Friday, April 24, 2009

Hit Head And Have A Headache

direct translation from the lessons of Paramahansa Yogananda


ENERGY RESOURCES OF THE BODY The human body can be likened to a car battery. Just as the car battery dipende dall’acqua distillata immessa dall’esterno e dall’energia proveniente dall’interno, il corpo umano dipende dal cibo e dalla Forza Vitale.

LA VOLONTA’ ATTIRA ENERGIA DAL COSMO DENTRO IL CORPO. Questa Forza Vitale” è raccolta principalmente nel midollo allungato e distribuita nel corpo attraverso le sottodinamo nei cinque plessi. Il midollo allungato è alimentato dall’Energia Cosmica che ci circonda e che è attratta nel corpo dalla forza di volontà, in questo modo l’Energia Cosmica è convertita in Forza Vitale the will which is the radio receiver and the generator main body. Very often, however, people get discouraged and allows inherited inhibitions of the subconscious mind to hinder the will. The charm of old age, accidents, illness, heredity, instincts, etc.. demoralize the will of many individuals. During a serious illness, for example, memories of previous illness as well as memories of past failures, frustrations and disappointments caused by weakness, fill the consciousness with the fear that the body can not heal. Death may occur if a "did not give in", and if you refuse to be discouraged, will produce the vital force that can repair and readjust all tissues including bones, organs, etc.. So if one refuses to be discouraged or take seriously the illusory body changes and thoughts related to hereditary limitations, the disintegration of the body is arrested. Different degrees of strength of will develop the corresponding degrees of sensitivity to pain and death battle wounds and some live, others are resigned to "fate" for every little ailment.

thus becomes evident that the type and length of life depend on the will. Many people die long before they die physically mentally, and when one ceases to have ambitions e di interessarsi alla vita, la volontà si paralizza. Quando questa volontà-radio è fuori tono o distrutta, l’Energia Cosmica cessa di rifornire la “dinamo” di riserva del midollo allungato e la salute fisica lentamente viene meno per mancanza di Forza Vitale. Questa è la causa principale dei sintomi della vecchiaia. Più forte è la volontà, più grande è il flusso di energia nei tessuti e nelle varie parti del corpo.

Il food can not rejuvenate the body of a person whose will is weak, because it's the will inside, or life force, which changes food into energy. Solid, liquid and gas can not be treated after the supply of life force, which depends on the will, has ceased. When one has a strong will and resolute becomes increasingly independent from the food: it can absorb the consciousness of immutability and inject it with cosmic energy in all cells, making them free from deterioration or growth. Then, these cells become "magnetized" and living alone with the vibratory power of cosmic energy or Smart word of God, the Bible is God

cosmic energy, through the will, supply the medulla oblongata, which in turn feeds the five complexes. Life Force carries on the plexus in the "work phone" of the five senses through sensory nerves and the muscles and joints through the motor nerves. The same vital principle charges the movement, gives life and nourishes every cell in the body also every nerve, all of these in turn recharges all other body cells. Since cells are nothing more than condensed energy and desire, can be instantly renewed by the power of a strong and unshakable will. Therefore you should never think or say to be tired, because then you become twice as tired and paralyze the will to be active in order to enter the Cosmic Energy in the body. Acute and chronic diseases resulting from lack of vital force, by a poor diet, overwork or from other bad habits.

The food and medicine have only an indirect effect on simple and limited to germ cells and are very slow in changing the nature and behavior of somatic cells and organs specializzati. La medicina ed il cibo appropriato possono aiutare molto ma non possono ricreare un organo. Perché ? Lo spermatozoo e l’ovulo, traendo nutrimento dal corpo della madre, si sviluppano da particelle invertebrate di protoplasma trasformandosi in un bambino con ossa, nervi, organi, ecc. La Forza Vitale ed il cibo crearono tutti gli organi specializzati partendo dall’ovulo e dallo spermatozoo perché essi contenevano tutte le informazioni nelle cellule germinali obbedienti alla mente, comunque, mentre gli organi si formavano, le cellule cambiavano. Queste cellule diventate “somatiche”, costituenti gli organi ed i tessuti, sono molto rigide e difficili da controllare al punto che che il cibo e le medicine sono incapaci to recreate organs. Originally, the mind and life force induced germ cells to create organs, but once you change the germ cells in somatic cells, they begin to govern the mind and life force, then humanity can regain the power to heal , recreate lost limbs or organs, only learning how to convert somatic cells in good condition, that is obedient to the germ cells. Releasing the Life Force and mind from the bondage of body and increasing the vitality and mental power, you can make that change in somatic cells germ cells.

