Conceived as the initiatory journey of a man in search of its origins and So on the way back, that of the Divine Comedy is a universal symbolic language that hides secrets that still echo in the verses of the Great Poet.
The Divine Comedy is a text-alchemical initiation? may find the means by which Dante , the great poet, he wanted to codify his knowledge and his wisdom, like others before than he did?
"O you who have sound intellects targeted the doctrine that s' hides under the veil of strange verses"
So Dante turns to his preferred audience capable of understanding a lesson to hidden under the veil of his verses, a doctrine that is not for everyone, but only to the initiated, those who, in fact, have "healthy intellects."
A coin bearing the image stored at Vienna and the words of Dante has been interpreted as FSKIPFT Fidei Sanctae Kadosh Imperialis Principatus Frater Templarius " e vista come la verifica storica dell’appartenenza del poeta all’ordine dei Fedeli d’Amore, o Fede Santa, associato a quello dei Templari, ma la sua opera parla da sola e indica il cammino della trasmutazione dell’essere umano che la Divina Commedia illustra.
Dante compie il suo viaggio durante la settimana santa, all’equinozio di primavera, quando gli antichi misteri celebravano una morte e una rinascita, nella natura che esce dal gelo e nell’uomo-Dio vincente sulla cristallizzazione della materia: il candidato ai misteri, colui che ha acquisito consapevolezza di trovarsi in una dimensione pesante e innaturale per il figlio della luce, in una selva oscura e di aver smarrito la retta via, viene spinto a volgere gli occhi in alto, verso la montagna, simbolo del percorso iniziatico, dalla quale verrà l’aiuto.
Tre bestie tuttavia gli sbarrano la strada allorché si accinge ad affrontare la dura salita: esse rappresentano la natura bestiale dell’uomo da purificare e trasmutare in un cambiamento radicale di coscienza, in cui si sostanzia la morte iniziatica con l’abbandono dell’immedesimazione nelle energie dell’ego. Prima di salire, Dante inizia un percorso che lo conduce verso il basso, negli inferi interiori, nelle regioni oscure dell’inconscio dove c’è il ribollente magma del rifiuto, l’ombra in cui energie maligne distorted and stir by calling his attention. The message is well-known tradition: even in the sixth canto of Aeneas and Muhammad in an Islamic text, just eighty years before Dante, they made driving at night through a hell that necessarily precedes the ascent to the spheres, because man must unravel meanders its most obscure and neglected to let in the light of consciousness dispels the darkness, just as suggested by hermetic: "Visit your guts (or terrae), rectificar invenies occultum lapidem.
In the succession of characters who populate hell, Dante It reviews the obscure trends of the human soul, those that prevent it from flying, making dual and devoid of integrity. With human compassion, started on the path observes without judging every movement of his soul, drawing the message and parade in front of his conscience all the untapped potential and repressed, all states of existence of the distant past, hidden within, and projected as a burden to others, the whole creation.
As in ancient mysteries, a guide accompanying the candidate: Dante and Virgil, who had already offered at the Golden Bough of Aeneas Eleusis, a symbol of resurrection and immortality, perpetuated in Christianity in the palm of the Sunday before Easter, and Freemasonry nell'acacia. The guide is the dialectical consciousness of man, the awakened awareness of the need to straighten out the ways of the Lord, as he said the Baptist, to perform a process of death and rebirth, to retrieve a condition that it is divine hereditary right and in the candidate for the mysteries feel a great nostalgia that acts as a spur: a continuous series of awareness, penetrating the human nature, its apparent disintegration under the action of the compact heat hellish crucible of alchemy, Dante realizes the work to black the blackness.
