaging the game, must also have strong jaws and a 'great power: it should capture the' animal gently but firmly, without having to shake or bite.
also must also get used to the sound of gunfire (a dog that gets nervous or scared at the sound of a gunshot may have other good qualities, but can not be a good hunting dog).
Finally, the dog must be very bright and fun show to iil working with his master.

Monday, June 21, 2010

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Sfondi Golden Retriever

For those who have decided to post the free download as wallpapers depicting Golden Retriever!

If you want to see on this page backgrounds on the Golden Retriever, maybe pictures Your Golden or even pictures of these dogs that you found on the web, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail tilde.zampa @

Note: some of these backgrounds were used to illustrate the texts in this blog.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

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Senso Puppy

The assumption that man as for other animal species experiences during childhood have a greater influence on adult behavior of those experienced at any other stage of development or later (Simmel & Baker , 1980) is quite common in the literature. In the second half of last century, studies in dogs have repeatedly confirmed this idea.
The most famous of these, to which reference is made is still led to the Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory at Bar Harbor, Maine in the now far 1945 JPSCott and later with the collaboration of JL Fuller.
These studies led to conclusions that is nothing short of amazing that in the very early stages of development are particularly sensitive to the puppies' influence of their surroundings and remain vulnerable to the point of permanently psychologically traumatized! (Scott & Marston, 1950; Freedman, King & Elliot, 1961, Elliot & Scott, 1961, Scott 1962, Scott 1963, Scott & Fuller, 1965; Fuller, 1967, Scott, Stewart & DeGhett, 1974). Clarence
Pfaffemberger member of the Board of Directors of Guide Dogs for the Blind, inc. San Rafael, California could in twenty years of work to increase the proportion of skilled dogs as guide dogs for training from a paltry 10% to a staggering 90% but not only! Pfaffemberger in his book "The new knowledge of dog behavior," says that none of those dogs that made up 10% were equal to any of those obtained in 90%, that is to say that the puppy with the best genetic makeup can not stand comparison with a properly socialized. Then
M. Fox, I. Dunbar confirmed the findings of Scott and Fuller. But since socialization
affect the character of our puppy? Are assigned different values, 30/70, 40/60, 50/50 according to the authors, I think that to attribute un valore preciso sia impossibile data la complessità dell’argomento, quello che però si può affermare con certezza è che qualsiasi cucciolo di qualsiasi razza se correttamente socializzato sarà sempre migliore di quello che sarebbe stato se privato di questo fondamentale processo e viceversa! L’altra pietra miliare è rappresentata dalla ricerca compiuta dall’esercito statunitense culminata con il programma di stimolazione precoce “Bio Sensor”.
Il programma sviluppato dai militari era indirizzato ad ottenere cani più intelligenti attraverso l’esposizione dei cuccioli ad esperienze che causassero un leggero stress.. Anche in questo caso veniva identificato un periodo sensibile durante il quale opportunamente stimulate the puppies.
The sensitive period is a step in the maturation process when what happens in the environment the dog is more likely to influence its behavior in the long term or permanently, ie a period during which learning takes place with ease and experiences are stored in long-term memory. During the sensitive period a small number of experiences have a decisive effect (positive or negative) on the future behavior of the dog. The sensitive periods are preceded and followed by periods of low sensitivity and the transition is more gradual.
may seem an exaggeration to speak of dogs but is not superintelligent * so. M. Fox in his "Understanding Your Dog" shows how with the help of laboratory tests it was possible to see an increase in the size of brain synapses and thus the exposure of pups to moderately stressful experiences.
Incredibly, as the practice of laboratory evidence of Scott and Fuller had been confirmed in two decades of work Pfaffemberger with guide dogs, Fox's work was reflected in the practical results obtained from more than twenty years of work 'U.S. Army through the program BIO SENSOR. I invite the reader to reflect on the uniqueness of these events! Research, study and practical application on very large numbers shadow of absolute scientific rigor applied to the dog!

Senso-Puppy is concerned to provide the impetus necessary for those puppy for a complete development of inherited traits, in synch with his mental and physical development so that it can adapt to interact naturally in a much more complex than that, which according to archaeological finds the dog has evolved for 14,000 years, 100,000 or even more as' recently established a study of the DNA (Wayne).

AUTHOR: Charles Colafrancesco

Friday, June 11, 2010

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La Toelettatura

AUTHOR: Pandolfi Andrea

An important part of the preparatory phase is represented by exposure to a grooming. This expression means the preparation, more or less complex, the dog's coat in order to give the best appearance possible.
for certain races this operation is rather long and laborious because it requires complex interventions (such as stripping) that only very skilled hands are capable of.

The preparation of a Golden is, fortunately, quite easy though, of course, requires experience, good hand skills and exact knowledge of the ultimate goal to reach. In many races the grooming is often intended to cover groped defects. In Golden, it is mainly practiced to enhance the appearance of certain characteristics that makes it impossible to appreciate nature, especially where you have available, such as exhibitions, a very limited time to reach an assessment.

The equipment which provide itself is quite simple and includes: •
a pair of scissors and straight blades long enough;
• a pair of scissors with serrated blades;
• a brush, a comb
•, • a
stripping knife (only if you are skilled enough to use it).

areas where there are not many action: •
the front formed by the neck, the chest and shoulders
• ears; •
feet; •
the back of the metacarpal;
• the bottom of the sternum;
• the rear of the metatarsal;
• tail. Many owners of Golden

have a kind of awe of the grooming, considering leaving unable to make and fear of causing some kind of disaster.
Like many things, too, is an operation that the first attempts will not lead to expected results. The important thing is not to be discouraged and come to understand, as you progress, what progress and what mistakes.
It 'obvious that you should observe first, if possible, the work of someone more experienced, trying to emulate the gesture. Since the hair, and as such is subject to rapid regrowth, in any case will not cause permanent damage. Better still not to carry out experiments in the vicinity of an exhibition ...
start from the front, which is perhaps what is more difficult and requires more caution. Anyone who has seen a Golden
natural state will have noted the existence of a kind of mane from the neck and through the shoulders, reaches the chest. This overabundance of hair can rarely appreciate the length of the neck sometimes giving the impression of un'attaccatura diretta tra testa e spalle.
L'angolazione di queste ultime è pertanto rilevabile con più difficoltà, mentre l'abbondanza di pelo sul petto e sullo sterno può conferire l'impressione che il cane sia basso sugli arti.
Prima di iniziare ricordiamo che una buona toelettatura è quella che, a distanza di una decina di giorni e con il primo accenno alla ricrescita del pelo, dovrà conferire al cane un aspetto quanto più naturale possibile. Il consiglio è di procedere con prudenza, stante la facilità di eccedere nel taglio e il rischio di creare disomogeneità nella superficie del pelo.
Per la toelettatura di questa zona si utilizzano le forbici dentate e un pettine. Si introducono le punte delle forbici, in direzione from bottom to top, the underside of the hair and proceed to two or three cuts at most time. Then, with the help of the comb, it removes the hair cut and check the result. It 'necessary to act with a certain order, starting with an area and gradually extending the operation to the surrounding areas. Where the hair to be removed is very, it is convenient to carry out an initial "rough" and then proceed to finish. It 'always keep in mind that the result should be uniform, so if you proceed to clean the neck rather marked, you can not then leave a mass of chest hair abundant, because the contrast would be excessive.
Once you are familiar and "occhio", si potrà graduare la portata dell'intervento sulla base delle caratteristiche del cane.
Ad un cane con torace non molto sviluppato sarà bene lasciare una maggior quantità di pelo sul petto, mentre un cane con collo non eccessivamente lungo troverà giovamento da una marcata pulizia dello stesso. La presenza di un po' di giogaia consiglia la pulizia a fondo dal pelo di questa zona. La parte inferiore dello sterno e le frange relative devono essere ritoccate tenendo conto dell'impressione generale del cane. Infatti un cane piuttosto basso sugli arti necessità di una toelettatura più marcata di uno che, come si usa dire, "ha molta aria sotto di se".
La zona delle orecchie deve essere ritoccata per permettere di farne stand size and shape. The project, to be performed with scissors gear, primarily concern the area around the pavilion in order to visually remove the head and neck area from below. Then you will go to the cleaning of the ear in the strict sense (including the removal of unwanted hair inside the pavilion) and the contour of the same.
The operation can be performed with a stripping knife, a serrated blade that is equipped with a handle. The hair is held between the thumb and the blade and proceeds to short movements when facing the direction of the hair. The result is a sui generis much less clear cut and a more natural result.
Now for the foot area.
Using scissors straight, continue to cut the hair along the outer contour of the fingertips and also removing any excess fur in the middle of the foot pads. When the hair is too long in this area are easily formed of the nodes or accumulation of land that can be a hassle for walking. The cut is intended to reach the form of "cat feet" required by the standard.
In the area of \u200b\u200bthe metacarpal and metatarsal (corresponding to the area located between the hock and the foot) will be used scissors gear for cleaning the excess hair, allowing you to bring out the best shape of your foot.
The tail has considerable significance in the general and its preparation is when shortening the length at the terminal with smooth flow and leveling of the fringes.
After brushing the tail well and holding the tip of the same with one hand, there shall be checked with the help of scissors straight, leaving at least an inch or two from the last vertebra (which will be used to hold the tail raised to time of presentation). Then we will proceed, again with straight scissors, cut the fringe so that the tail assumes the characteristic shape of a semicircular array. By way of a guide you can lay down the maximum length of ten centimeters of the fringes at the highest point of the range. In mid