Gli organi sono mantenuti dalla mente subconscia che contiene la registrazione delle nostre esperienze e del nostro comportamento attraverso tutte le nostre incarnazioni, perciò, sebbene il corpo umano si sviluppi da cellule germinali mutevoli, subconsci e ben determinati architetti (designers) lentamente trasformano queste cellule germinali in cellule somatiche che costituiscono gli organi specializzati e le membra del corpo umano.

In altre parole, le cellule somatiche sono governate da architetti organici specializzati: questi sono il risultato delle nostre azioni passate e nascono e muoiono con organs and limbs consciously to plan and build. When a lung or an arm is lost, the architect who specializes in lung or arm that dies with him, so the body is unable to recreate these lost parts of the body.

In order to recreate the lost organs is necessary to perform the following:
1) The Life Force must obey the will instantaneously.
2) The will must be converted to the Will of God that creates all. 3) The Life Force must be filled with the "designers" psychological organs when these same human organs are lost due to illness and accidents. The "designer" lost must be displayed until it is reborn again. To be able to do this, you must be able to materialize his thoughts.
4) The will must be able to make them float in the Life Force is the vital force must be continually recharged by cosmic energy. The will must be kept clear and unobstructed by hereditary influences discouraging.
5) Finally, when the will can overcome all the prejudices inherited instinctive concern that the recreation of human organs and create "designers" psychological living, then these "designers" are starting to use the extra charge of vital energy and condense the Life Force in semiconscious electrons are further condensed into gas, matter and so on. Then the architects (designers) are starting to use the new protoplasm created by the condensation of energy, chemicals, food and blood of the body to rebuild and replace an organ lost. Buried in the human mind is evil: weak idea of \u200b\u200bimpotence for millions of years, and it will take years to learn how to practice these methods.

This method of healing occurs unerringly with the development and the strengthening of will power and life force, in addition, this force of human will must soak the invincible, unlimited healing power of the Almighty. Neither medicine nor any other agency material was able to have control over the electronic force, vibration, and the creative power of human cells. If the body is deprived of energy and consciousness can not live if you can not deny that medicine has its usefulness, however, know that most depend on the limited power of medicines, your will be weaker and more difficult it is to access unlimited healing power of the Divine. The more sarete in questo Potere tanto meno avrete bisogno di dipendere dalle medicine. Difetti organici e malattie croniche possono essere trattate con successo con la forza di volontà ricaricata divinamente e la Forza Vitale che da soli sono i costruttori onnipotenti di tutti i tessuti nuovi o corrotti del corpo. Ossa, sangue, midollo, nervi, tessuti cerebrali, ogni parte del corpo è materializzata direttamente dall’ovulo e dallo spermatozoo per mezzo della latente forza di volontà e dalla Forza Vitale.

Naturalmente, originariamente la Volontà Divina dovette create and materialize the sperm and ovulation, which contained the most perfect divine plan. The primordial sperm cells and ova were materialized in the bodies of the original man and woman, Adam and Eve, before the spread of cause and effect was established. They could rebuild their bodies and spread materializing their vitality and their tendencies, covered with flesh and limbs materialized. They were in constant communion with the Almighty, so their force of will was in tune with the infinite will and they could create human beings from the ether in the same way of God 'only after that their will became a slave of the ego and senses rather than driven by saggezza che essi svilupparono il sesso e la creazione sessuale. Questo significò la caduta dai loro poteri divini a modi terreni di vita e creazione. La loro volontà, non più guidata dalla saggezza si oppose alla Volontà Divina che è guidata solo dalla saggezza. Da allora una caparbietà malguidata, ostinata ed una satanica ignoranza, essendo concentrata nel corpo mutevole invece che nell’Immutevole Spirito, hanno creato difettosi, limitati “designers” dei loro corpi e dei loro organi.

Questi “designers” mentali difettosi, ereditati dagli originali genitori di tutta l’umanità, sono così perpetuati nelle infinite cellule dello sperma e degli ovuli. In questo modo l’uomo perse il potere di materializzare figli spirituali e di creare corpi perfetti in cui qualsiasi organo o arto, ecc. poteva essere ricreato a volontà. La rottura di ossa, la perdita di membra, organi o perfino ferite o perdita del cervello non avrebbero conseguenze se potessero essere ricreati o ripristinati senza dolore per mezzo di metodi supercoscienti e con la Volontà Divina, durante il rilassamento cosciente o sotto anestesia. Se il territorio della volontà e dell’energia è l’intero corpo umano, l’individuo ordinario, che è schiavo del suo corpo, trova che possiede soltanto un controllo imperfetto sui muscoli. La prima thing to do is to learn to control the muscles and body with the will and the Life Force, then learn to feel alive will the relationship between life force and vital organs with the relaxation of involuntary sensory nerves and organs, for example by removing power from the heart, lungs, etc..