In depths of his inner abyss, waiting for him Lucifer, the energy source of the ego dialectic which, like the minotaur in the maze, must be addressed by the hero becomes aware of solar to be dominated by forces that govern it, shaping his deceptive personality which identifies itself, but separating it from the integrity of his true self. Leaving behind the prejudices and exposing its interior program originated from karma, education and experience, the initiate knows that the electromagnetic system that powers it must be turned off, a new heaven and new earth shall appear.
why Dante, in the depths of his hell, Lucifer meets three facce: una nera, una bianca e una rossa, i colori dell’alchimia, perché anche le energie luciferine si convertiranno con il compimento della Grande Opera: “… conviene che di fortezza t’armi”, gli consiglia Virgilio mentre Dite-Lucifero, con le sue ali tutto ghiaccia, perché tale è la sua azione cristallizzante e Dante così descrive la sua morte iniziatica: “… io non morì, e non rimasi vivo”.
Ormai le energie luciferine sono domate, Virgilio e il poeta si aggrappano a Lucifero per uscire dall’inferno, vale a dire che la stessa natura dialettica, vinta dalle energie divine, diviene lo strumento per riscattare l’uomo. No coincidence that Dante, turning to look back, he sees upside down Lucifer, clear symbol of the conversion that occurs when the basin initiative (reached by the light coming into your system through the heart of) tamed Christ and Lucifer, as the sole energy flow back along the channel of the snake, along the spine creating the habit of light, a cloak of gold for the wedding. Hell ends with the line "... and then we went to see again the stars", the star that appears after the stench of nell'athanor alchemical substance under the effect of the fire calls.
"For correr better waters hoists its sail The little vessel of my genius now, That leaves behind itself a sea so cruel;
and sing of that second realm where the human spirit is purified and becomes worthy to ascend to heaven. "
Thus began the Purgatorio, the alchemical stage of the albedo, the purification of waste fall under the influence of fire, where it is finally possible to undertake the ascent of the mountain with every step leads to detachment from values \u200b\u200bof the horizontal plane and the conquest of liberty.
With Casella, Dante sees the same beauty as tie of the earth, with Manfred discovers the effect of grievances, with James as the memories of the bridge notes can petrify the soul, Bordello is the political controversy to bond. In short, the characters gradually met, Dante sees its ties to be resolved to strive for inner freedom.
entrance, an angel on three steps, again with the three colors of the alchemical work, the marks on the forehead as the memory saved by the Lord of the Biblical seven "P" painted on her forehead the seven deadly sins as stated by the critics, however, seven barriers to be dissolved in the purification process to enable the vision, opening the third eye, the lighting of the seven-branched candelabrum.
Only with the passage through the seven frames - like the seven steps of the mysteries and Masonic mitriaci - Dante may be eligible for higher states of being, the most radical transformation that will lead from lead to silver and then gold. In receiving the gifts of the seven powers of the Spirit, beyond the evidence arising therefrom, Dante purifies his being and his burden is lightened in preparation for a higher vibrational frequency.
scale in seven steps suggested as many levels of initiation: the guide Virgil is still, because his instrument is higher than the enlightened mind that causes him to neutralize the links with the world, not suppress them, watching, observing them objectively, just as Dante does with the characters he meets.
detach from the habits of the blood, prejudices, blind from sentimentality, is the basis for the fundamental transformation that leads the initiate to liberate the true power of thought to achieve the initiation of Mercury, the power of thinking that will lead to first-hand knowledge and true wisdom. A Mercury Venus follows, the source of love that guides began to serve God's compassion to the world. Gnosis entered into the system to the Mysteries of the candidate wins the shrines of the head and heart, but now the new potential developers should be materialized in the service of God's plan, through a strong will which expresses the creative power of the fiat lux is initiation of Jupiter, the god of fire, the magician who can not because all wise, loving, and equipped with the divine will, is the priest that connects earth to heaven and that restores the divine plan.
When there is no purification and is not done the right alchemical process, we risk becoming luciferin magicians who have acquired powers to enhance its ego e non per eseguire la volontà di Dio. Non a caso, nella fase dell’albedo, gli alchimisti pongono la prova del drago, dell’anima liberata dal corpo che si trova ad affrontare una forza tremenda pronta a destarsi per prendere il sopravvento e imprigionare l’anima, se solo l’attenzione dell’iniziato si indebolisce, soggiogata dagli antichi legami: il rischio di tale fase è di perdersi nell’ingannevole mondo tenebroso, nel divenire operatori dell’occulto, al servizio di Lucifero.