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Cucciolata Luglio 2010

July 2010 in 'breeding Big Brave Bear Zanetti Carla, in Velletri, two beautiful litters born from


And ...

with ...

Puppies will not be delivered before the age of 60 days of life and will have:
-microchip to certify their correct registration to 'Population-Canine
medical records attesting to the vaccination and
-worming made the photocopies of certificates of exemption of parents from hereditary diseases

-pedigree-a cd with photos dl puppy in the first two months of life
a full-
-collar + leash a little game.

Info and reservations:

Carla Zanetti

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Segnalazioni cucciolate

Do you have a litter of Golden Retriever?
can sponsor free on this blog, writing an e-mail to 'address tilde.zampa @

litters will be sponsored only meeting the following points: 1

- Parents
disease-free 2 - Documents and evidence necessary to ensure buyers health and provenance of the puppy
3 - Offspring of breeding that are not coupled to each heat and have no had more than 4 litters
4 - Puppies born and lived in hygienic conditions required, checked and, not least, treated as due
5 - Litter born on farms (or private) serious

We kindly ask you to attach in an email Photos of both parents and, if the litter is already born of this' last.

NB: The farm, where we sponsor the litters are only those recommended in the right column of this page

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Trovare il proprio Golden

AUTHOR: Isabella Bruno

A Golden puppy is irresistible ...

why sometimes there are those who brings it home without thinking about it much.
"It 's so sweet, tender, like a stuffed animal!"

BUT NOT 'A stuffed animal!

It 's a puppy that will grow quickly and become a big dog that is over 30 pounds.
a dog that is not enough to stay in the garden, although large, to be happy. Can live well in an apartment, the important thing is having time for him. He needs to run, taking long walks, play, share the lives of his two-legged and not be left alone too long. In short, is a dog from active life, not the ones who love lounging. Likes to "do and learn," suitable for activities such as landfill or agility.

For his sweet and sociable, sometimes it is assumed that a dog is "easy" or suitable for children. Which is true, but only if they are educated and if the children are taught how to deal with him.
For this we should think twice before choosing this breed and be sure to be suitable for a Golden.
for information on features of Golden can be found at the Italian Club Retriever and Golden Retriever Club Italian

If, after reading a few books, got information on various sites, spoken with friends who already have a golden, have assessed the pros and cons and it was decided, began searching for the puppy. Do not be
fretta, ma seguire delle regole, imparare a osservare e a distinguere, fare domande, cercare risposte e magari farsi anche dei chilometri prima di trovarlo. Si può cercare negli allevamenti o dai privati, basta che abbiano certi requisiti e forniscano garanzie sulla provenienza e salute del cucciolo.

Cerco di sintetizzare dei consigli, che nascono dall’esperienza personale e di altre persone.

La prima raccomandazione è di non comprare un Golden nei negozi di animali.
Né qualsiasi altro cane… è uno dei posti più tristi e sbagliati in cui un cucciolo possa stare ! Spesso sono cuccioli tolti dalla madre prima del tempo e che quindi avranno problemi comportamentamentali. E molti provengono dai paesi Europe, without any sanitary control and therefore risk of being sold already sick.

The second suggestion concerns the pedigree.
Some people think that it does not serve unless you plan to breed your dog or take him to exhibitions.
But the key function is to document the pedigree of the puppy from the examination and report of dysplasia, which in the case of Golden is really important.
do not say that without a pedigree Golden is necessarily a "waste." But we must investigate why some missing and wary of anyone who tells us that both are the same, the dog is fine!

The third suggestion concerns the price. Currently the average cost of a puppy from a herd is around 1000-1300 €. It is not a trivial amount, but do not go hunting, hoping to save the rebate. Maybe a shop can be found at 500 € ... and then maybe I will spend many more in vet and medicine, because they often are not healthy dogs.
You can find a person who sells less than a breeder, but be sure to give you any guarantee of reliability and documentation.
If you start your search for farm animals, discarded those that have many races, such as "puppy of the supermarket and look for those that only breed Retriever. There are farms

amateur and professional, recognized or not ENCI.

During the visit is important to note:

dogs where they live - where they live pups
- how many dogs, how many
the elderly - relationship between dogs and breeder
- spaces available dogs, hygiene

And ask

- to see the parents of the puppies
- to know how many litters has already done the female
- how many years there farming

A good breeder and / or private sector differs from :

- want to know before they put the puppy
- explains the characteristics and needs of the breed
- explains the problem of hip dysplasia and oculopatie
- vi interroga sulla vostra vita e quella che farà il cane
- si informa sulla vostra esperienza cinofila
- ascolta pazientemente le vostre domande
- vi mostra il pedigree dei genitori del cucciolo, con il timbro dell'esame della displasia, gli esami dei gomiti e degli occhi.
- si mostra disponibile a darvi consigli prima e dopo avervi consegnato il cucciolo

Un cattivo allevatore e/o un privato si distingue da:

- tiene i cani in spazi angusti, cattive condizioni igieniche
- non vi fa nessuna domanda su come e dove vivrà il cane
- si comporta come se stesse vendendo un oggetto e non un essere vivente
- vi consegna il cucciolo prima dei 60 giorni
- Does not make you visit the farm
- there shows the pedigree - exams dysplasia, elbows and eyes of the parents of the puppy
- offers to send you a puppy if you live far

Once you choose a breeder or private, must wait for the litter. Before reserving a puppy, think about the best time to take it home, whereas the first days are the toughest. You can take it during the summer holidays or Christmas, if you pass in a place suitable for a puppy. However, in a time when you will have some 'time to set it in the best way.

And when you will davanti ai cuccioli…. ah, come sarà difficile scegliere !
Molti lo fanno in base al colore, più chiaro o più scuro a seconda dei gusti, ma non dovrebbe essere questo il primo requisito per sceglierlo. E’ meglio valutare il carattere; nei cuccioli di 40 giorni si possono già notare le diversità di comportamento. Chiedete all’allevatore; se ha passato del tempo con i cuccioli saprà dirvi qual’è quello più timoroso o il più intraprendente, quello che abbaia di più etc. Si possono anche usare dei Test - il più noto è quello di Campbell - per osservare le loro reazioni e il carattere. Ma non pensare che questo basti... Un cucciolo calmo, se andrà a vivere con una persona isterica, danger of becoming too ... this is to say that some pups inherit the character of the family, but much depends on how we will live then we bipeds.

Then let go and choose the emotion from the heart ...
See if one of the cubs is approached often to you or draws your attention for some reason or if his eyes makes you fall in love.

and taking home that puppy
think you have a friend gold
and love him as he deserves!

