Thursday, June 10, 2010

Trojan-enz Vs. Trojan

L' arrivo del cucciolo

AUTORE: Bodson Marie Pierre (kennel Mapi' s Golden )

A qualcuno quest'argomento potrà sembrare superfluo ma la mia esperienza mi porta a constatare che quando I futuri proprietari visitano ripetutamente casa mia per vedere crescere la cucciolata, l'essenziale delle nostre conversazioni orbita quasi esclusivamente su questo tema ! Cosa sapere ? Cosa preparare ?

Pipì ? Popò ? Pappe ? Riposo ? Giochi ? Educazione ? Quante domande, quante preoccupazioni ! E' sempre un piacere rispondere in quanto tutti questi quesiti, oltre a denotare una grande sensibilità e un gran senso di responsabilità, garantiscono un'ottima accoglienza al cucciolo, il primo vero passo fondamentale verso quel legame insostituibile che si verrà a stabilire con il vostro cane !

E' imperativo... assicurarsi che il Golden sia veramente il cane che fa per voi, prepararvi la mente, preparargli il corredo !

Il Golden is really the dog for you? First

always suggest reading some books to better understand who is the dog, more specifically in this case who is the Golden Retriever. It would be absurd to choose a particular breed without knowing the specific characteristics. If you do not want to be disappointed - and the dog even more of us, believe me - do not buy a dog because it's fashionable, because it's beautiful because it owns next door, because he's heard good things but because his gifts character correspond exactly to our expectations and we are sure to be able to meet your needs! The Golden is a very sensitive dog, it is not a dog for everyone as you might think! The British qualify it with these three words: "Will to Please" say "Please" welcomed and it is the truest thing in the world, unless we pass it to him! Absences that are too long or inappropriately violent ways to interact and educate are poisons to his heart and his mind. In the event of prolonged absence, the dog may learn to enjoy yourself and lose this desire to please his master, who sees too little or go into depression. In the case of violent methods, the dog will be confused and lose confidence in himself and will be shut down! Become a complex, an 'insecure, a frightening. I say to him: "The Golden is a dog too nobile di cuore per riuscire a stabilire rapporti profondi con chi non lo è !". Qualcuno disse : "Il Golden, bisogna sapere meritarselo !" e io condivido appieno questo pensiero ! Inoltre NON bisogna scordarsi che il Golden è nato come cane di lavoro e NON come cane di compagnia, perciò bisognerà offrirgli la possibilità di scorazzare tutti i giorni per prati e boschi al fine di consentirgli di fare il cane almeno un ora al giorno mettendo su una buona muscolatura e una testa serena. Per approfondire l'argomento, Vi invito a leggere la pagina "Il Golden Retriever" scritta da Donatella De Lucia (Associazione MyGoldenRetriever)

prepararsi la mente

Oltre a questo libro specifico sulla razza, I highly recommend reading another dealing with the education of the puppy so that they acquire the basics, you have very firm point of reference in order to avoid setting off on the wrong foot. There are two that I think is very valid:

"Educating the puppy" by Valeria Rossi (ed. De Vecchi Editore) where the explanations are simple, concise and accompanied by several photos. It 's a little book very suitable for families with small children because they store the explanations given by the picture without getting bored. This reading is also a wonderful opportunity to prepare the child to grow up taking on a new sensitivity toward animals (friendship based on respect), and new ways responsibility (maturation) that will help today against a puppy, maybe tomorrow against a brother! You must be very aware that you can not do without the help of our children as the word "education" implies "consistency", so if our children are not ready, it will be better to wait another year! Personally, in any case, I think that when the child expresses the desire to own a dog, it's always wise to give them all a time of expectation and preparation for not wasting a valuable opportunity for its growth. He must have plenty of time to convince himself that if he does not obey, her dog will not obey, that if he fails to comply, your dog does not consider him a friend. Well, I hope to be able to convince you that do not offer a puppy to a child with the same ease with which you have toys.


to get the dog

"The Dog" by Bruce Fogle, med. Veterinary (ed. Era Ora)

"Stress in the dog" by Martina Nagel and see Clarissa Reinhardt (

"The agreement with the dog: The calming signals" by Turid Rugaas (

"The TTouch for dogs" by Linda Tellington-Jones (www.haqihana . com)

