Both Psycho-Neuro - Endocrine-Immunology that the ancient Chinese theory of Five Elements agree that unresolved emotional conflicts can create energy imbalances in the physical body and, consequently, metabolic disorders and organic diseases. Just as the accumulations of various types are toxins that can cause imbalances energetici e manifestare alterazioni emozionali e negli stati d’animo delle persone.
Vedere il nostro corpo come una macchina, considerandolo suddiviso in organi e sistemi e separare le funzioni psichiche dalle organiche rappresenta un principio di dualismo mente-corpo che deriva dal pensiero di Cartesio in filosofia e dalle teorie di Newton in fisica.
Questo modo di pensare oggi sta cedendo il passo ad altri apporti filosofici nonché alla fisica einsteniana.
Il considerare il corpo e la mente separati ha provocato una differenziazione tra sintomi somatici e psichici: i primi vengono considerati il risultato di una disfunzione organica ed i secondi di una alterazione della mente.
Anche i più recenti psychosomatic approaches, which consider the physical symptoms as the effect of a mental disorder, continue to maintain a separation between the two levels and even the PNEI, which we mentioned at the beginning, unable to completely overcome this limitation.
The view that now is becoming the most is that the Human Being is a "psychobiological unit" and can be defined "psychic body".
The "psychic body" is a unit supported by the nervous system (divided into central, peripheral and central) that works in conjunction with the Environment and with the rest of the organs and systems.
It 's the nervous system that creates a set of dynamic responses and adaptations through which they develop patterns of behavior and metabolic reactions to stimuli and the emotional conflicts.
Understanding this "psychobiological unit" is clearly in the discoveries of modern quantum physics and biology:
The Theory unified field (Fidel Franco) and the theory of strings and superstrings (particles multidimensional, real messengers, ceaseless weaving of material particles, which arises from the coherent organization of each body) offer a unified view of all the mind-body connections and at the same time, explain the mechanism of the disease as a phenomenon of "resonance" observed in the field and microphysical causes changes in the substrate biophysical "consciousness" found in the formations of the Nervous System (Zohar, Danah, "Quantumself" - William Morrow & Co. 1990), and changes in biochemical, functional and / or organic.
's research biologist Bruce H. Lypton show that DNA is influenced by our thoughts and the environment, hence we understand the importance of our thinking, both positive or negative, our biology and therefore on our health.
Genes &
The human being is composed of billions of cells each of which has functions that are equivalent to those of our nervous system, digestive system, respiratory system, the endocrine , circulatory, excretory, reproductive and, through the use of certain proteins behave like antibodies, an immune system.
also have the capability of learning experiences related to the environment and create a sort of cellular memory that can be transmitted to daughter cells.
For example, to form an antibody against a virus protein, the cell must create a new "gene" (using DNA fragments that encode specific proteins), which becomes the model for defense against the virus.
The antibody produced in this way becomes active, producing endless copies of himself that "snap" the invading virus and the disabled "marked" because it is destroyed.
Genetics, through its research, has convinced us that genes have control of our lives and that heredity determines our behavior and our pathological predispositions.
It was discovered rather than diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular problems, cancer, etc.., Can not find the cause in the hereditary predisposition, but the complex interactions between various genetic and environmental factors.
We can say that the activity of a gene derived from the gene itself but by a signal coming from the environment.
Le cellule del nostro corpo sono composte principalmente da quattro tipi di grandi molecole: polisaccaridi (zuccheri complessi), lipidi (grassi), acidi nucleici (DNA e RNA) e proteine. Naturalmente le proteine sono il componente più importante degli essere viventi.
All’interno di un cromosoma, il DNA costituisce il nucleo e le proteine avvolgono il DNA coprendolo.
Quando i geni sono coperti, le loro informazioni non possono venire “lette”.
A questo punto occorre un segnale dall’ambiente per cambiare la forma alla proteina in modo che si stacchi and can be read from the DNA of the gene.
explain this process:
Each protein consists of a linear chain of amino acids whose links ( peptide) are flexible in such a way that allows the chain to take various forms by virtue of the interaction between charges electromagnetic present in the chain of amino acids, just like a spinal column that has the ability to rotate and twist.
The final form (conformation ) of a protein is the result of balancing its electromagnetic charges, and, if the charges are altered, the protein will change its shape per adeguarsi alla nuova distribuzione delle cariche.
La distribuzione delle cariche elettromagnetiche in una proteina può essere modificata da una serie di fattori quali: il legame con altre molecole come ormoni o enzimi, l’aggiunta alla catena di ioni carichi elettricamente oppure l’interferenza con campi magnetici.
Una molecola di carica positiva o un segnale di carica elettrica, che si lega ad una estremità della catena proteica, crea un eccesso di carica alterando l’equilibrio elettromagnetico della catena, con conseguente modifica della conformazione della proteina.
Il cambiamento della conformazione crea un movimento della proteina che attiva determinate metabolic and behavioral functions such as digestion, breathing or muscle contractions, and so on.