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Gabbie e recinti

AUTHOR: Sabrina Gasparri (kennel Glisten )

the carrier or the CAGE KENNEL and are containers with roof and door, made in different sizes proportionate to hold all types of dogs, available in various materials such as plastic or metal. They are used to confine the dog for security reasons, training apartment, to protect furniture and other goods, for travel, in case of illness or simply as a kennel. They are always used with confidence by those who participate in trade fairs, trainers, breeders, groomers, veterinarians and all those who are in regular contact with dogs. Individuals, however, usually reject the idea of \u200b\u200busing them because they feel it is wrong to confine your dog in a place so small and even that is injurious to your health! The

FENCE is a kind of metal fence, open roof panels formed by folding over themselves amplitude of 2-3 square meters, as required when not in use can be folded like a suitcase, complete with a handle, and employs little space. The fence will limit the range of the dog to a well-defined space within which to make its pillowy, her water bowl and its games.

Dogs do not get dirty where they sleep and feel protected if "fenced" or fixed (eg in a kennel, a cage of plastic that serves as a den). If used from a puppy, the dog will come alone and happy, where you feel protected and "at home", wherever they are.
personal experience recommend them even if their travel and stay at the hotel.

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La displasia dell' anca


The Retrievers are the breeds subject to hip dysplasia, in this type of disorder, multifactorial, head and neck of the femur with the acetabulum are, individually or together, more or less deformed. In more severe symptoms manifested by the lameness of the subject, more common in dogs with rapid skeletal growth. Many studies concern in considering, in the case of inheritance, a form polygenic (caused by multiple genes) to recessive pattern, and it is this characteristic that often although not manifested in the parents can occur in children. Today is seeking new methods of prevention through the study of the canine genome, but still not perfect you continue to use the "old" system and universally accepted radiographic examination of the joint hip joint to be able to identify the person sick.

All subjects used for breeding must have passed the examination which, although old, is an important test and a means to reduce the incidence of this disease.

A person with this disease can have symptoms varies. Usually manifests itself in an age between 4 / 5 and 10/12 months, with a more or less pronounced limp, hot or cold after a strenuous workout when movement begins. If you hit a limb alone, the gait of the animal will be lame and open, keeping the knee in the discharge period and the injured extremity. You will see the animal with a certain heaviness in the movement. There are also excellent surgical remedies that, in principle, almost completely resolved the problem by lead to the animals made a life and a normal physical activity without pain.

To receive the exemption from stamp of dysplasia on the Certificate of Origin (Pedigree), radiographic examination should be performed by an authorized veterinarian of the Association who are su tutto il territorio italiano. Costoro invieranno le lastre alla rispettiva Centrale di Lettura Ufficiale, presso Cremona (Dott. Aldo Vezzoni) per la FSA e presso Ferrara (Dott. Cesare Pareschi) per l'A.I.V.P.A. Deve essere eseguita a sviluppo osseo conseguito (oltre 1 anno di età) in anestesia generale per ottenere il massimo rilassamento muscolare con il corretto posizionamento (dorso-vertebrale) del soggetto.
Esistono diversi sistemi di lettura di queste lastre radiografiche i più comuni sono il sistema FCI (il più comune) e il sistema Willis o Anglosassone.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Im 175cm And I Want To Be 190cm

Golden del mese

Vuoi vedere la foto del tuo Golden Retriever nella colonna laterale del blog?
Allora partecipa al concorso "Golden del mese"!!!

Send to 'address tilde.zampa @ a photo of your Golden writing his name and yours.
The best will be published!

To participate, read the following guidelines:

1 - Send an email to tilde.zampa @ with subject "of the Golden Golden-month-name of the month in which you want your picture is published
For example: "Golden-moon of the month-December"

2 - For every month a new picture will be chosen, so if you do not see in that month published the photos, return it for another month

3 - The photograph should be by the end of the month preceding the desired. For example, if you want the pictures of my
Golden sia pubblicata ad Ottobre, dovrò inviarla entro la fine di Settembre.

4- La foto verrà pubblicata entro i primi giorni del mese

Quindi scattate ed inviate!!!

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Una delle prime e principali preoccupazioni del proprietario di un Retriever, e di un cane in genere, è quella di mantenerlo in forma e in salute attraverso un'alimentazione corretta e bilanciata. Prima di iniziare qualsiasi approfondimento su quale sia una corretta alimentazione dobbiamo avere ben presenti quali siano le esigenze del nostro cane in base al suo stile di vita e soprattutto in base alla sua età e al suo stato fisiologico. E’ ovvio che un adult dog living in an apartment and sleeps all day (deplorable condition for a Retriever!) may not have the same power of a dog performing regular physical activity as a puppy will have different needs than a bitch pregnant or that breast-feeding. Each of these conditions requires an appropriate power.

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Il Veterinario

AUTHOR: Tiziana Viscusi

Choose now your vet and let them know when you bring your puppy home.
Your puppy needs a series of checks to keep in perfect health. First
provide strictly comply with the dates for the recall of vaccines.
few days earlier, picked up a small stool sample and bring it to the vet. He will make a careful analysis, called flotation, with the aid of a microscope, to be sure that there are no parasites.
If your puppy present a Vermin, carefully follow the instructions you will be given in order to eliminate them.
is a good idea to perform this analysis at least once every 2 / 3 months until completion of the puppy, and then a couple of times a year in adult dogs. The verminosis are often the cause of discomfort can range from the banal sleeping mat until enteric problems of a certain gravity. To prevent any infection
viral, until your puppy has completed his course of vaccinations, it would be better not to go to parks or other places where dogs are usually taken, does not mean that your puppy needs to be run for a month or more in his arms, if you are going to take your children to school, or in places where dogs are welcome, do it quietly socialize, if you have friends who have dogs and are well assured that their quadruped is safe and controlled, do not hesitate to meet them.
Always pay close attention to the attitudes of the puppy, if it were quieter than usual, the hair was opaque or solid manure is not well take him to the vet IMMEDIATELY. Often the success or failure of a cure depends the speed with which it is maintained, then the fact that you are using a specific product for its power supply allows you to be almost certain that if your puppy's droppings are not solid, the cause will be found elsewhere, and with care, as long as has weighed increasingly on food.
overeating can cause diarrhea!
The veterinarian will have to become a family friend, who always turn with confidence to bring your puppy visits accurate, though sometimes you'd think: "Ah, it's nothing, see you tomorrow."
Especially for a puppy tomorrow may be too late, you must never forget that your puppy non potrà indicarvi il suo punto dolente e l’unico messaggio sarà un’insolita apatia e questo sarà l’unico messaggio che vi arriverà anche quando sarà adulto.

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AUTORE: Viscusi Tiziana

Ogni razza ha una serie di malattie ereditarie: la displasia di anca e gomito, ed alcune oculopatie, sono le più diffuse nei Golden Retriever.

Da parte nostra è stato fatto il possibile dal punto di vista della selezione, in fase di accoppiamento, adottando tutti i criteri per ridurre al minimo l’incidenza di eventuali malattie.
Purtroppo il rischio rimane, almeno fino a che la genetica non riuscirà ad isolare i geni portatori delle malattie congenite.

As for hip dysplasia has been recently found that only 25% of these diseases are transmitted by inheritance, but which can affect the movement of excess, poor diet as well as genetic factors uncontrollable.

We ask you to do all we can to avoid these risks by using some little caution with your friend.

The puppy up to 9 / 10 months to prevent excessive movement, like running for many hours or climb up or down steep slopes, but also simply must not fall or climb the stairs, I jump out of the car, running alongside the bicycle master, avoid violent games with other dogs because at this delicate stage, the cartilage is weaker and inflamed because of its growth, so all the movements that can cause stress to the joints are bad.

Similarly, it is to avoid a poor or unbalanced diet, without the proper supplements that can lead to a too rapid growth resulting in joint pain.

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Il bagnetto del cucciolo

AUTHOR: Marie Pierre Bodson (kennel Mapi 's Golden )

To many, the puppy just retired from his farm, would be eager to give him a nice bath, but it is a 'complex operation, will postponed until later.

