Saturday, April 18, 2009

Great Price Digetal Picter Frames



L’Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri segnala che in Europa e in Italia il consumo di psicofarmaci nei bambini e adolescenti, tenendo conto solo delle prescrizioni mutuabili, nel periodo 2000/2002 sono quadruplicate.

Questi farmaci vengono impiegati nei bambini per curare la Sindrome da Deficit di Attenzione con o senza disturbi ipercinetici. (A.D.H.D. Attention Defici-Hyperactivity Desorder)

Le prescrizioni che hanno avuto un aumento considerevole are for the new generation of antidepressant drugs, namely the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors like Prozac and activators of the brain stem and bark for a stimulant like Ritalin.

brain neurons are connected by synapses of nerve cells and neurotransmitters in the brain that are released into the interstices stimulate the synaptic membrane receptors in nerve cells nearby.

These medicines affect the biochemical processes and bioenergrtici central nervous system by acting on inhibitory or excitatory transmitters increasing interaction between the release.

In the short term, children who experience this syndrome, the effect of administration of these drugs is so surprising that parents and teachers are relieved and ready to accept even the "side effects". Soon, however, like all amphetamines, the drug's effectiveness decreases and the dose should be increased which will inevitably trigger a self-defense action of cells called "desensitization" that brings in high doses, to a sudden emptying of forced nurotrasmettitori determine a dangerous deficiency (tachyphylaxis).

Damage the brain functions of these young patients may be permanently and make them forever dependent on these drugs in organic and psychosocial consequences unpredictable.

possibilities exist for effective treatment, but not so harmful?

Cero that there are very valid, but must be customized to choose a therapy is not sufficient to analyze only the symptoms, but we need to assess the problem of each person as a whole.

The man is a modern and evolved, but it is also a be biological that door in his

survival primordial genetic information related to food, territory, nest, fear of abandonment, to escape the attack and is based on the environment that is at birth that structure its mode of behavior for survive.

course over the environment come into play other factors such as heredity, constitution, family, food.

Sono questi gli aspetti da considerare per primi nella scelta di una terapia senza contare che purtroppo, attualmente, bambini anche di pochi mesi di vita sono costretti a subire, per la “disattenzione” degli adulti, traumi legati al senso di abbandono: soprattutto quando vengono lasciati all’asilo tutta la giornata o sono affidati a baby-sitter o, peggio ancora, se i genitori si separano.

Traumi che causano stress emotivi, paure e comportamenti aggressivi, trasgressivi o di chiusura.

Conoscere le abitudini alimentari del paziente è importante considerando che recenti ed autorevoli studi hanno dimostrato come the intake of carbohydrates, sugars and refined foods modern depleted of essential nutrients and their children are now in wide use, lead to a constant swing between hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia causing hormonal changes, addiction and mental fatigue.

key issue is the assumption of essential fatty acids because this, by enzymatic action, it modulates the production of eicosanoids known as prostaglandins, lipoxins, thromboxanes, etc..

Real biochemical messengers that are, ultimately, the system of checks and balances that allows the body di utilizzare al meglio le scorte di nutrienti per il suo fabbisogno energetico, evitando di consumare le riserve di glicogeno che sono destinate al nutrimento ed al buon funzionamento del cervello, dando equilibrio e concentrazione mentale, performance fisica e senso di benessere.

Se si “interpreta” il paziente alla luce della psico-neuro-endocrino-immunologia (P.N.E.I.) vediamo che l’Omotossicologia può essere validamente impiegata per agire sul meccanismo di controllo tra adenoipofisi e corteccia surrenale e sul sistema di risposta nervosa curando i deficit e le iper-reazioni psichiche.

Si utilizzando rimedi come gli unitari, i catalizzatori, the nosodes organotherapy and that according to the needs stimulate, inhibit or modulate the activity organic and hormone without affecting organ function but on the injured party.

E 'this therapy that restores the balance of cellular energy production (ATP) and modulates hormonal responses and immune system.

The choice of remedies only Hanemaniana classical homeopathy is based on the similarity of psychological symptoms and mental health.

In modern medical subjects, after the development of modern psychology, the description of symptoms is extremely accurate and allows us, through the remedies "constitutional" to deal with the totality of mental and physical characteristics of the patient, with the remedies "miasmatic" the "layers" disease inherited from their parents and finally with the remedies "symptomatic" (simillum) aspects and alterations associated with personality, character and behavior.

In choosing the appropriate remedy is important to have a clear understanding of the symptoms, but so is aware of any previous illnesses that instead of being treated have been closed.

Many preparations erboristiche possono essere di valido aiuto come, per esempio, gli estratti fluidi e gli estratti secchi, che per l’alta concentrazione dei principi attivi possono essere utilizzati con buoni risultati come calmanti o stimolanti del sistema nervoso con risposte molto simili ai farmaci chimici senza i loro effetti collaterali.

Importantissima è la Floriterapia secondo E. Bach.

Per Bach la malattia segnala una condizione di disarmonia dell’Omeostasi.

L’Omeostasi rappresenta l’equilibrio psicofisico dell’individuo che è determinato dall’interazione harmonic functions between chemical and organic body with the psychological and environmental.

The Bach Flowers are a therapeutic tool that integrates beautifully with each other modes of therapy for their action, sweet and absolutely non-invasive modulation and harmony, allowing the management of the patient, feelings such as altered anxiety, hatred, anger, envy, aggression, impatience, arrogance, fear, victimization, depression, dissociation, schizophrenia, anxiety, panic and emotional suffering of every kind and accompanying supporting him in all stages of its journey towards the attainment of health.


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