La forza saturnina
Il processo continua il suo sviluppo sotto l’effetto del fuoco dello Spirito: ora è Saturno, responsible for the crystallization process of the physical structure, to be dominated in order to leave room for the new Saturn, after removal of the heat of passion with the scythe of the lower life, the forces of personality dialectic, marks the transition between the old and new dimension .
From the new Saturn will be born the heavenly man. Open the door of Saturn at the edge of the dialectic dimension of the divine man begins to manifest itself and becomes a source of love, impersonal love that embraces all humanity. In Purgatory, then, started to dominate the lower aspects of the planets, so the top ones to appear, in order to attain Paradise. The seventh frame Dante through a ring of fire (in greek though), extreme test of purification possible only for those who have already taken a gradual, conscious process of liberation of the soul from the bondage of matter.
The initiate is ready for Gnosis: "... between Beatrice and thee there is this wall," said Virgil. With the supreme effort of will, driven by the desire of the divine, Dante realizes the albedo, the work to white: "Expect no more and no sign from me: Free and upright and healthy is your will, And error were it not to do to her heart: for I crown and miter you over yourself. " The creature already in the grip of karma and external authority, it becomes pontifex rex, Knight Kadosh, which combines the crown and miter, temporal and spiritual power, so it is finally free and responsible, able to hear the wisdom that can only acquire ' soul, no longer constrained by the bonds of matter, thanks to the divine light that does not encounter more obstacles in the flood the entire processing.
Now Dante meets Beatrice, which will give the definition in the seventh canto of Paradise: "... the holy stream that issues from a source so any drift Ver. It is the Gnosis, the intelligence of the troubadours, the woman, wisdom divine light of God's grace. The trip to Purgatory is concluded and the initiate is "remade ... just as new foliage of trees are renewed, pure and ready to ascend to the stele. "Novelle, are renewed, news, a threefold enhanced emphasis of the New Man who is born of the old nature, now at the bottom dell'athanor.
"In heaven which most his light receives Was' me ...", here Dante feels transcend the limits of the human condition through es'innalza ball of fire. The initiate passes beyond the human nature is reborn in the light in which gaze: la trasfigurazione è compiuta e, non a caso, il poeta passa nel cielo della luna, simbolo alchemico della fase al bianco.
In questo passaggio l’iniziato richiama l’attenzione di chi è in grado di comprendere il suo discorso:
“O voi che siete in piccioletta barca, desiderosi di ascoltar, seguìti dietro al mio legno che cantando varca, tornate a riveder li vostri liti: non vi mettete in pelago, chè, forse, perdendo me, rimarreste smarriti”.
Il Paradiso
L’esperienza del Paradiso è per pochi ed è necessarily covered by the secret initiation, being quite extraordinary. Start the culmination of the work alchemy: the rubedo. Dante addresses his prayer to the sun god Apollo, and perpetually accompanied by the divine light, wisdom, Beatrice, crosses the celestial spheres corresponding to Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the fixed stars, the Empyrean, a traveler between worlds and sizes.
As in Purgatory planets have represented their lowest aspect of which to discard, with the purification that follows the posting by the power of thought self-centered, head of first separation from God, the love that binds to the human world, from the in the service of maintaining the dialectical world, driven by selfishness and the will power, the crystallization of the old Saturn that closes the doors to the energy of God, made this process in the Paradise planets represent the same mutations linked to the alchemical process in its phase final.
from sphere to sphere Dante passes through a process of exaltation and ecstasy which is often expressed with temporary blindness, with sleep or fainting, in an attempt to explain in words the transformation of consciousness under the influence of fire divine. Mercury comes from the new ability to grasp the divine plan, to acquire knowledge that is knowledge and wisdom.
