Friday, June 11, 2010

Where To Get Circus Fantasy Sample

La Toelettatura

AUTHOR: Pandolfi Andrea

An important part of the preparatory phase is represented by exposure to a grooming. This expression means the preparation, more or less complex, the dog's coat in order to give the best appearance possible.
for certain races this operation is rather long and laborious because it requires complex interventions (such as stripping) that only very skilled hands are capable of.

The preparation of a Golden is, fortunately, quite easy though, of course, requires experience, good hand skills and exact knowledge of the ultimate goal to reach. In many races the grooming is often intended to cover groped defects. In Golden, it is mainly practiced to enhance the appearance of certain characteristics that makes it impossible to appreciate nature, especially where you have available, such as exhibitions, a very limited time to reach an assessment.

The equipment which provide itself is quite simple and includes: •
a pair of scissors and straight blades long enough;
• a pair of scissors with serrated blades;
• a brush, a comb
•, • a
stripping knife (only if you are skilled enough to use it).

areas where there are not many action: •
the front formed by the neck, the chest and shoulders
• ears; •
feet; •
the back of the metacarpal;
• the bottom of the sternum;
• the rear of the metatarsal;
• tail. Many owners of Golden

have a kind of awe of the grooming, considering leaving unable to make and fear of causing some kind of disaster.
Like many things, too, is an operation that the first attempts will not lead to expected results. The important thing is not to be discouraged and come to understand, as you progress, what progress and what mistakes.
It 'obvious that you should observe first, if possible, the work of someone more experienced, trying to emulate the gesture. Since the hair, and as such is subject to rapid regrowth, in any case will not cause permanent damage. Better still not to carry out experiments in the vicinity of an exhibition ...
start from the front, which is perhaps what is more difficult and requires more caution. Anyone who has seen a Golden
natural state will have noted the existence of a kind of mane from the neck and through the shoulders, reaches the chest. This overabundance of hair can rarely appreciate the length of the neck sometimes giving the impression of un'attaccatura diretta tra testa e spalle.
L'angolazione di queste ultime è pertanto rilevabile con più difficoltà, mentre l'abbondanza di pelo sul petto e sullo sterno può conferire l'impressione che il cane sia basso sugli arti.
Prima di iniziare ricordiamo che una buona toelettatura è quella che, a distanza di una decina di giorni e con il primo accenno alla ricrescita del pelo, dovrà conferire al cane un aspetto quanto più naturale possibile. Il consiglio è di procedere con prudenza, stante la facilità di eccedere nel taglio e il rischio di creare disomogeneità nella superficie del pelo.
Per la toelettatura di questa zona si utilizzano le forbici dentate e un pettine. Si introducono le punte delle forbici, in direzione from bottom to top, the underside of the hair and proceed to two or three cuts at most time. Then, with the help of the comb, it removes the hair cut and check the result. It 'necessary to act with a certain order, starting with an area and gradually extending the operation to the surrounding areas. Where the hair to be removed is very, it is convenient to carry out an initial "rough" and then proceed to finish. It 'always keep in mind that the result should be uniform, so if you proceed to clean the neck rather marked, you can not then leave a mass of chest hair abundant, because the contrast would be excessive.
Once you are familiar and "occhio", si potrà graduare la portata dell'intervento sulla base delle caratteristiche del cane.
Ad un cane con torace non molto sviluppato sarà bene lasciare una maggior quantità di pelo sul petto, mentre un cane con collo non eccessivamente lungo troverà giovamento da una marcata pulizia dello stesso. La presenza di un po' di giogaia consiglia la pulizia a fondo dal pelo di questa zona. La parte inferiore dello sterno e le frange relative devono essere ritoccate tenendo conto dell'impressione generale del cane. Infatti un cane piuttosto basso sugli arti necessità di una toelettatura più marcata di uno che, come si usa dire, "ha molta aria sotto di se".
La zona delle orecchie deve essere ritoccata per permettere di farne stand size and shape. The project, to be performed with scissors gear, primarily concern the area around the pavilion in order to visually remove the head and neck area from below. Then you will go to the cleaning of the ear in the strict sense (including the removal of unwanted hair inside the pavilion) and the contour of the same.
The operation can be performed with a stripping knife, a serrated blade that is equipped with a handle. The hair is held between the thumb and the blade and proceeds to short movements when facing the direction of the hair. The result is a sui generis much less clear cut and a more natural result.
Now for the foot area.
Using scissors straight, continue to cut the hair along the outer contour of the fingertips and also removing any excess fur in the middle of the foot pads. When the hair is too long in this area are easily formed of the nodes or accumulation of land that can be a hassle for walking. The cut is intended to reach the form of "cat feet" required by the standard.
In the area of \u200b\u200bthe metacarpal and metatarsal (corresponding to the area located between the hock and the foot) will be used scissors gear for cleaning the excess hair, allowing you to bring out the best shape of your foot.
The tail has considerable significance in the general and its preparation is when shortening the length at the terminal with smooth flow and leveling of the fringes.
After brushing the tail well and holding the tip of the same with one hand, there shall be checked with the help of scissors straight, leaving at least an inch or two from the last vertebra (which will be used to hold the tail raised to time of presentation). Then we will proceed, again with straight scissors, cut the fringe so that the tail assumes the characteristic shape of a semicircular array. By way of a guide you can lay down the maximum length of ten centimeters of the fringes at the highest point of the range. In mid


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