AUTORE: Viscusi Tiziana
Ogni razza ha una serie di malattie ereditarie: la displasia di anca e gomito, ed alcune oculopatie, sono le più diffuse nei Golden Retriever.
Da parte nostra è stato fatto il possibile dal punto di vista della selezione, in fase di accoppiamento, adottando tutti i criteri per ridurre al minimo l’incidenza di eventuali malattie.
Purtroppo il rischio rimane, almeno fino a che la genetica non riuscirà ad isolare i geni portatori delle malattie congenite.
As for hip dysplasia has been recently found that only 25% of these diseases are transmitted by inheritance, but which can affect the movement of excess, poor diet as well as genetic factors uncontrollable.
We ask you to do all we can to avoid these risks by using some little caution with your friend.
The puppy up to 9 / 10 months to prevent excessive movement, like running for many hours or climb up or down steep slopes, but also simply must not fall or climb the stairs, I jump out of the car, running alongside the bicycle master, avoid violent games with other dogs because at this delicate stage, the cartilage is weaker and inflamed because of its growth, so all the movements that can cause stress to the joints are bad.
Similarly, it is to avoid a poor or unbalanced diet, without the proper supplements that can lead to a too rapid growth resulting in joint pain.
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