TIME: "A story like many"
I was born curious and eager for knowledge, impatient, and possessed by a desire to continue living.
I expressed in the rhythms of this consumer society, and all consumed, and devoured everything in one way or another, all I wanted to make my own.
For this a kind of inexpressible anxiety and a rush out of control spurred me to run the meeting in my life and when I approached incessant flights to a branch, before that I put down, my eyes wandered restlessly searching for a new goal, a new goal, a new grip ... .... and so on in this insatiable thirst to know, know, discover, to live, to analyze, to devour, to digest.
At that time I appeared, in the eyes of others, very receptive and open, helpful and attentive, and I think now I was a bit 'like a butterfly, that during the hot summer days visit thousands of flowers and colorful evening, tired and covered with dust, can no longer recognize a flower which belongs to its pollen.
However, it seems calm, thoughtful, calm and wise, but an inner fire that burns all urged me relentlessly: sometimes powered by a light breeze, sometimes by a strong wind and so, in my heart, nothing remains but ashes and steaming coal, disappointment and bitterness.
Lessons, the tough lessons of life, in the end, they did so slowly, almost without realizing it, I began to understand and assess the flow of time differently.
"TIME!" This is a great illusion that merely ensure our existence, but also gives great opportunities to express themselves because it is through Him that we live in this dimension and it is he who marks the rhythm of our actions and continued succession of events.
This continuous evolution of the cosmos, for us, Time is the master conductor and, if you can follow the rhythm of your music, you realize that your arrangements create a full symphony and without end: " the taste ... .... the fragrance of life. "
So, gradually, I realized that everything that happens or should happen, is happening or will happen anyway .... at the time.
The process of becoming, in our size can not be advanced or held back, it's like a wheel that turns a proper motion.
multitudes of beings, in the throes of incredible excitement, rush to push or to stop the wheel of time, but to no avail! The
gained new understanding of the dimensions of time, allowed me to grasp certain aspects and certain nuances of life that made me linger for a moment.
"CONSIDER" that strange word for me ... ...
Before I ran to "reach" and now, always "get", I stop!
What's going on?
What miracle is this?
The "miracle" is to have sensed that something that I believed in opposition to my way of being, but now can help myself.
What insight!
Of course I did not stop here, I just wanted to experience the discovery and putting it into practice so flipping my way of thinking, living, being.
a choice that requires courage, but such is the attitude of the researcher: as soon as a new opportunity presents itself, without delay, but very carefully, you are having. You
like the Phoenix that burns its own fire and rises again, later, from the ashes, completely renovated and ready to resume full of experience and full of hope.
All this has happened to me many times in life and has always been an internal revolution that has transformed me by going to thresh, to the mill, a sieve, into the mixer and then into the oven to be, soon after, ready to plunge back into the adventure of life.
Here's your change! That's true! ... ... ... ... But then, analyzing fine, I'm still the same: with the same thirst for knowledge, with the same curiosity and openness with the same 360 \u200b\u200b°, with the same need to be, with the same desire to live in a world that he too is always the same: with its problems, with its frenetic pace, with its varied Humanity.
Yet everything, everything has changed. Everything has changed because I now place myself in a totally different way to what is happening.
I have no hurry, I no longer need to search for life, but she found me Now my life satisfies, and satisfies me, moment by moment, feed me.
This is because I found the time and its value, I found the time as an entity, as a measure, as something that exists.
We can not manipulate, nor can we "do" without him.
Speed \u200b\u200bis his enemy and is always at war with time, but a unilateral war: the time is there, constant, and speed, as is committed in its fight can not make it, always lose, and we with her.
I found the time and I started to evaluate it, study it, live it, taste it with both hands and receive their gifts: the gifts of life.
The old adage of our grandparents, "from time to time" how true!
The secret is right there: not to act, wait, let it happen, observes: "GIA 'your intention guides the events," Do not push, do not do violence ... .. ... ... ... not to suffer the waiting time, you win! Yes! Simply. Wait ... and everything is done.
's inevitable, then you just pick up.
This attitude may provide forward-looking events and to prepare or prepare: do not suffer, let it come and in the meantime "MAKE PARTY!"
In this way, every moment of your life becomes a joy, a foretaste, but the greatest joy is to see that those close to you, as driven by your attitude, acting in harmony with you without you having persuaded or influenced or forced.
If this does not happen naturally because it was not to happen, since each follows his own path and it should do so freely, without stress or interference.
Spesso, anche quando siamo spinti dall’Amore, noi cerchiamo di imporre il nostro volere agli altri e, per di più, inquiniamo il nostro agire ed i nostri rapporti con l’impazienza.
Non è facile vivere in armonia con gli altri.
Conoscere una persona, viverci vicino, cercare di condividere qualcosa è come passeggiare nel bosco in autunno: gli effluvi ti inebriano, ma non li sai distinguere, è necessario imparare a prestare attenzione.
Non puoi mai sapere cosa trovi dietro ad un cespuglio o cosa ti si presenti in una radura, … ma qualsiasi cosa sia la sua fragranza è nell’aria e ti guida.
La fioritura della salsapariglia, in questa stagione ha un profumo dolce e struggente che ti coglie unprepared, confuses you and you melt the solar plexus.
not find it easily, is in the most hidden, but her perfume you can get at times, even from a distance ... .. and guides you, but not directly, the wind and it instructs "you" play with "he" and sometimes you have to make wide turns and attempts to discover it.
No hurry, though! Otherwise you may miss it and miss you more than all the gifts you bestowed the woods along the way, savoring the moment, enjoying the thrill of waiting and leaving only that the meeting happen.
E 'already a party, it's all a party which then becomes emotional when you're wrapped in the fragrance del dono che già era nel bosco e… che già era dentro di te.
“Dovevano solo incontrarsi”.
Incontrarsi per divenire cosa “tua”, ed appena pensi che sia “tua” già non lo è più perché il presente incalza e ti porta altrove.
Il Tempo ti porta verso altre fragranze, fragranze che puoi solo vivere, ma non fare tue.
Non le puoi imprigionare, neppure estrarre o distillare, non le puoi imbottigliare ed etichettare perché sarebbero prigioniere, perderebbero la loro naturalezza e perderesti il gusto della ricerca, il piacere della scoperta e la gioia di vedertele venire incontro di loro spontanea volontà.
Tu non le hai desiderate, non le hai pretese, non le hai volute, non le hai neppure cercate od immaginate proprio perché ti interessava soltanto “essere”, ma ecco che loro ti “accadono”.
Che dono! Questa è Celebrazione.
E’ la Vita che, attimo per attimo, sboccia e ti regala la sua essenza, senza nulla chiederti e senza che tu le chieda nulla.
Ma la vita è così: è condivisione, è scambio, è gioia, è beatitudine.
Lottare con il Tempo è una scuola dura!
Ho imparato dolorosamente, ho capito e … tutto è diventato facile.
Per questo parlo poco, non chiedo e agisco senza fretta.
Vado in punta di piedi.
Non voglio turbare il processo del becoming, are a spectator and I want to enjoy the show.
do not analyze, not verbalized, I do not expect anything, I am innocent.
When this attitude causes astonishment and reactions from others, sometimes even contempt or criticism, I'm happy:
"The goal is' ARRIVED!"
Now it's just STARTED!
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