"Dogs are born, you become a master" by Patrick Pageat (ed. Practices P. Editrice)

"All'altro capo del guinzaglio" di Patricia B. McConnell (ed. Tea)

Per conoscere il Golden Retriever

Encicopedia del Golden Retriever. Storia, standard, comportamento, addestramento, alimentazione di Andrea Pandolfi (ed. De vecchi)

"Il Golden Retriever" di Paola Daffunchio, Valeria Rossi (ed. Olimpia)

"Il Golden Retriever" di Filippo Cattaneo (ed. De Vecchi)

Per educarlo

"Educare il cucciolo" di Valeria Rossi (ed. De Vecchi Editore)

"Aiuto, il mio cane tira !" di Turid Rugaas (

"Il fiuto del cane tra gioco e lavoro" di Anne Lill Kvam (

prepare the kit!

Then, I recommend you have ready a large part of her dowry in order to fully enjoy his arrival. Here is a 'summary list that will tell you everything you need.

to play: tennis balls

hanks where I sunk my teeth, cleaning them
games hard to chew
The plush
No games too soft plastic or rubber that could swallow
rolls of toilet paper but these , needless to procure, trovarseli know yourself!
The bones of buffalo hide. For real bones, it is best avoided as they damage easily disorders (diarrhea)
And so much other things that your pet will be chosen for the house slippers, socks, sleepers chairs, tables. I recommend: Keep an eye on because they know they get busy ... and take the opportunity to teach your children to keep their things in order! To feed

a stainless steel bowl for water - rather large and deep (so deep to make sure that there is no lack of water and never even so it does not squirt everywhere while they drink.)
a bowl Stainless steel for food (average)
biscuits "Puppies Large Breed" brand "premium" (giving this quality food, never added vitamins or iron that would be terribly counterproductive. This quality of food "Large Breed Puppies" will be fine until the age of 8 / 12 months depending on the growth of the puppy. Next, you will switch to "hold" or to "Lamb & Rice" on the second season. If you want to switch brands of food, no problem as long as you remain in the range of excellent brands that are on the market but in this case, the new food will be integrated step by step (1 day: 10% Day 2: 20%, 3 Day: 30%, and so forth, this in order to avoid allergy problems in the Golden suffer easily). Council not to change brands every time the puppy does whims but only if there are the real problems of health (dermatitis or other) The vagaries are treated in another way! Yogurt
natural - no added sugar, I recommend - from meddling with the kibble once a day to keep the intestinal flora in great shape.
cans of wet food: quality Puppy. This wet food is optional, because, from a nutritional standpoint, does not add to dry food but has the advantage of making the meal more tasty and appetibile.Non exaggerate the value of a soup spoon.
a pack of biscuits or bread sticks (low calorific value) be given only on occasions when the puppy deserves a prize! Avoid biscuits which have a 'high protein
Oil "Heart" or even better than the 'oil' Fazoo "(found only in pharmacies): 1 tablespoon per day for a 25 kg dog) to keep the hair in good shape.
To take a walk:

a slight collar to stay home just to get him used to hold something around the neck (2 months)
medal with a name and phone number engraved on it. Choose rounded shapes that are not entangled in bushes or other.
a size small chest with a lead 3-meter (
a drip type bisognini the "bon ton" to not have the nasty surprise of fines
To clean:

a brush (heckler) to comb the your dog once a day preferably
a lotion to clean his ears once a week. Council EsaPharma
the balm of a lotion to wipe his eyes
a round brush, rubber, for him in the shower with shampoo shampoo
PH neutral soap or a good herbal medicine to buy
balm (to taste)
old towels or pannocane
To your health:

Garlic tablets made to protect it from any insect (fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, etc.).
of tablets Nutraflex Junior or Junior Mesoflex to protect your joints during its growth ( that is, up to 10/12 months) vaccinations
basic (CHPL)
protection "antifilaria" (if applicable)
protection "Rabies" (if applicable)
to his rest (day or night)

Upon his arrival, the puppy will have a great need of Your presence and the warmth of a home. For him, represented his new pack and stay there as it was close to his mother and his brothers is of vital importance. Gradually, also taught him to be alone but, not upset, you will gradually, without injury.