Venus From the new born's ability to direct the love out in the service of God and creation. From the new Mars leads to a determination, a reflection of the divine. From the new priesthood was born on Jupiter, the tools of light to be doing justice according to the will of God is no coincidence that in the sky Jupiter, Dante accuses the pope and appeals to the first verse of the Book of Wisdom: "... diligere justitiam here iudicatis Terram, "the final M is transformed into an eagle, a symbol of that empire which has its source in the mythical white earth, the kingdom of Prester John, in Shamballa, to designate the names of diverse traditions.
Heaven of Saturn, the contemplative spirit, expresses the entry into a new dimension, where there crystallizing forces of the old Saturn does not have access, the divine Man manifests received from a ladder of gold, a large step towards the fulfillment of the work. In the eighth heaven of fixed stars, the new man appears in all its glory, so much so that Dante is the Light of Christ: the smile of Beatrice, the strength of the Gnosis becomes so radiant that Dante faints, his conscience is not more human. Following the vision of the Virgin, the new soul of God, is the anima mundi of alchemy that generates being divine and which is generated by the personality in the alchemical process transmuted.
The process continues and, in the eyes of Beatrice, Dante sees a bright point: God surrounded by nine choirs of angels and beyond the empyrean, whose brilliance blinds: rubedo is the culmination of the vision of Paradise where, in the river of living water, the white rose is the purest esoteric tradition, the symbol par excellence of the divine, the coveted goal of every seeker of truth, sung by the troubadours and sought by the knights, like the lotus of the East, the expression a bloom, with the stem, through the waters of becoming, to open its petals to the luce del Sole.
La rosa è fiorita lì dove i due bracci della croce umana si uniscono nell’unità. Beatrice lascia Dante accolto da S. Bernardo, colui che ha dato la regola all’ordine dei Templari, la coscienza divina che ormai guida l’iniziato e che gli consente di “ficcar lo viso per la luce etterna”, dove il lungo viaggio attraverso il molteplice si conclude con il ritorno all’unità: “nel suo profondo vidi che s’interna, ciò che per l’universo si squaterna”.
La natura umana, mortale e fallace si è trasformata nell’oro splendente del corpo di gloria della resurrezione
Maria Grazia Lopardo
The Divine Comedy is a text-alchemical initiation? may find the means by which Dante , the great poet, he wanted to codify his knowledge and his wisdom, like others before than he did?
"O you who have sound intellects targeted the doctrine that s' hides under the veil of strange verses"
So Dante turns to his preferred audience capable of understanding a lesson to hidden under the veil of his verses, a doctrine that is not for everyone, but only to the initiated, those who, in fact, have "healthy intellects."
A coin bearing the image stored at Vienna and the words of Dante has been interpreted as FSKIPFT Fidei Sanctae Kadosh Imperialis Principatus Frater Templarius " e vista come la verifica storica dell’appartenenza del poeta all’ordine dei Fedeli d’Amore, o Fede Santa, associato a quello dei Templari, ma la sua opera parla da sola e indica il cammino della trasmutazione dell’essere umano che la Divina Commedia illustra.
Dante compie il suo viaggio durante la settimana santa, all’equinozio di primavera, quando gli antichi misteri celebravano una morte e una rinascita, nella natura che esce dal gelo e nell’uomo-Dio vincente sulla cristallizzazione della materia: il candidato ai misteri, colui che ha acquisito consapevolezza di trovarsi in una dimensione pesante e innaturale per il figlio della luce, in una selva oscura e di aver smarrito la retta via, viene spinto a volgere gli occhi in alto, verso la montagna, simbolo del percorso iniziatico, dalla quale verrà l’aiuto.
Tre bestie tuttavia gli sbarrano la strada allorché si accinge ad affrontare la dura salita: esse rappresentano la natura bestiale dell’uomo da purificare e trasmutare in un cambiamento radicale di coscienza, in cui si sostanzia la morte iniziatica con l’abbandono dell’immedesimazione nelle energie dell’ego. Prima di salire, Dante inizia un percorso che lo conduce verso il basso, negli inferi interiori, nelle regioni oscure dell’inconscio dove c’è il ribollente magma del rifiuto, l’ombra in cui energie maligne distorted and stir by calling his attention. The message is well-known tradition: even in the sixth canto of Aeneas and Muhammad in an Islamic text, just eighty years before Dante, they made driving at night through a hell that necessarily precedes the ascent to the spheres, because man must unravel meanders its most obscure and neglected to let in the light of consciousness dispels the darkness, just as suggested by hermetic: "Visit your guts (or terrae), rectificar invenies occultum lapidem.
