La “civilizzazione” che ci siamo costruiti nell’ultimo secolo pone così tante richieste al corpo ed al cervello che è estremamente difficile mantenere la propria salute e la pace della mente.
Ormai è d’obbligo muoverci velocemente a ritmi ai quali il corpo umano male si adatta.
Questa società, essendo molto complessa, ci obbliga ad assumere a large number of functional roles and live with these creates stress and tension especially when you consider the fast pace with which events follow each other. It 'so easy, even without noticing it, become neurotic people.
neurosis is caused by the frequency of the imbalances that the individual faces every day to the point that living in the imbalance becomes a habit, and ends with the existence condition.
If we love life and we ourselves must implement an internal revolution that is able to change individual behavior and has the power to change the structures and socio-political and economic constraints that they cause in us.
The first step is to observe the behavior of the body, its needs, adjust nutrition, exercise according to our needs.
The body has an intelligence really important: it tells you when he is hungry, when you sleep, when you no longer need to sleep, etc..
Have you ever listened to your body? He speaks to you, tell you about the nerves, muscles will tell their stories and if the blood was poisoned by your negligence and your carelessness, even a drop of blood you speaks and tells you.
Those who take care of their own lives and take it into account, those who pay attention and know how to look can easily find out what it is or not in tune with your body through its responses to various types of food, type rest, customs and occupations held during the day means a disorder in relation to food, rest or activities adversely affect the sensitivity, alertness and vitality of the entire physical structure.
The second step is to try to understand how to use verbal and physical energy.
Why we continue to move incessantly, even when not necessary? What keeps us slaves of the movement? And this constant talk, talk, gossip, is it not become a habit and therefore a conditioning?
Have you ever noticed how complex and what to put in place simply because of "talking"? Talking is the movement of sound in our body, is a vibration that travels within us on the wings of respiration involving the whole respiratory system and spending large amounts of vital energy.
Speak only when necessary and avoid unnecessary words and resisting the temptation to constantly verbalize (speak the mind) is something new to be learned, and beyond, we must learn to harmonize even listening and it is important to understand that the exposure of our body and brain the words of others, radio, television, sound frequencies with their intensity and volume can not be taken lightly because it has a great impact on us and our equilibrium.
The third step is to be able to give the body and brain time to relax. Even during sleep there is relaxation, but that during wakefulness, per la sua azione sulla psiche, è molto diverso, dà dei risultati più tangibili.
Occorre dunque riservare del tempo durante la giornata in momenti in cui niente possa disturbarci, si assume una posizione comoda seduti o sdraiati in silenzio. Naturalmente questo non significa essere inerti o abbandonati alla pigrizia, ma al contrario saremo molto attenti, ogni nervo, ogni goccia di sangue, ogni cellula sarà all’erta, sarà vigile e nello stesso tempo il corpo sarà rilassato, dritto ma non rigido, abbandonato ma non pigro.
Per tutto il tempo che stiamo in questa condizione (4060 minuti) ci mettiamo in uno stato di non movimento, cioè fisicamente e mentalmente We are in a state not to do.
In this stretch of time we will not talk and silence will not be only verbal, that we will not talk with others, but will not talk about even with ourselves. Disappear so will the movement of verbalization and we will enter a relaxation in which the inner life energy will be preserved.
Unfortunately we are unable to halt or at least to manage our process of speaking so that you relax and this means that gradually our words lose their power because they are the expression of a mind stressed and fragmented in a thousand directions.
But now, we have not reached a state of physical movement and verbal, what about the mind?
Well! The mind moves!
The mind moves the will and can do nothing about it because the one who decides is the mind itself.
We ourselves are that movement, thought and thinker are not separated so that movement can not be eliminated or controlled by the will.
The fact is that we do not realize to Part of thinking because he moves so quickly and with a force so overwhelming that creates the illusion of a thinker so firm and seconded by a thought in constant motion and crazy.