In the meantime, you should clean your pet every day rubbing his hair in all directions with those of the Bayer type of wet or with a sponge soaked in warm water and vinegar (half cup of vinegar to a quart of ' water). After cleaning and drying the hair if necessary, will be combed with a carder, only in the direction of the hair and not against the grain. The ideal would be to do these things on a small table, small enough so that the puppy will not take him for a game room, high enough not to crack your back. When the puppy will understand that, on this table, there are number of things, he stands still and you will be rewarded with the premietti, will have much pleasure to be manipulated and you can expand pulendogli ears with a conditioner such as the specific Nutravet, touching his mouth to show his teeth, letting him tickle the bearings of the foot. All this will prepare him to deal more calmly manipulations such as those of the first bath, grooming and especially those of the veterinarian.

When after a month of these daily treatments, your puppy will have learned to trust in your hands, will be ready to face calmly the experience of his first bath. In addition, if you brought a small pool (during summer months) will also become familiar with the water and its noise and this will help even more peace of mind to deal with his new adventure.

Here is my advice:

• In winter, go home no earlier than two weeks after the last booster vaccines.

• In the spring or summer, choose the day is warm and windless day. If the weather is hot, you can do the first bath with warm water even if the puppy is not completely covered by the vaccines provided to dry well afterwards. In summer, there is water damage that makes cold but the air currents, air conditioning and fans.

· In qualsiasi stagione, scegliere una giornata senza troppi impegni poiché le esperienze nuove che presentiamo al nostro cucciolo vanno sempre gestite con calma e allegria !


· apposita spazzolina di gomma per massaggiare il corpo (massaggiare con le mani finché il cucciolo non avrà raggiunto i 5/6 mesi)

· sapone di Marsiglia “grattugiato” (Vedere “nota” in fondo alla pagina)

· 1 panno cane o almeno 3 asciugamani

· fon

· cardatore,

perché sarà difficile ricuperare le cose che mancano quando il cucciolo sarà inzuppato. Vi dovesse seguire sgocciolando dappertutto… affari vostri… io non rispondo di niente !

· Mettere il cucciolo in una vasca di plastica che si porrà nella vasca da bagno o nella doccia o sul terrazzo di casa a secondo la stagione lasciandogli per precauzione un collarino leggero addosso (per poterlo fermare se dovesse scapparvi)

· Bagnarlo con acqua tiepida cominciando con i piedi, poi le zampe, la pancia, la schiena, il collo. Lasciate perdere la testa e le orecchie pur di evitare di bagnare il canale auricolare, cosa che non gradirebbe. Si puliranno in un secondo momento, la faccia con una spugnetta imbevuta di acqua o acqua e aceto, le orecchie con un batuffolo di cotone soaked in alcohol to the ear and a balm for the channel. While the golden love the water, it is not so obvious that I like that the shower because of its cast and its noise. Therefore, especially the first time, is done with gestures of a jet very calm and very low, speaking softly to the puppy and giving him time to time to reassure the premietti

· Add the diluted shampoo already launched in several parts of the body

· massage the puppy with the soft rubber brush or with hands.

long · Rinse with warm water (down) in order to remove all traces of soap, especially neck, belly and armpits are forgotten too easily causing itching.

· Dry with pannocane or 2 or 3 towels until you have removed the maximum water

° in summer, dry finish with a walk in the sun after combed the carder; winter finish dry with hair dryer until it gives a sign of impatience and, having combed, with a walk on a leash so that it ends up to dry "on its four legs" (If you lie down with the hair still wet, her hair would of puckers )


· E 'very likely to frighten the puppy fon (Because of the noise) so use it this way:

5 minutes before turning it on at low speed so that the puppy gets used to bring the noise
fon the side of the puppy always at minimum power to accustom to the air blast stroking right where it reaches the air as it dries. Increase as the power of the dryer if the puppy accepts it, otherwise stay on a low setting.
three, after they passed the towel, our Golden already seem dry but they are not. The undercoat is still soaked and the water emerges gradually. Dry means that there is no more moisture.

· About bathrooms, if you wear it to swim (When it is completely covered by the vaccine), two precautions: Always dry your ears and the ear canal but also the 'root of tail, where a nerve that passes easily catches fire ... and a pain!

Shampoo Marseille:

The best shampoo ever and the only recommended on a puppy (but on an adult dog) is the soap that has the characteristics to meet the 100% pH of the skin of your puppy , one of a kind ... it is always of the highest quality 100% Marseille (to buy herbal medicine)

With the help of grated parmesan, reducing it to dust. Ponetene a small amount in a bottle tipo del vostro shampoo, aggiungetevi un po’ di acqua caldissima, sbattete per sciogliere la polvere di sapone. Ecco che il vostro shampoo sarà pronto per l’uso ! Conservate il resto della polvere in un barattolino ermetico per le volte seguenti.

E' importante non confondere il bagno "divertente" del mare, lago, fiume, piscina, con il bagno per pulizia

Trojan-enz Vs. Trojan

L' arrivo del cucciolo

AUTORE: Bodson Marie Pierre (kennel Mapi' s Golden )

A qualcuno quest'argomento potrà sembrare superfluo ma la mia esperienza mi porta a constatare che quando I futuri proprietari visitano ripetutamente casa mia per vedere crescere la cucciolata, l'essenziale delle nostre conversazioni orbita quasi esclusivamente su questo tema ! Cosa sapere ? Cosa preparare ?

Pipì ? Popò ? Pappe ? Riposo ? Giochi ? Educazione ? Quante domande, quante preoccupazioni ! E' sempre un piacere rispondere in quanto tutti questi quesiti, oltre a denotare una grande sensibilità e un gran senso di responsabilità, garantiscono un'ottima accoglienza al cucciolo, il primo vero passo fondamentale verso quel legame insostituibile che si verrà a stabilire con il vostro cane !

E' imperativo... assicurarsi che il Golden sia veramente il cane che fa per voi, prepararvi la mente, preparargli il corredo !

Il Golden is really the dog for you? First

always suggest reading some books to better understand who is the dog, more specifically in this case who is the Golden Retriever. It would be absurd to choose a particular breed without knowing the specific characteristics. If you do not want to be disappointed - and the dog even more of us, believe me - do not buy a dog because it's fashionable, because it's beautiful because it owns next door, because he's heard good things but because his gifts character correspond exactly to our expectations and we are sure to be able to meet your needs! The Golden is a very sensitive dog, it is not a dog for everyone as you might think! The British qualify it with these three words: "Will to Please" say "Please" welcomed and it is the truest thing in the world, unless we pass it to him! Absences that are too long or inappropriately violent ways to interact and educate are poisons to his heart and his mind. In the event of prolonged absence, the dog may learn to enjoy yourself and lose this desire to please his master, who sees too little or go into depression. In the case of violent methods, the dog will be confused and lose confidence in himself and will be shut down! Become a complex, an 'insecure, a frightening. I say to him: "The Golden is a dog too nobile di cuore per riuscire a stabilire rapporti profondi con chi non lo è !". Qualcuno disse : "Il Golden, bisogna sapere meritarselo !" e io condivido appieno questo pensiero ! Inoltre NON bisogna scordarsi che il Golden è nato come cane di lavoro e NON come cane di compagnia, perciò bisognerà offrirgli la possibilità di scorazzare tutti i giorni per prati e boschi al fine di consentirgli di fare il cane almeno un ora al giorno mettendo su una buona muscolatura e una testa serena. Per approfondire l'argomento, Vi invito a leggere la pagina "Il Golden Retriever" scritta da Donatella De Lucia (Associazione MyGoldenRetriever)

prepararsi la mente

Oltre a questo libro specifico sulla razza, I highly recommend reading another dealing with the education of the puppy so that they acquire the basics, you have very firm point of reference in order to avoid setting off on the wrong foot. There are two that I think is very valid:

"Educating the puppy" by Valeria Rossi (ed. De Vecchi Editore) where the explanations are simple, concise and accompanied by several photos. It 's a little book very suitable for families with small children because they store the explanations given by the picture without getting bored. This reading is also a wonderful opportunity to prepare the child to grow up taking on a new sensitivity toward animals (friendship based on respect), and new ways responsibility (maturation) that will help today against a puppy, maybe tomorrow against a brother! You must be very aware that you can not do without the help of our children as the word "education" implies "consistency", so if our children are not ready, it will be better to wait another year! Personally, in any case, I think that when the child expresses the desire to own a dog, it's always wise to give them all a time of expectation and preparation for not wasting a valuable opportunity for its growth. He must have plenty of time to convince himself that if he does not obey, her dog will not obey, that if he fails to comply, your dog does not consider him a friend. Well, I hope to be able to convince you that do not offer a puppy to a child with the same ease with which you have toys.