Doing exercises for "energizing" (tension and relaxation) can operate with an absolute faith in the almighty power of the will. The purpose of tension and relaxation is the decoupling of the Life Force and mind body awareness. Slowly, painstakingly and patiently, stretch and relax, that is, send and remove either the life force, several times several times, from anywhere in the body. When this is achieved, the will and the Life Force in fact possess the whole body and can, through their "healing rays" chronic remove defects from all over the body. The astral body, similar in appearance to a vast nebula or the tail of a comet, charging the physical body of Cosmic Energy through the medulla oblongata. As the official science has shown that a piece of chicken heart can be kept alive and can grow with the administration of food and chemicals, the "Hindu Yoga showed that the heart and the human body can be kept alive in a state of "recklessness" without food, oxygen or chemicals.
(If the heart had stopped and the energy distributed throughout the body, it does not decompose, but if the heart had stopped and the energy withdrawn from the plug, the decomposition of the body would be inevitable. The Yogis know how to stop the voluntary action of the heart and lungs to stay alive at the same time retaining a bit 'of cosmic energy in their bodies so as to support the cells in a state of unconsciousness.)

Questo metodo non è efficace per gli organi involontari che possono essere ricaricati solo praticando la tecnica di concentrazione Hong- So. Per curare disturbi cardiaci o cerebrali, uno può mandare mentalmente energia alla parte affetta concentrandosi semplicemente su di essa, senza tensione. In questo modo si può mandare una debole, fievole corrente di energia a qualsiasi parte del corpo. Effettivamente il tendere e rilassare con la volontà produce più energia che la concentrazione da sola, ma anche una gentile cosciente tensione e rilassamento dell’intero corpo invia energia salutare e vitalità curando cuore e cervello. Bisogna ricordarsi, comunque, che nel tendere e rilassare l’intero corpo with a view to cure ailments of the heart or brain, the concentration must be focused on the organ ill.

C'E 'Another method of healing.

· Sit with back straight.

· Contract and relax your body gently.

· Calm down - Tap once the medulla oblongata in order to make it easier for you to focus on it. Then visualize the cosmic energy that surrounds and penetrates the body through the medulla oblongata and the point between the eyebrows, and subsequently into the spine.

· Feel the energy flow along the entire length of both arms to the hands.

· Continue to contract and relax the body and feel the life force flow from the medulla oblongata and from the point between the eyebrows, across the spine to the hands.

· Stop to contract and relax and rub firmly with the entire left arm with the palm of his right hand (up and down several times). Do the same thing in the right arm with your left palm.

· Relax continuously displaying the Cosmic Energy and wanting to believe that it derives from the medulla oblongata in the hands through the arms.

· Now, with his eyes closed, but quickly gently rub your hands together for about twenty times.

· Separate le mani e portate le braccia in alto, sentirete la corrente vitale fluire dal midollo allungato nella spina e nelle braccia con una sensazione di pizzicore e formicolio.

· Le vostre mani così magnetizzate con l’Energia possono essere usate per curare e guarire qualsiasi parte ammalata del vostro corpo o di qualsiasi altra persona che non è necessario sia nelle vostre immediate vicinanze, perché non occorre toccare il vostro paziente. Questa Forza Vitale che passa attraverso le mani ha un potere infinito di proiezione.

The human and Energy will monitor the human body is imperfect, but the will work perfectly divinely transmitted not only to treat your physical afflictions, but also those of other lontani.Perciò although you should, therefore, see Consult your doctor and he must have faith in you, and you need to send the healing energy by moving your hands electrified by the method described above up and down in space as you want to stop the electrical flow in the body of your sick of all paziente.Fate this in a quiet room for 15 minutes, until you feel you have reached your goal.

Convert your hands in batteries divine divine rays emanating from your hands anywhere and at any time may be required. So, your hands, loaded with divine power, will send beams into the heart and brains of your patient, so the seeds of ignorance will be destroyed and he will smile with health in the Love of God

Learn to convert your healing hands on batteries, so that the divine current will flow through them at will. By these means, when used properly, diseases of body and mind as well as the disease of ignorance of the soul, will vanish in this gentle touch, they are distributed da vicino che da lontano. In questo modo uno diventa pescatore di animi : che egli possa impigliarli nella rete della sua divina saggezza guaritrice e donarli a Dio.


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