We are trying to learn to relax and here we are facing the movement: what to do?
limit ourselves simply to observe the movement of mind and we can say that we are seeing ourselves as we move. But ... But ... ... ... And this is the invention, this is the secret But ... ... ... ... without touching anything, without evaluating or make comparisons, do not judge, do not take decisions, but simply observes, with innocence, as you look at the glory of sunlight, the beauty of nature around us The magic of a sunset, the smile of a child.
In this case we implement a non-evaluative perception, the look is innocent and it is with this innocence that we must learn to observe the movement of the mind.
This perception without opinion, this type of observation is really a new thing for us and for this the beginning there will be failures in our attempts because the past and old habits will try to re-emerge, and sometimes they will get it, but we do not give them importance and start over.
This is to learn, this is education.
When the observation is disturbed enough to become aware of this condition and return to the status of observation, as learning proceeds.
can learn to observe calm and relax this strong impulse that always affects us.
innocently act is important, maintaining an awareness that things are observed and the observer are not two entities separate, but they are the same thing, and when the non-judgmental observation becomes a matter of course, when there will be no effort, then an extraordinary event occurs, the division term there will be no observer or observed things, but only one was attention, and it will create a new dimension of awareness.
learning will be passed when the state of observation will be present not only during the hours of relaxation, but it will automatically extend to the entire day in order to live with a perception of freedom from the trial in a state Observation innocent.
L’azione dell’osservare crea una condizione di consapevolezza che esiste solo nel presente, nell’attimo per attimo, e nel presente la mente condizionata scompare e con essa scompare il passato e scompaiono i pensieri, a questo punto più niente si muove: NON C’E’ PIU’ MOVIMENTO !
Quello che si crea è una condizione psicofisica costante.
Per capire meglio pensate cosa provoca in noi un pensiero che si muove nella mente o un suono che ci arriva dall’esterno.
Le parole ci creano tensione ed il loro significato crea dei sentimenti che stimolano il sistema chimico del corpo che produce sensazioni, emozioni, stati d’animo.
Se per esempio si parla di DIO ad un credente devoto, immediatamente questa parola fa nascere in lui un movimento nella chimica e nel sistema neurologico che sarà completamente diverso se si dice la stessa parola ad un miscredente. Dunque, il movimento del pensiero crea comunque tensione nei nervi e provoca una reazione chimica nel nostro corpo che determina emozioni e stati d’animo.
Questo accade continuamente, per cui l’agitazione interiore è costante, c’è un’azione disturbata e perturbata, inoltre le nostre preferenze or prejudice can create wounds and sorrows that are added to what already happens, making our life a continual suffering.
Through observation you reach a relaxed state in which being is free from tension and from anxiety.
In its content the relaxation is a state of non-duality, a dimension of consciousness without division, a dimension in which we have access to the truth and there is no division when what is left? ... ... ... Remains the ALL!
The contents of the relaxation is the silence, the silence of the content is the totality of being.
The whole is within us, only that we can not perceive it because we are too busy with the IO and to gratify his demands, we are busy with the body and to meet his needs so that in the end we think that life is this, and instead, although all important, is not all but merely a part.
This behavior has been condemned to live prisoners of biological instincts paranoia and psychological.
In silence we are present and instead immersed in relaxation.
Silence rejuvenates the whole of life, it acts on brain cells, blood and tissue invigorated.
energy is no longer conditioned to wake up.
The energy of perceptual sensitivity, born from the silence, could be called intelligence, but intelligence has nothing to do with brain activity and the intellect as it works only in the state of consciousness, this sensitivity not located in the brain, not controlled from the mind, is not part of the inheritance of biological each of us, but it is the very nature of life, and life is a spark of cosmic energy.
Scientists have discovered that even the smallest part of the atom is made up of energy and the movement of this energy has its own intelligence.
The pulse of life is the movement of an unimaginable cosmic intelligence that can not be discussed or measured or calculated from our brain is gigantic, omnipotent and permeates every thing is God is the totality .
When this intelligence became active in man because his choice and his will created the right conditions, it looks through his eyes, hear through his ears and touched through his skin.
Man, through the silence beat the duality and reached the awareness of its true nature, has made his consciousness without limits: it's finally come home.
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