to get the dog

"The Dog" by Bruce Fogle, med. Veterinary (ed. Era Ora)

"Stress in the dog" by Martina Nagel and see Clarissa Reinhardt (

"The agreement with the dog: The calming signals" by Turid Rugaas (

"The TTouch for dogs" by Linda Tellington-Jones (www.haqihana . com)

"Dogs are born, you become a master" by Patrick Pageat (ed. Practices P. Editrice)

"All'altro capo del guinzaglio" di Patricia B. McConnell (ed. Tea)

Per conoscere il Golden Retriever

Encicopedia del Golden Retriever. Storia, standard, comportamento, addestramento, alimentazione di Andrea Pandolfi (ed. De vecchi)

"Il Golden Retriever" di Paola Daffunchio, Valeria Rossi (ed. Olimpia)

"Il Golden Retriever" di Filippo Cattaneo (ed. De Vecchi)

Per educarlo

"Educare il cucciolo" di Valeria Rossi (ed. De Vecchi Editore)

"Aiuto, il mio cane tira !" di Turid Rugaas (

"Il fiuto del cane tra gioco e lavoro" di Anne Lill Kvam (

prepare the kit!

Then, I recommend you have ready a large part of her dowry in order to fully enjoy his arrival. Here is a 'summary list that will tell you everything you need.

to play: tennis balls

hanks where I sunk my teeth, cleaning them
games hard to chew
The plush
No games too soft plastic or rubber that could swallow
rolls of toilet paper but these , needless to procure, trovarseli know yourself!
The bones of buffalo hide. For real bones, it is best avoided as they damage easily disorders (diarrhea)
And so much other things that your pet will be chosen for the house slippers, socks, sleepers chairs, tables. I recommend: Keep an eye on because they know they get busy ... and take the opportunity to teach your children to keep their things in order! To feed

a stainless steel bowl for water - rather large and deep (so deep to make sure that there is no lack of water and never even so it does not squirt everywhere while they drink.)
a bowl Stainless steel for food (average)
biscuits "Puppies Large Breed" brand "premium" (giving this quality food, never added vitamins or iron that would be terribly counterproductive. This quality of food "Large Breed Puppies" will be fine until the age of 8 / 12 months depending on the growth of the puppy. Next, you will switch to "hold" or to "Lamb & Rice" on the second season. If you want to switch brands of food, no problem as long as you remain in the range of excellent brands that are on the market but in this case, the new food will be integrated step by step (1 day: 10% Day 2: 20%, 3 Day: 30%, and so forth, this in order to avoid allergy problems in the Golden suffer easily). Council not to change brands every time the puppy does whims but only if there are the real problems of health (dermatitis or other) The vagaries are treated in another way! Yogurt
natural - no added sugar, I recommend - from meddling with the kibble once a day to keep the intestinal flora in great shape.
cans of wet food: quality Puppy. This wet food is optional, because, from a nutritional standpoint, does not add to dry food but has the advantage of making the meal more tasty and appetibile.Non exaggerate the value of a soup spoon.
a pack of biscuits or bread sticks (low calorific value) be given only on occasions when the puppy deserves a prize! Avoid biscuits which have a 'high protein
Oil "Heart" or even better than the 'oil' Fazoo "(found only in pharmacies): 1 tablespoon per day for a 25 kg dog) to keep the hair in good shape.
To take a walk:

a slight collar to stay home just to get him used to hold something around the neck (2 months)
medal with a name and phone number engraved on it. Choose rounded shapes that are not entangled in bushes or other.
a size small chest with a lead 3-meter (
a drip type bisognini the "bon ton" to not have the nasty surprise of fines
To clean:

a brush (heckler) to comb the your dog once a day preferably
a lotion to clean his ears once a week. Council EsaPharma
the balm of a lotion to wipe his eyes
a round brush, rubber, for him in the shower with shampoo shampoo
PH neutral soap or a good herbal medicine to buy
balm (to taste)
old towels or pannocane
To your health:

Garlic tablets made to protect it from any insect (fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, etc.).
of tablets Nutraflex Junior or Junior Mesoflex to protect your joints during its growth ( that is, up to 10/12 months) vaccinations
basic (CHPL)
protection "antifilaria" (if applicable)
protection "Rabies" (if applicable)
to his rest (day or night)

Upon his arrival, the puppy will have a great need of Your presence and the warmth of a home. For him, represented his new pack and stay there as it was close to his mother and his brothers is of vital importance. Gradually, also taught him to be alone but, not upset, you will gradually, without injury.

Upon his arrival, will therefore be important to let him sleep in your home in a basket in the shape of an egg (carrying a pillow inside) that you have put in a strategic position. The ideal would be to put this basket together with his toys, a bowl of water and a litter box filled with papers for his needs in a fence. In this confined space, your puppy will feel "at home" (personal territory, security) and will be pleased to go there whenever it decides to bed. On these occasions, took the opportunity to close the door and get away, progressively longer, ... assured that neither he nor your furniture to run any danger while you are away, why should not forget that the Golden puppies are big "biting" of the great explorers and therefore prudence requires us to to keep an eye or ... keeping them in pens or in cages. It will be important to the fence in the environment as experienced by family members because your company will increase the self-confident, peaceful and tranquil mind that it will be important to gradually teach him to stay by myself. On this basis, soon you'll have a dog, peaceful, calm and balanced under your control, learns what you do and what not to do it.

ask me what is the right thing to use, the fence or cage? It depends on the duration of your absence. The cage, that is the lair of the puppy is the crib for our baby and is very valid for the two hours devoted to nap (one in the morning, one afternoon) and night. As a puppy does not get dirty when he sleeps, it will also become clear soon. For those who must leave home for more than two hours, the fence will provide a space (territory) over where the puppy can play, drink, pee and sleep.

Although I prefer to let the dog sleep inside the house to avoid unpleasant encounters with thieves who are at risk of beating him or steal it, to avoid poisoned meatballs or just a high risk of moisture that is not earned anything to his health, if necessary, when your puppy will be 8 / 12 months, may also bear il distacco e andare a dormire in una cuccia da mettere in un angolo protetto di una veranda, di un terrazzo, di un pergolato o di un balcone. Dovrà essere innanzitutto sufficientemente spaziosa, facilmente lavabile, con apertura non troppo grande per evitare che il freddo o il vento ci penetri, rialzata dal pavimento per evitare il contatto con il freddo o l’umidità, protetta dalla pioggia, dal sole e soprattutto dal vento da nord, munita di un cuscino lavabile all’interno (meglio 2 per poterli intercambiare quando occorre lavarli). Prima di questo "trasloco" nella cuccia fuori casa, avrete dato al cucciolone l'occasione di fare amicizia con questo nuovo territorio lasciandoci un cuscino impregnato del suo odore, nascondendoci dei biscottini, of his favorite toys. One day, you will fall asleep and there, leave it if nothing had happened. Just give him time to "make us friends" and everything will become natural.

For your travels by car

The ideal is a kennel (carrier) that will force him to lie not only protecting it from shocks but also from the stress of the journey made by sitting or standing position with all the muscles in tension to rebalance your every curve and all your braking! If you have a child accustomed to the kennel, I will live as a den prottettiva exactly how he lives his cage at home, a place where you feel protected and rilassato.Il trip will last long hours that his mind and his muscles will risentino. Of course, every 3 hours will be let out to stretch their legs, drink and pee.