Upon his arrival, will therefore be important to let him sleep in your home in a basket in the shape of an egg (carrying a pillow inside) that you have put in a strategic position. The ideal would be to put this basket together with his toys, a bowl of water and a litter box filled with papers for his needs in a fence. In this confined space, your puppy will feel "at home" (personal territory, security) and will be pleased to go there whenever it decides to bed. On these occasions, took the opportunity to close the door and get away, progressively longer, ... assured that neither he nor your furniture to run any danger while you are away, why should not forget that the Golden puppies are big "biting" of the great explorers and therefore prudence requires us to to keep an eye or ... keeping them in pens or in cages. It will be important to the fence in the environment as experienced by family members because your company will increase the self-confident, peaceful and tranquil mind that it will be important to gradually teach him to stay by myself. On this basis, soon you'll have a dog, peaceful, calm and balanced under your control, learns what you do and what not to do it.

ask me what is the right thing to use, the fence or cage? It depends on the duration of your absence. The cage, that is the lair of the puppy is the crib for our baby and is very valid for the two hours devoted to nap (one in the morning, one afternoon) and night. As a puppy does not get dirty when he sleeps, it will also become clear soon. For those who must leave home for more than two hours, the fence will provide a space (territory) over where the puppy can play, drink, pee and sleep.

Although I prefer to let the dog sleep inside the house to avoid unpleasant encounters with thieves who are at risk of beating him or steal it, to avoid poisoned meatballs or just a high risk of moisture that is not earned anything to his health, if necessary, when your puppy will be 8 / 12 months, may also bear il distacco e andare a dormire in una cuccia da mettere in un angolo protetto di una veranda, di un terrazzo, di un pergolato o di un balcone. Dovrà essere innanzitutto sufficientemente spaziosa, facilmente lavabile, con apertura non troppo grande per evitare che il freddo o il vento ci penetri, rialzata dal pavimento per evitare il contatto con il freddo o l’umidità, protetta dalla pioggia, dal sole e soprattutto dal vento da nord, munita di un cuscino lavabile all’interno (meglio 2 per poterli intercambiare quando occorre lavarli). Prima di questo "trasloco" nella cuccia fuori casa, avrete dato al cucciolone l'occasione di fare amicizia con questo nuovo territorio lasciandoci un cuscino impregnato del suo odore, nascondendoci dei biscottini, of his favorite toys. One day, you will fall asleep and there, leave it if nothing had happened. Just give him time to "make us friends" and everything will become natural.

For your travels by car

The ideal is a kennel (carrier) that will force him to lie not only protecting it from shocks but also from the stress of the journey made by sitting or standing position with all the muscles in tension to rebalance your every curve and all your braking! If you have a child accustomed to the kennel, I will live as a den prottettiva exactly how he lives his cage at home, a place where you feel protected and rilassato.Il trip will last long hours that his mind and his muscles will risentino. Of course, every 3 hours will be let out to stretch their legs, drink and pee.

If the kennel is too large for your machine, use a seat belt but a lake with a pillow, inviting him to stay there and avoid lying you dirty the rear seats. Do not forget that the return of your walk in the woods, perhaps no longer a Golden caricarete in that car but rather a labrado color "chocolate" The Golden loves getting mud baths! Perhaps he considers that they are very healthy!

the fateful day

And if, along the three previous stages, there is still the desire to pass di adottare un cucciolo, sappiate che sta ancora per cominciare la parte più impegnativa, quella di badare a quella pallina di pelo che vi è appena arrivata e che sta già esplorando tutta la casa vostra, forse lasciando una pipì di qui e di qua, magari sul vostro bel tappeto persiano ! Un cucciolo offre infinite gioie e soddisfazioni ma non bisogna sottovalutare il grosso impegno che rappresenta durante I suoi primi sei mesi di vita ! Se siete terribilmente pignoli, facilmente sconvolti e un po' insofferenti di natura, sarà meglio rinunciare ad avere un cane ! Sarebbe infelice... e voi pure !

Ma se siete convinti di essere le persone giuste per accogliere e crescere un cucciolo di Golden, dotate della pazienza e del common sense that will be necessary to know that there is also a way to organize to bring in the best way to adulthood without too much effort, both for him and for you! For this subject, I refer you to the page of Dr. Lorella Notari, veterinary doctor, who very skillfully develops the topic "How to accommodate the puppy!


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