• 1a fase – Mettersi a proprio agio.
-Togliere tutti gli indumenti che stringono o che in qualche modo ostacolino la circolazione o il respiro.
-Stendersi su un tappeto posto su una superficie piana,
-Il corpo ben allungato e dritto,
-Le braccia leggermente scostate dal corpo,
-I palmi delle mani rivolti verso l’alto ma senza tensione,
-Le dita delle mani rilassate ma facendo attenzione che i polpastrelli non siano a contatto con nessuna superficie,
-Le gambe leggermente divaricate,
-La testa poggia l’occipite a terra avendo cura che il mento si avvicini allo sterno in modo da distendere le vertebre cervicali,
-Il bacino leggermente ruotato in avanti in modo to stretch your lower back,
-Pay attention to your breathing and follow it step by step, without effort
-Inhale and let the air from the lungs exhale freely,
-surrender to each exhalation, letting go, a little 'how to lose consciously
-L 'focus is to "hear" everything that happens inside and outside of you and the more attention is much less total space remains the work of the mind and its thoughts.
• Phase 2 - Relaxation of the internal organs.
-Place one hand on the abdomen, just below the navel, and a hand on his chest.
-Making from 8 to 12 deep abdominal breaths and will only be the hand that is on the abdomen to rise and fall,
-Make 3 to 6 breaths complete: After filling the abdomen, while continuing to breathe in the chest and also fill the top of your lungs,
-These breaths with their compression and decompression causes a massage internal organs, draining tension relaxing.
• Phase 3 - Relaxation of the muscles and joints
-Si three practice contractions totals: During a slow and deep inspiration gradually contract all the muscles of the body to form a bow,
-Hold the breath and contraction from 3 to 6 seconds and then, suddenly, exhale and relax the body, repeat 3 times,
-Now to be sure that every part of the body is relaxed and not remain hidden tensions that occur every part of the body ,
-appointed to a one all the parts of the body, each work is a slight contraction of the part immediately after relaxing it to make sure that that part is actually relaxing: right foot - left foot - right calf - left calf - right thigh - left thigh - buttocks right - left buttock - abdominal muscles - stomach - right hand - left hand - right arm - left arm - right chest - left breast - small head movements to make sure that the neck muscles do not hide tension - mental - language - inf lip - lip support - right cheek - left cheek - nose - right eye - left eye - the face and scalp.
• Step 4 - Relaxation of the mind.
-Disporsi in front of the mind from the outside and observe how thoughts take shape and come to meet us: thoughts, memories, projects, ideas, etc.. Sometimes follow a certain logic, but often appear for no reason and end up cluttering the mind.
-You do not have cast them out or suffocate them, but instead let them come to accept them but not come on to them.
- like when you receive a letter and at that moment we do not have time to read it because it engaged in other things, we place with care to read it later.
-In this way, working carefully, thoughts will always be less dense and mind you create small spaces of silence that can become bigger and bigger, bringing peace of mind and relaxation
in the body.
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