When the signal is separated, the protein returns to its original shape.
These alternations cause continuous changes in shape of the protein (even thousands of times per second) and represent the movements that make life possible.
When the biologists were able to dissect the chromosomes, they found that the genetic material is composed essentially of two types of molecules, proteins and DNA.
The long strings of DNA molecules can be divided into individual "genes" : segments that make up the model per proteine specifiche.
In questo modo noi abbiamo il “codice” per ricreare il meccanismo proteico della cellula e, attraverso la riproduzione della doppia elica di DNA, l’autoreplica del DNA stesso.
Poiché le caratteristiche di un organismo vivente sono determinate dalla natura delle proteine, e, siccome queste sono codificate dal DNA, è il DNA che determina i caratteri dell’organismo.
E’ così che, per la Genetica, il DNA è la “causa prima” che ha in sé tutte le informazioni ereditarie dell’uomo.
In seguito alle più recenti ricerche scientifiche che portano allo studio del Progetto Genoma Umano , si scopre invece che il numero dei geni forniti dal DNA sono insufficienti a coprire i fabbisogni della complessità della vita umana (25000 contro 120000), soprattutto se pensiamo all’infinita gamma dei comportamenti, all’enorme capacità di azioni coscienti espletate, alla coordinazione dei movimenti, alle precise risposte ai mutamenti delle condizioni ambientali, alle capacità di apprendimento e di memoria, alla complessità della fisiologia del nostro organismo, ecc.
Infatti le scoperte rivoluzionarie dell’ Epigenetica (controllo del patrimonio genetico) dimostrano che caratteristiche e comportamenti complessi, coordinati e funzionali, nonché metabolismi, rimangono intatti anche in cellule enucleate.
Cioè cellule enucleate conservano le loro funzioni biologiche in assenza di geni. Questo vuol dire che esistono altre memorie cellulari e che i modelli di DNA trasmessi dai geni non sono fissi dalla nascita.
Infatti le influenze dell’ambiente: il nutrimento, lo stress, le emozioni, possono modificare i geni senza modificare il modello base, e l’aspetto più importante di tutto questo è che queste modifiche sono trasmesse alle generazioni future like models of DNA, that is, through the duplication of the double helix.
We can say that the changes of the information produced by cellular signals, which are the "life experiences" can be transmitted as a store of genetic inheritance to their children and family and not just the characters transmitted by the DNA.
Thus, organs and systems involved in these changes translate and express "specific anatomical modifications" that can be found in "Biological Medicine" and the discoveries of Dr.. Geerd Hamer at various stages of the disease and according to the organ or system affected, showing that all diseases have a psychological origin.
The concept of "psychobiological unit" is confirmed when you notice, in the CT images of brain abnormalities in specific brain areas.
The pictures show particular changes to a circular shape in the glial mass, localized in distinct areas of the brain that determine the area where the conflict occurs and indicate the subject's psychic body corresponding to that area, demonstrating the intimate connection between mind-brain-body .
To clarify:
From the standpoint of phylogeny, the man in the evolution of millions of years, to be single-celled to date, has developed organs and functions as needed.
organs and functions that operate on a "regular program" operation and control of a situation of survival (food, space, family, etc.)..
When a catastrophic event happens suddenly, psychologically experienced as a danger to the survival, biological causes an acute and unexpected shock and is activated immediately, self-defense, a "special program" , which disrupts the normal operation, triggering the evolution of a pathological process by which a phylogenetically is "sensible" for survival and that, with a different mode of operation, will cope with the conflict.
The "special program" is different and specific for each organ involved and is managed directly by the brain in the transmission of information by means of neurotransmitters.
As we have said from the moment of shock alteration manifests itself "synchronous" on three levels: mind-brain-body, highlighting a particular sign brain (outbreak) detectable in the TAC
This situation will evolve together with the various phases of "disease" both emotionally and bodies involved in activating the "special program" until the resolution of conflict.
Since the shock the subject enters a phase of sympathicotonia (overproduction cortisol and adrenaline) that sustains him and helps him deal with emotional conflict and staff until such time as the condition of conflict decade.
vagotonia start of a phase during which you experience the damage and injuries caused in the previous phase.
The longer the period of conflict and depending on the severity of the bodies, longer and more dangerous is the period of settlement.
When the phase of vagotomy is at most there is a crisis (epileptic crisis) and is at this stage that there is the greatest potential risk (heart attack, pulmonary embolism, etc.)..
The worst cases are when the conflict lasts long and / or continuous repeated recurrence of the situation becomes chronic and the solution becomes more dangerous because the crisis is more serious.
must avoid or delay the crisis by keeping the subject in sympathicotonia sympathicotonia products, both allopathic and homeopathic or natural, so "earn" time to treat the pathological changes and the challenge of solving the conflict with greater confidence, using the appropriate treatment and the timing of any biological entity.