If the kennel is too large for your machine, use a seat belt but a lake with a pillow, inviting him to stay there and avoid lying you dirty the rear seats. Do not forget that the return of your walk in the woods, perhaps no longer a Golden caricarete in that car but rather a labrado color "chocolate" The Golden loves getting mud baths! Perhaps he considers that they are very healthy!

the fateful day

And if, along the three previous stages, there is still the desire to pass di adottare un cucciolo, sappiate che sta ancora per cominciare la parte più impegnativa, quella di badare a quella pallina di pelo che vi è appena arrivata e che sta già esplorando tutta la casa vostra, forse lasciando una pipì di qui e di qua, magari sul vostro bel tappeto persiano ! Un cucciolo offre infinite gioie e soddisfazioni ma non bisogna sottovalutare il grosso impegno che rappresenta durante I suoi primi sei mesi di vita ! Se siete terribilmente pignoli, facilmente sconvolti e un po' insofferenti di natura, sarà meglio rinunciare ad avere un cane ! Sarebbe infelice... e voi pure !

Ma se siete convinti di essere le persone giuste per accogliere e crescere un cucciolo di Golden, dotate della pazienza e del common sense that will be necessary to know that there is also a way to organize to bring in the best way to adulthood without too much effort, both for him and for you! For this subject, I refer you to the page of Dr. Lorella Notari, veterinary doctor, who very skillfully develops the topic "How to accommodate the puppy!

Ontario Boating License Age

Documenti del cucciolo

AUTHOR: Marie Pierre Bodson (kennel Mapi's Golden )

Here is a list of documents

to be delivered with the puppy:

copy of the declaration submitted litter ENCI (Models A and B)
document certifying registration of the puppy dog \u200b\u200banagrafe (without fail in the first instance on behalf of the farmer)
document certifying the transfer of the puppy (so you can record the change of ownership 'to your veterinary USL - ufficcio Canine Registry)
veterinary certificate of good health.
health card which will be made:
various sverminazzioni
The first vaccine strain "
photocopies of documents of the parents (pedigree - also - elbows - eyes)
photos of the litter, his parents, grandparents, great grandparents
various documents on the care , hygiene and training of puppies
a receipt of payment

Avocado Stevia Desserts

I cuccioli dell' Est

AUTHOR: Valeria Rossi

Who are the puppies of the East "?
They are real victims of a traffic that continues unpunished (and even legalized) for several years: that is, when it was discovered that imported puppies from Hungary, Romania and other countries 'poor', despite travel costs, cost even less than buying from the "awnings" Italians.
accounts, unfortunately, are made soon, a "breeder" Italian commercial, or one who looks at the volume production without the slightest care of that quality sells a puppy around 250-300 €.

A "canificio" Eastern sells an average of 100 €, which plus about 50 € for travel expenses (usually on overcrowded trucks, so the real expenditure is divided by the number - the highest - to "victims" transported).
The importer-wholesaler can then rely on a higher charge, and does not care

absolutely NOTHING if it involves buying sick puppies.
Why sick?
Simple: because having to get into the store before the 40-45 days (the age at which they are more "attractive" for the client) these puppies are taken away from his mother about 35 days, when their immune system does not have enough defenses even to deal with a "normal" life. But they do not face a life normal, but a journey that will be considered exactly as "commodity" means little food and little (or nothing) water - even if it's August; closely with other puppies from other kennels, and then bring with them germs and bacteria of other kennels. The immune system, as incomplete, in part fail to cover the attacks of germs at home, partly because some of immunity is usually transmitted from the mother, but against those outside, the puppy has very few defenses and ... debilitating travel in inhumane conditions does the rest.

Obviously none of these puppies has never been wormed (the wormer costs, kidding), let alone vaccinated (apart from the speech Economically, the vaccine at that age serves no useful purpose at all).
The result is that many puppies have died during the journey ... but it is a "gap" that does not affect much on the revenue, and then you can ignore.
The survivors arrive in shop windows (or in shelters of pseudoallevamenti) in a pitiful state, but are immediately "bomb" by dint of gamma globulin and other palliatives that will keep them alive and lively decently until the chicken comes on duty, or the 'unsuspecting buyer that if he brings home convinced he had made a deal.
The typical sentence that he will report to friends is: "I'm not fooled by the farmers left, that asked me 1000 euro! I took the puppy to the store and I paid 800 euro! Ah ha! ".
on costs and revenues" real "good husbandry we wrote in the June issue: 1 000 € required on a breeder earns yes and no 200.
On eight hundred required by the seller (or the pseudoallevatore) the net gain is about 600 €.
The difference is that the breeder we will deliver a healthy puppy, typical, selected and bred with love, well cared for and vaccinated svermato.
... In store bought a lottery that has very strong ability to die there in the arms within the first fifteen days.
In fact, over the effect of gamma globulin (and in some cases of administered exciting to bring the dog healthy and active), the first virus that goes around will find in our miserable and debilitated puppy a perfect host.
but we can be compensated?
Certainly not, because we will have the dealer put the famous "guarantee" of 24-48 hours, we will naively signed. So we will be happy
cage. In the world of

cinofilia you hear little or nothing about the other: almost all aspiring masters-of-puppy arriving on the farm have one of these sad stories behind them.
In several cases, of course, the puppy is not dead, maybe it was bad and have been spending hundreds of euro to treat him, but in the end it came out more or less alive and healthy ... and maybe the owner has tried to take it on display.
And here was the second surprise: the dog is not typical, does not go beyond the status of "Good Enough" (which translated from cinofilese means "stay at home is best), and in some cases not even belong to the race promise !
E 'a few days ago a letter from a lady who paid good cifretta for a Maltese ... and found to have actually a Bolognese or so she thinks.
In reality it is very likely that the dog (I have not seen) is a cheerful white mutt with curly hair.
Obviously nobody has nothing against mongrels (I have personally one, and woe betide anyone who touches me), nor against dogs quasirazza, similrazza & recreation.
But these dogs do not have to pay thousands of euro!

Ask these figures is a real scam against an audience that unfortunately does not have the slightest culture dog ... and where unscrupulous traders appofittano, incredibly, in a lawful manner.
It 's a real indignity, a shame for anyone who loves the dog and try a minimum of respect for him.
But is it really impossible to stop this massacre?
We are not sure.

The means are there, and would also be fast enough, but should care "really" to the problem ENCI (and the State Italian) on the one hand, associations and other protectionist.

ENCI ROLE: The National Kennel
Italian has the statutory purpose of protecting purebred dogs. PROTECTION BEAUTIFUL ...
But congratulations!

Because of the phenomenon of puppies East (and that of Italian awnings), the ENCI doing?
Volturi without batting an eyelid the pedigree Hungarian or Romanian, giving official status to these "papers" that are themselves a joke, because the names of the dogs reported - Fufi, Bianca, Ciccio, Smurf - are not in any way controlled or reported any serious investigation on the health, genetic diseases and so on.
Dando ufficialità in Italia al foglio di carta ungherese, ovviamente, si dà anche il "via libera" alla produzione di altri cani atipici (e potenzialmente portatori di tare genetiche che nessuno controlla), che potranno vantare un bel pedigree italiano.
Per evitare questa vera e propria presa in giro (le cui vittime sono gli allevatori italiani che si sbattono per produrre cani di qualità, e cioé le persone che l'ENCI si propone di TUTELARE), basterebbe che:

a) non si volturassero più in automatico i pedigree dei cani provenienti da Paesi affiliati all'FCI, ma che si richiedesse una conferma in esposizione (come già fanno i francesi). Questo non risolverebbe il problema alla radice, perché Too many people do not care about the pedigree and do not even know what it means in reality ... but it would certainly cast some doubt over aspiring owners. Oibò, if I buy an Italian dog'm sure I can do shows, working tests and especially puppies with pedigree: if I buy a dog abroad is not all that said let me.
Maybe I think for a moment above.

b) the ENCI (which is a ministerial body, remember) propose to the Italian state laws protecting "really" a purebred dog, but most of all its customers.
So, for example, a simple bill to ban the importation of puppies under three months.
With a law like this (Which were always enforced, of course!) Traffic from the East would DESTROY the start, because no seller awning and no more risk to get puppies in the house that "commercial palatability forgiveness" after a week.

ENPA (National Animal Control), a few months ago, claimed the purchase of a new home thanks to a legacy 'of 800 million lira. And 'these days the news of the new headquarters of Novara.
Practically no day passes without the ENPA buy properties with a bit 'all over Italy, when you just need an office to handle a room for rent.