In the succession of characters who populate hell, Dante It reviews the obscure trends of the human soul, those that prevent it from flying, making dual and devoid of integrity. With human compassion, started on the path observes without judging every movement of his soul, drawing the message and parade in front of his conscience all the untapped potential and repressed, all states of existence of the distant past, hidden within, and projected as a burden to others, the whole creation.
As in ancient mysteries, a guide accompanying the candidate: Dante and Virgil, who had already offered at the Golden Bough of Aeneas Eleusis, a symbol of resurrection and immortality, perpetuated in Christianity in the palm of the Sunday before Easter, and Freemasonry nell'acacia. The guide is the dialectical consciousness of man, the awakened awareness of the need to straighten out the ways of the Lord, as he said the Baptist, to perform a process of death and rebirth, to retrieve a condition that it is divine hereditary right and in the candidate for the mysteries feel a great nostalgia that acts as a spur: a continuous series of awareness, penetrating the human nature, its apparent disintegration under the action of the compact heat hellish crucible of alchemy, Dante realizes the work to black the blackness.
In depths of his inner abyss, waiting for him Lucifer, the energy source of the ego dialectic which, like the minotaur in the maze, must be addressed by the hero becomes aware of solar to be dominated by forces that govern it, shaping his deceptive personality which identifies itself, but separating it from the integrity of his true self. Leaving behind the prejudices and exposing its interior program originated from karma, education and experience, the initiate knows that the electromagnetic system that powers it must be turned off, a new heaven and new earth shall appear.
why Dante, in the depths of his hell, Lucifer meets three facce: una nera, una bianca e una rossa, i colori dell’alchimia, perché anche le energie luciferine si convertiranno con il compimento della Grande Opera: “… conviene che di fortezza t’armi”, gli consiglia Virgilio mentre Dite-Lucifero, con le sue ali tutto ghiaccia, perché tale è la sua azione cristallizzante e Dante così descrive la sua morte iniziatica: “… io non morì, e non rimasi vivo”.
Ormai le energie luciferine sono domate, Virgilio e il poeta si aggrappano a Lucifero per uscire dall’inferno, vale a dire che la stessa natura dialettica, vinta dalle energie divine, diviene lo strumento per riscattare l’uomo. No coincidence that Dante, turning to look back, he sees upside down Lucifer, clear symbol of the conversion that occurs when the basin initiative (reached by the light coming into your system through the heart of) tamed Christ and Lucifer, as the sole energy flow back along the channel of the snake, along the spine creating the habit of light, a cloak of gold for the wedding. Hell ends with the line "... and then we went to see again the stars", the star that appears after the stench of nell'athanor alchemical substance under the effect of the fire calls.
"For correr better waters hoists its sail The little vessel of my genius now, That leaves behind itself a sea so cruel;
and sing of that second realm where the human spirit is purified and becomes worthy to ascend to heaven. "
Thus began the Purgatorio, the alchemical stage of the albedo, the purification of waste fall under the influence of fire, where it is finally possible to undertake the ascent of the mountain with every step leads to detachment from values \u200b\u200bof the horizontal plane and the conquest of liberty.
With Casella, Dante sees the same beauty as tie of the earth, with Manfred discovers the effect of grievances, with James as the memories of the bridge notes can petrify the soul, Bordello is the political controversy to bond. In short, the characters gradually met, Dante sees its ties to be resolved to strive for inner freedom.
entrance, an angel on three steps, again with the three colors of the alchemical work, the marks on the forehead as the memory saved by the Lord of the Biblical seven "P" painted on her forehead the seven deadly sins as stated by the critics, however, seven barriers to be dissolved in the purification process to enable the vision, opening the third eye, the lighting of the seven-branched candelabrum.
