Thursday, June 10, 2010

Clear Recycling Bags Nyc

Il bagnetto del cucciolo

AUTHOR: Marie Pierre Bodson (kennel Mapi 's Golden )

To many, the puppy just retired from his farm, would be eager to give him a nice bath, but it is a 'complex operation, will postponed until later.

In the meantime, you should clean your pet every day rubbing his hair in all directions with those of the Bayer type of wet or with a sponge soaked in warm water and vinegar (half cup of vinegar to a quart of ' water). After cleaning and drying the hair if necessary, will be combed with a carder, only in the direction of the hair and not against the grain. The ideal would be to do these things on a small table, small enough so that the puppy will not take him for a game room, high enough not to crack your back. When the puppy will understand that, on this table, there are number of things, he stands still and you will be rewarded with the premietti, will have much pleasure to be manipulated and you can expand pulendogli ears with a conditioner such as the specific Nutravet, touching his mouth to show his teeth, letting him tickle the bearings of the foot. All this will prepare him to deal more calmly manipulations such as those of the first bath, grooming and especially those of the veterinarian.

When after a month of these daily treatments, your puppy will have learned to trust in your hands, will be ready to face calmly the experience of his first bath. In addition, if you brought a small pool (during summer months) will also become familiar with the water and its noise and this will help even more peace of mind to deal with his new adventure.

Here is my advice:

• In winter, go home no earlier than two weeks after the last booster vaccines.

• In the spring or summer, choose the day is warm and windless day. If the weather is hot, you can do the first bath with warm water even if the puppy is not completely covered by the vaccines provided to dry well afterwards. In summer, there is water damage that makes cold but the air currents, air conditioning and fans.

· In qualsiasi stagione, scegliere una giornata senza troppi impegni poiché le esperienze nuove che presentiamo al nostro cucciolo vanno sempre gestite con calma e allegria !


· apposita spazzolina di gomma per massaggiare il corpo (massaggiare con le mani finché il cucciolo non avrà raggiunto i 5/6 mesi)

· sapone di Marsiglia “grattugiato” (Vedere “nota” in fondo alla pagina)

· 1 panno cane o almeno 3 asciugamani

· fon

· cardatore,

perché sarà difficile ricuperare le cose che mancano quando il cucciolo sarà inzuppato. Vi dovesse seguire sgocciolando dappertutto… affari vostri… io non rispondo di niente !

· Mettere il cucciolo in una vasca di plastica che si porrà nella vasca da bagno o nella doccia o sul terrazzo di casa a secondo la stagione lasciandogli per precauzione un collarino leggero addosso (per poterlo fermare se dovesse scapparvi)

· Bagnarlo con acqua tiepida cominciando con i piedi, poi le zampe, la pancia, la schiena, il collo. Lasciate perdere la testa e le orecchie pur di evitare di bagnare il canale auricolare, cosa che non gradirebbe. Si puliranno in un secondo momento, la faccia con una spugnetta imbevuta di acqua o acqua e aceto, le orecchie con un batuffolo di cotone soaked in alcohol to the ear and a balm for the channel. While the golden love the water, it is not so obvious that I like that the shower because of its cast and its noise. Therefore, especially the first time, is done with gestures of a jet very calm and very low, speaking softly to the puppy and giving him time to time to reassure the premietti

· Add the diluted shampoo already launched in several parts of the body

· massage the puppy with the soft rubber brush or with hands.

long · Rinse with warm water (down) in order to remove all traces of soap, especially neck, belly and armpits are forgotten too easily causing itching.

· Dry with pannocane or 2 or 3 towels until you have removed the maximum water

° in summer, dry finish with a walk in the sun after combed the carder; winter finish dry with hair dryer until it gives a sign of impatience and, having combed, with a walk on a leash so that it ends up to dry "on its four legs" (If you lie down with the hair still wet, her hair would of puckers )


· E 'very likely to frighten the puppy fon (Because of the noise) so use it this way:

5 minutes before turning it on at low speed so that the puppy gets used to bring the noise
fon the side of the puppy always at minimum power to accustom to the air blast stroking right where it reaches the air as it dries. Increase as the power of the dryer if the puppy accepts it, otherwise stay on a low setting.
three, after they passed the towel, our Golden already seem dry but they are not. The undercoat is still soaked and the water emerges gradually. Dry means that there is no more moisture.

· About bathrooms, if you wear it to swim (When it is completely covered by the vaccine), two precautions: Always dry your ears and the ear canal but also the 'root of tail, where a nerve that passes easily catches fire ... and a pain!

Shampoo Marseille:

The best shampoo ever and the only recommended on a puppy (but on an adult dog) is the soap that has the characteristics to meet the 100% pH of the skin of your puppy , one of a kind ... it is always of the highest quality 100% Marseille (to buy herbal medicine)

With the help of grated parmesan, reducing it to dust. Ponetene a small amount in a bottle tipo del vostro shampoo, aggiungetevi un po’ di acqua caldissima, sbattete per sciogliere la polvere di sapone. Ecco che il vostro shampoo sarà pronto per l’uso ! Conservate il resto della polvere in un barattolino ermetico per le volte seguenti.

E' importante non confondere il bagno "divertente" del mare, lago, fiume, piscina, con il bagno per pulizia


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