Why, instead of acting as an estate agent, ENPA not invest this money in part of a campaign information, promotions in favor of abandoned dogs and also of quality dogs for those who wish to race a person?
In fact, the ENPA and all other animal welfare groups are at war with serious breeders (many of which, on the contrary, they cooperate on the maintenance of shelters and / or adopt abandoned dogs), dealing with the farmers the same way as awnings and importers East of puppies.
protectionist associations not only dealing with the usual course of purebred dogs (although the term speaks of ENPA Protection "animals" and do not see why they should not be considerati tali...e poi abbiamo la Lega Nazionale per la difesa del "Cane" (e non "del bastardino" e così via), ma ritengono addirittura "immorale" che i cani possano essere commercializzati.
Bene, ma perché se la prendono con chi non "commercializza", bensì spende fior di milioni per poter consegnare al cliente un cane sano e tipico (guadagnandoci pochissimo) e NON FANNO NULLA contro i veri commercianti che comprano, rivendono, MALTRATTANO e guadagnano cifre da capogiro?
Noi allevatori appassionati siamo decisamente STUFI di sentirci equiparare a chi si arricchisce sulla pelle dei cani: e le associazioni avrebbero il dovere di darci una mano e di affiancarsi a noi nella lotta contro le tratte di cuccioli.
Per esempio, with 800 million old lira could buy space in newspapers (and even some passing on the most-watched TV), to show the general public about the reality of the East puppies and / or responsibility to anyone thinking of getting a dog. Why
remember that the strays, the abandoned and all that protectionist groups "say" to fight ... they are the direct result of irresponsible purchases and / or scams such as those linked to East puppies.
The so-called "pedigree dogs" that are said to have filled the kennels are practically not true "pedigree dogs" are "husky-like", "quasi-labrador", "-more or less homeless" and so on .
Who buys the dog in a good allevamento, e quindi si ritrova per le mani un bellissimo soggetto sano e di buon carattere, acquistato responsabilmente...NON lo abbandona, se non in casi davvero eccezionali.
Quindi, oltre alle campagne per la sterilizzazione e per il controllo della nascite dei meticci (che nei canili sono sempre la stragrande maggioranza), non farebbe per niente male una sera informazione su che cos'è un "vero" cane di razza, e su come evitare l'acquisto di un cane-truffa, un cane-bidone, un cane-delusione...che ha, purtroppo, forti possibilità di essere abbandonato perché non ha soddisfatto, povera bestia, le aspettative del suo proprietario.

Per eliminare il problema dei cani dell'Est (e tutte le conseguenze che trovate the next page) are not miracles nor more complicated: a minimum will suffice.
We know what you're waiting for?


a) resurgence of the spread of diseases that were now virtually disappeared from Italian dog, such as distemper and parvovirus.
Dogs East, debilitated and malnourished, are a valuable reservoir for these viruses that have returned to plague our cities, spreading like oil with serious consequences for all dogs Italian;

b) extreme difficulty in Control of genetic diseases (hip and elbow dysplasia, eye diseases, diseases heart, etc.).
Almost every breed club you are giving a lot of trouble to select and monitor the dog population, excluding dogs from breeding carriers of Taree: East while the dogs are almost invariably suffer from genetic defects, and why are they there NO control.
When they arrive in Italy and ENCI - blindly and without control - gives them an Italian pedigree, these dogs are almost invariably brought into play by their owners, who like to have a litter (also a persistent unfounded rumors like that the dog "must" give birth at least once in their life) who obviously have no idea of \u200b\u200bthe damage that can lead to race. Most
people do not even know what the control of genetic diseases, and not understand that, if it is right that the world is beautiful and also of the less attractive it is not right ... that is also sick of the dogs, at least when it would have the means to avoid it;

c) an infinite number of people literally cheated and desperate children because the puppy is much wanted to see the dead in the arms after a few days;

d) significant damage to the Italian breeder of quality, that while addressing costs and commitments of great importance may not sell their puppies (healthy and typical).
But why is it considered "too expensive"!

Dealers and awnings, in fact, manage to sell the puppy (dinessun Cinotecnica value and often sick, as we have seen) a few hundred euro less: while we gain the same strategic.
So serious breeders, to be at least in expenditure, is to actually sell the puppies at a higher price than they could keep them if they were only to cover the national demand. In fact, selling more, could produce 'a bit more "certainly not with the rhythms of canifici, that in addition to stress even kittens bitches making them cover every heat ... but one litter per year might think to do it.
and producing more and having to rely on a market could lower prices slightly.
In this way there would be even greater production of quality you can rely on and to choose the best players to ever raise the level of our dogs. Today
happens that very serious and conscientious breeders do not have reservations, while the puppies of the same breed come from Eastern literally cart, go on display and are sold at a dizzying rate.
This phenomenon mostly affects pet breeds, which are most affected by this are unworthy because they are sold mainly in cities (where there are more pet shop that breeders). HOW TO PROTECT

Waiting for someone to take care of stopping more precise with the havoc that we have described so far, we remember that we are not obliged to be victims of unscrupulous dealers, because the puppies can also Eastern NOT BUY! If we turn
Italian farming, choosing among the most serious and safe (such as those recommended by our magazine, we can find in the "Kennel of quality"), do not take risks.

But if we really wanted or had to resort to other sources, such as buying in store, remember to always ask for the very first thing, the exact origin of the puppy that interests us.
If the seller tells us that comes from an Eastern country, REFUSE THE PURCHASE.
If it says it's coming from a holding Italian (or from another individual) facciamocelo always put in writing! If the seller refuses, salutiamolo forever.

WARNING: in Eastern Europe, as everywhere in the world, farmers are also serious, conscientious, producing top quality puppies.
Retailers, faced with your objections, you always talk about these farms, but forget to say something very important ... that they are not selling to wholesalers and importers, as they do good Italian farms.
So there is no possibility to buy a good puppy from the East if not andandoselo to buy in his home country and pay a fair price, which is certainly not that of canifici ... because the quality you pay anywhere in the world.

remember that unscrupulous sellers will always try to build on our feelings, making us feel unhappy if we make even the precise questions: how? The love for the dog comes before everything else?
Who cares about the origin, age, pedigree and all this nonsense?

The puppy on the left is Yang, our "testimonial" at the age of four months. That right is an Italian breeder of Golden age of two months. Yari has
Hungarian pedigree and has been paid, in store, one million and one hundred thousand lire. "Turn the page" to read her story.
WARNING: the game is old and dirty ... and it works wonderfully for years.
But enough is enough. If the seller mentions
sentimental reasons to divert our questions, kindly rispondiamogli that since the puppy is not given, but we have to pay for it, we are "forced" to protect ourselves and to ask specific guarantees as with any purchase.
So we remain firm in our demands, and if not let's settle without compromise.
musette as sweet as that to which we give you the full world of swindlers, fortunately, no.
But the only way to eliminate those who are still alive è evitare di cadere nella loro rete.
Ogni volta che rifiuteremo l'acquisto di un cucciolo dell'Est faremo pensare al commerciante di turno che questo business comincia a traballare.
Ogni volta che un commerciante smette di acquistare cuccioli dell'Est si mette in difficoltà un canificio.
La chiusura di ogni canificio rappresenta la salvezza per migliaia di cuccioli, che NON verranno messi al mondo soltanto per soffrire...e per truffare noi.

A seguire troverete alcune testimonianze dirette di persone (e di cuccioli) vittime di commercianti disonesti.
Sono storie tristi, ma vi suggerisco di leggerle perché sono ottimi esempi di ciò che riescono ad inventarsi questi veri e propri truffatori legalizzati.

These stories are made complete with names, surnames and addresses, but unfortunately we can not publish the names of U.S. stores because we sued to be ... this is the Italian law! The sale of sick puppies and abused it is perfectly legal, and defamation of these "good people" and would not put us into trouble.