Only with the passage through the seven frames - like the seven steps of the mysteries and Masonic mitriaci - Dante may be eligible for higher states of being, the most radical transformation that will lead from lead to silver and then gold. In receiving the gifts of the seven powers of the Spirit, beyond the evidence arising therefrom, Dante purifies his being and his burden is lightened in preparation for a higher vibrational frequency.
scale in seven steps suggested as many levels of initiation: the guide Virgil is still, because his instrument is higher than the enlightened mind that causes him to neutralize the links with the world, not suppress them, watching, observing them objectively, just as Dante does with the characters he meets.
detach from the habits of the blood, prejudices, blind from sentimentality, is the basis for the fundamental transformation that leads the initiate to liberate the true power of thought to achieve the initiation of Mercury, the power of thinking that will lead to first-hand knowledge and true wisdom. A Mercury Venus follows, the source of love that guides began to serve God's compassion to the world. Gnosis entered into the system to the Mysteries of the candidate wins the shrines of the head and heart, but now the new potential developers should be materialized in the service of God's plan, through a strong will which expresses the creative power of the fiat lux is initiation of Jupiter, the god of fire, the magician who can not because all wise, loving, and equipped with the divine will, is the priest that connects earth to heaven and that restores the divine plan.
When there is no purification and is not done the right alchemical process, we risk becoming luciferin magicians who have acquired powers to enhance its ego e non per eseguire la volontà di Dio. Non a caso, nella fase dell’albedo, gli alchimisti pongono la prova del drago, dell’anima liberata dal corpo che si trova ad affrontare una forza tremenda pronta a destarsi per prendere il sopravvento e imprigionare l’anima, se solo l’attenzione dell’iniziato si indebolisce, soggiogata dagli antichi legami: il rischio di tale fase è di perdersi nell’ingannevole mondo tenebroso, nel divenire operatori dell’occulto, al servizio di Lucifero.
La forza saturnina
Il processo continua il suo sviluppo sotto l’effetto del fuoco dello Spirito: ora è Saturno, responsible for the crystallization process of the physical structure, to be dominated in order to leave room for the new Saturn, after removal of the heat of passion with the scythe of the lower life, the forces of personality dialectic, marks the transition between the old and new dimension .
From the new Saturn will be born the heavenly man. Open the door of Saturn at the edge of the dialectic dimension of the divine man begins to manifest itself and becomes a source of love, impersonal love that embraces all humanity. In Purgatory, then, started to dominate the lower aspects of the planets, so the top ones to appear, in order to attain Paradise. The seventh frame Dante through a ring of fire (in greek though), extreme test of purification possible only for those who have already taken a gradual, conscious process of liberation of the soul from the bondage of matter.
The initiate is ready for Gnosis: "... between Beatrice and thee there is this wall," said Virgil. With the supreme effort of will, driven by the desire of the divine, Dante realizes the albedo, the work to white: "Expect no more and no sign from me: Free and upright and healthy is your will, And error were it not to do to her heart: for I crown and miter you over yourself. " The creature already in the grip of karma and external authority, it becomes pontifex rex, Knight Kadosh, which combines the crown and miter, temporal and spiritual power, so it is finally free and responsible, able to hear the wisdom that can only acquire ' soul, no longer constrained by the bonds of matter, thanks to the divine light that does not encounter more obstacles in the flood the entire processing.
Now Dante meets Beatrice, which will give the definition in the seventh canto of Paradise: "... the holy stream that issues from a source so any drift Ver. It is the Gnosis, the intelligence of the troubadours, the woman, wisdom divine light of God's grace. The trip to Purgatory is concluded and the initiate is "remade ... just as new foliage of trees are renewed, pure and ready to ascend to the stele. "Novelle, are renewed, news, a threefold enhanced emphasis of the New Man who is born of the old nature, now at the bottom dell'athanor.
