Senso Puppy
The assumption that man as for other animal species experiences during childhood have a greater influence on adult behavior of those experienced at any other stage of development or later (Simmel & Baker , 1980) is quite common in the literature. In the second half of last century, studies in dogs have repeatedly confirmed this idea.
The most famous of these, to which reference is made is still led to the Roscoe B. Jackson Memorial Laboratory at Bar Harbor, Maine in the now far 1945 JPSCott and later with the collaboration of JL Fuller.
These studies led to conclusions that is nothing short of amazing that in the very early stages of development are particularly sensitive to the puppies' influence of their surroundings and remain vulnerable to the point of permanently psychologically traumatized! (Scott & Marston, 1950; Freedman, King & Elliot, 1961, Elliot & Scott, 1961, Scott 1962, Scott 1963, Scott & Fuller, 1965; Fuller, 1967, Scott, Stewart & DeGhett, 1974). Clarence
Pfaffemberger member of the Board of Directors of Guide Dogs for the Blind, inc. San Rafael, California could in twenty years of work to increase the proportion of skilled dogs as guide dogs for training from a paltry 10% to a staggering 90% but not only! Pfaffemberger in his book "The new knowledge of dog behavior," says that none of those dogs that made up 10% were equal to any of those obtained in 90%, that is to say that the puppy with the best genetic makeup can not stand comparison with a properly socialized. Then
M. Fox, I. Dunbar confirmed the findings of Scott and Fuller. But since socialization
affect the character of our puppy? Are assigned different values, 30/70, 40/60, 50/50 according to the authors, I think that to attribute un valore preciso sia impossibile data la complessità dell’argomento, quello che però si può affermare con certezza è che qualsiasi cucciolo di qualsiasi razza se correttamente socializzato sarà sempre migliore di quello che sarebbe stato se privato di questo fondamentale processo e viceversa! L’altra pietra miliare è rappresentata dalla ricerca compiuta dall’esercito statunitense culminata con il programma di stimolazione precoce “Bio Sensor”.
Il programma sviluppato dai militari era indirizzato ad ottenere cani più intelligenti attraverso l’esposizione dei cuccioli ad esperienze che causassero un leggero stress.. Anche in questo caso veniva identificato un periodo sensibile durante il quale opportunamente stimulate the puppies.
The sensitive period is a step in the maturation process when what happens in the environment the dog is more likely to influence its behavior in the long term or permanently, ie a period during which learning takes place with ease and experiences are stored in long-term memory. During the sensitive period a small number of experiences have a decisive effect (positive or negative) on the future behavior of the dog. The sensitive periods are preceded and followed by periods of low sensitivity and the transition is more gradual.
may seem an exaggeration to speak of dogs but is not superintelligent * so. M. Fox in his "Understanding Your Dog" shows how with the help of laboratory tests it was possible to see an increase in the size of brain synapses and thus the exposure of pups to moderately stressful experiences.
Incredibly, as the practice of laboratory evidence of Scott and Fuller had been confirmed in two decades of work Pfaffemberger with guide dogs, Fox's work was reflected in the practical results obtained from more than twenty years of work 'U.S. Army through the program BIO SENSOR. I invite the reader to reflect on the uniqueness of these events! Research, study and practical application on very large numbers shadow of absolute scientific rigor applied to the dog!
Senso-Puppy is concerned to provide the impetus necessary for those puppy for a complete development of inherited traits, in synch with his mental and physical development so that it can adapt to interact naturally in a much more complex than that, which according to archaeological finds the dog has evolved for 14,000 years, 100,000 or even more as' recently established a study of the DNA (Wayne).
AUTHOR: Charles Colafrancesco
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