When we decided to take a dog we have documented: we read books on dog breeds to understand what type of dog is best suited to our lifestyle and our characters. We also contacted the farmers to have an 'idea on prices.
Then, one day after thousands of paranoia about race and sex are the dog ... entered a shop near his home to request additional information, in particular, wanted clarification on the Golden. After thinking
intortato it well, the shopkeeper showed us a Golden puppy of 3 months and so, here we are!
Yang now has seven months, is 48 cm tall at the shoulder and weighs + / - 18 kg: its growth is very low, but our troubles were not limited to this.
beginning, after having already paid, we were informed that still have to practice all three vaccinations, in what had been done only a pre-vaccine. So
Yang has remained secluded in the house for 1 whole month ... and luckily we have followed the instructions of the veterinarian. If we had taken fuori chissà cosa si sarebbe potuto prendere!
A parte questo, dopo 2 giorni che era a casa con noi, Yang ha iniziato a grattarsi.
Subito abbiamo pensato: " Beh! I cani ogni tanto si grattano" lui si grattava un po' troppo spesso e con troppa forza, fino a procurarsi delle escoriazioni.
Dopo un mese di tentativi diagnostici:
-Eczema: pomata antibiotica
-Ricerca del parassita della scabbia: negativa
-Allergia alimentare: in un primo momento abbiamo cambiato la marca delle crochette, poi abbiamo aggiunto gli antistaminici.
Alla fine il nostro veterinario ci ha inviato da una dermatologa che ha diagnosticato Scabbia Sarcoptica (difficile individuare il parassita, per questo la ricerca effettuata had previously tested negative). Of course we treated Yang and disinfected the house (it was a big job!). Then
was fine. Only now we're back to the vet a bit 'to our questions on growth and a bit' to a problem in the eyes.
Score: Yang is likely not a purebred dog, plus a base on allergic conjunctivitis.

and Claudio Chiara

I am writing to tell the story of my Siberian Husky puppy of 4 months: SASHA.
all starts with the purchase of the dog 07/02/2001 at a store in our town, who says he in turn bought the puppy from a breeding di Reggio Emilia.
Il prezzo concordato per il cane era di Lit. 700.000, ma la proprietaria del negozio ci fece lo sconto di Lit. 50.000 (il costo, cioè, del 3° vaccino che la sera stessa dell'acquisto ci è stato consigliato di far fare al cucciolo).
La sera del 07/02/2001 andiamo a prendere il cane al negozio: vediamo, così la bimba.
Bella, bellissima….. il più bel musetto mai visto al mondo. Eravamo felicissimi e molto soddisfatti e quindi acquistiamo tutto l'occorrente per la cucciola - ciotole, guinzaglio, mangime ecc. -. Al momento del pagamento la negoziante ci consegna il pedegree e solo in quel momento ci dice che la nostra cucciola arriva dall'Ungheria, e quindi il suo pedegree è ungherese.
There and then we were very upset because we thought that since he had taken in Reggio Emilia, the dog was Italian: it had never alluded to dogs of the East. In
confidence we paid the puppy and she asked us for cash, not checks.
So, we brought the dog to do the vaccination, the same evening, at the Vet Clinic that the store sends all its customers. On 10/02/2001
back at the same vets since the dog has diarrhea, catarrh, bad cold, and is treated with antibiotics for 8 days.
On 21/02/2001, we return to the clinic for the recall of vaccination, the dog had still made despite cold and phlegm. 26/02/2001
The dog is again the same symptoms, but more important, was diagnosed with conjunctivitis (eye wept and was kept semi) we have treated with antibiotic drops.
On 28/02/2001 we decide to change Vet and we go in another study, where the dog has been carefully visited (we will say from head to toe): diagnosis of acute laryngitis (the puppy had to eat for 6 day homogenized for children), fever (39.7), diarrhea, conjunctivitis right eye and require us to treat him for 12 days with eye drops.
Friday, 21/03/2001, go to the clinic for a check-up and do blood tests the dog: is anemic.

Monday, 05/03/2001, further examination and diagnosis of otitis is that we treat with antibiotics to which we add vitamins.
Tuesday, 06/03/2001 the child was hospitalized overnight for viral syndrome is not well defined: diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding and treated with an injection antivomito.
Wednesday, 07/03/2001, we return the dog after a thorough visit.
On 23/02/2001 we revisit the puppy because it has a much more dilated pupil of the other and with irregular shape. Upon the recommendation of the retailers do see a specialist in ophthalmology for suspected glaucoma. Around
04/04/2001, eye healed, the child has a tic to the right front and hind legs. At first we thought it was caused by a fall, but the spasms were becoming more frequent. On the 05/04/2001 we will now seek the advice of several veterinarians in the company owns the store, since we kept constantly informed about the conditions of the puppy. All were in agreement on veterinary diagnosis: neurologic syndrome from distemper.
We went off to warn the owner of the shop according to our vet the puppy was left very little time to live, and she made us a proposal - when my dog \u200b\u200bwas still alive - saying that he called a well-known and prestigious Italian breeding and have asked the price a puppy without pedigree. She would have done the same money without gaining anything.
The Lady was convinced us so a big favor and give us a great opportunity sin has categorically refused to indemnify another dog who gives it for free or return your money, because it says it is impossible to diagnose distemper and that was absolutely impossible had nightmares when she sold it there.
We have clearly rejected the proposal.
Our puppy, Monday, 09/04/2001, at 11.25 fell asleep forever in the arms of Erika, weeping and moaning in pain. SASHA
The little body was brought to our Institute of Pathology di Padova dove è stata fatta l'autopsia ed è stata confermata la tesi di morte per CIMURRO.

Colgo l'occasione per ringraziare chi mi ha venduto il cane per avere giocato alla grande con i sentimenti delle persone: per quanto pare per loro è una cosa abituale.
Queste parole le dico perché altre persone che hanno acquistato il cucciolo in quel negozio sono rimaste deluse come noi. In teoria i cani venduti da quel negozio sono garantiti per un anno dalla data di acquisto: alcuni cuccioli muoiono dopo pochi giorni, altri entro pochi mesi, altri sono affetti da tare genetiche gravi, ma nessuno di noi riesce a farsi risarcire…..

Paul's letter
We decided to buy a puppy, but we had no idea what kind to choose it.
Then we began to search for shops and farms to at least give us an idea of \u200b\u200bthe 'appearance of various breeds (some of them brand new for us). Trying
then the Yellow Pages, we found several vendors of puppies (our ignorance of sellers was complete).
began to visit someone, some were just bad and wrong puppy kept in cages stink, and they were discarded.
Then we came to a well-known seller of puppies to the low Brescia (I only regret not being able to name).
Here the place was clean despite the large number of puppies of different breeds, in short we fell in love di una cucciolina di bichon e la comprammo all'istante (1 milione e mezzo, mica un regalo): niente contratto, solo una ricevuta fiscale.
Estrassero un pedigree da un mucchio di altri pedigree,da cui risultava che la cagnolina aveva tre mesi e proveniva dall'Ungheria: la cosa non ci allarmò perchè allora non sapevamo niente di cani importati ecc.
Insomma la portammo a casa.
Era stato un amore a prima vista e per dire la verità era un amore davvero.
Ma dopo poche settimane la piccola cominciò a sentirsi male.
Il vet fu chiaro: "cimurro", malgrado noi l'avessimo vaccinata secondo il programma indicatoci dal venditore(ma il vet aveva già detto che secondo lui non aveva tre mesi ma era più piccola).
I will spare you the story of his suffering and our own: one I held in my arms day and night for a week because I felt that same arm to me calmer, I gave her a drink and eat with a syringe on its own, bear it, but eventually died.
I will not tell you the trauma of the whole family.
did not expect it to become a show dog, I would not, but at least that remained alive, yes.
Of course the seller had no guilt, according to him.
We even offered another dog, but who knows at half the price because despite being the largest of our knowledge this pedigree is not had it, evidently they had bought stock in and were sold out.
course refused, some did not want to repeat the experience.
Since then we have better information and when it came to buy our first Bolognese we visited several farms "real" dogs that did not matter as puppets for them to die on the road or in the homes of stupid customers (us).
I must say, though that is another story, that surprises even some not so much like famous farms, farmers' famous but do not take the dogs all well and put them in cages of chickens on top of each other ( sin can not say for sure who it is because you have heard of).
We then chose the farm where the dogs were kept better and happier. Now we
with Greta but certainly one that could have been a great experience for us but we cost so much and so much sorrow.