"In heaven which most his light receives Was' me ...", here Dante feels transcend the limits of the human condition through es'innalza ball of fire. The initiate passes beyond the human nature is reborn in the light in which gaze: la trasfigurazione è compiuta e, non a caso, il poeta passa nel cielo della luna, simbolo alchemico della fase al bianco.
In questo passaggio l’iniziato richiama l’attenzione di chi è in grado di comprendere il suo discorso:
“O voi che siete in piccioletta barca, desiderosi di ascoltar, seguìti dietro al mio legno che cantando varca, tornate a riveder li vostri liti: non vi mettete in pelago, chè, forse, perdendo me, rimarreste smarriti”.
Il Paradiso
L’esperienza del Paradiso è per pochi ed è necessarily covered by the secret initiation, being quite extraordinary. Start the culmination of the work alchemy: the rubedo. Dante addresses his prayer to the sun god Apollo, and perpetually accompanied by the divine light, wisdom, Beatrice, crosses the celestial spheres corresponding to Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the fixed stars, the Empyrean, a traveler between worlds and sizes.
As in Purgatory planets have represented their lowest aspect of which to discard, with the purification that follows the posting by the power of thought self-centered, head of first separation from God, the love that binds to the human world, from the in the service of maintaining the dialectical world, driven by selfishness and the will power, the crystallization of the old Saturn that closes the doors to the energy of God, made this process in the Paradise planets represent the same mutations linked to the alchemical process in its phase final.
from sphere to sphere Dante passes through a process of exaltation and ecstasy which is often expressed with temporary blindness, with sleep or fainting, in an attempt to explain in words the transformation of consciousness under the influence of fire divine. Mercury comes from the new ability to grasp the divine plan, to acquire knowledge that is knowledge and wisdom.
Venus From the new born's ability to direct the love out in the service of God and creation. From the new Mars leads to a determination, a reflection of the divine. From the new priesthood was born on Jupiter, the tools of light to be doing justice according to the will of God is no coincidence that in the sky Jupiter, Dante accuses the pope and appeals to the first verse of the Book of Wisdom: "... diligere justitiam here iudicatis Terram, "the final M is transformed into an eagle, a symbol of that empire which has its source in the mythical white earth, the kingdom of Prester John, in Shamballa, to designate the names of diverse traditions.
Heaven of Saturn, the contemplative spirit, expresses the entry into a new dimension, where there crystallizing forces of the old Saturn does not have access, the divine Man manifests received from a ladder of gold, a large step towards the fulfillment of the work. In the eighth heaven of fixed stars, the new man appears in all its glory, so much so that Dante is the Light of Christ: the smile of Beatrice, the strength of the Gnosis becomes so radiant that Dante faints, his conscience is not more human. Following the vision of the Virgin, the new soul of God, is the anima mundi of alchemy that generates being divine and which is generated by the personality in the alchemical process transmuted.
The process continues and, in the eyes of Beatrice, Dante sees a bright point: God surrounded by nine choirs of angels and beyond the empyrean, whose brilliance blinds: rubedo is the culmination of the vision of Paradise where, in the river of living water, the white rose is the purest esoteric tradition, the symbol par excellence of the divine, the coveted goal of every seeker of truth, sung by the troubadours and sought by the knights, like the lotus of the East, the expression a bloom, with the stem, through the waters of becoming, to open its petals to the luce del Sole.
La rosa è fiorita lì dove i due bracci della croce umana si uniscono nell’unità. Beatrice lascia Dante accolto da S. Bernardo, colui che ha dato la regola all’ordine dei Templari, la coscienza divina che ormai guida l’iniziato e che gli consente di “ficcar lo viso per la luce etterna”, dove il lungo viaggio attraverso il molteplice si conclude con il ritorno all’unità: “nel suo profondo vidi che s’interna, ciò che per l’universo si squaterna”.
La natura umana, mortale e fallace si è trasformata nell’oro splendente del corpo di gloria della resurrezione
Maria Grazia Lopardo
Taken from the site umso