Friday, June 11, 2010

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Trovare il proprio Golden

AUTHOR: Isabella Bruno

A Golden puppy is irresistible ...

why sometimes there are those who brings it home without thinking about it much.
"It 's so sweet, tender, like a stuffed animal!"

BUT NOT 'A stuffed animal!

It 's a puppy that will grow quickly and become a big dog that is over 30 pounds.
a dog that is not enough to stay in the garden, although large, to be happy. Can live well in an apartment, the important thing is having time for him. He needs to run, taking long walks, play, share the lives of his two-legged and not be left alone too long. In short, is a dog from active life, not the ones who love lounging. Likes to "do and learn," suitable for activities such as landfill or agility.

For his sweet and sociable, sometimes it is assumed that a dog is "easy" or suitable for children. Which is true, but only if they are educated and if the children are taught how to deal with him.
For this we should think twice before choosing this breed and be sure to be suitable for a Golden.
for information on features of Golden can be found at the Italian Club Retriever and Golden Retriever Club Italian

If, after reading a few books, got information on various sites, spoken with friends who already have a golden, have assessed the pros and cons and it was decided, began searching for the puppy. Do not be
fretta, ma seguire delle regole, imparare a osservare e a distinguere, fare domande, cercare risposte e magari farsi anche dei chilometri prima di trovarlo. Si può cercare negli allevamenti o dai privati, basta che abbiano certi requisiti e forniscano garanzie sulla provenienza e salute del cucciolo.

Cerco di sintetizzare dei consigli, che nascono dall’esperienza personale e di altre persone.

La prima raccomandazione è di non comprare un Golden nei negozi di animali.
Né qualsiasi altro cane… è uno dei posti più tristi e sbagliati in cui un cucciolo possa stare ! Spesso sono cuccioli tolti dalla madre prima del tempo e che quindi avranno problemi comportamentamentali. E molti provengono dai paesi Europe, without any sanitary control and therefore risk of being sold already sick.

The second suggestion concerns the pedigree.
Some people think that it does not serve unless you plan to breed your dog or take him to exhibitions.
But the key function is to document the pedigree of the puppy from the examination and report of dysplasia, which in the case of Golden is really important.
do not say that without a pedigree Golden is necessarily a "waste." But we must investigate why some missing and wary of anyone who tells us that both are the same, the dog is fine!

The third suggestion concerns the price. Currently the average cost of a puppy from a herd is around 1000-1300 €. It is not a trivial amount, but do not go hunting, hoping to save the rebate. Maybe a shop can be found at 500 € ... and then maybe I will spend many more in vet and medicine, because they often are not healthy dogs.
You can find a person who sells less than a breeder, but be sure to give you any guarantee of reliability and documentation.
If you start your search for farm animals, discarded those that have many races, such as "puppy of the supermarket and look for those that only breed Retriever. There are farms

amateur and professional, recognized or not ENCI.

During the visit is important to note:

dogs where they live - where they live pups
- how many dogs, how many
the elderly - relationship between dogs and breeder
- spaces available dogs, hygiene

And ask

- to see the parents of the puppies
- to know how many litters has already done the female
- how many years there farming

A good breeder and / or private sector differs from :

- want to know before they put the puppy
- explains the characteristics and needs of the breed
- explains the problem of hip dysplasia and oculopatie
- vi interroga sulla vostra vita e quella che farà il cane
- si informa sulla vostra esperienza cinofila
- ascolta pazientemente le vostre domande
- vi mostra il pedigree dei genitori del cucciolo, con il timbro dell'esame della displasia, gli esami dei gomiti e degli occhi.
- si mostra disponibile a darvi consigli prima e dopo avervi consegnato il cucciolo

Un cattivo allevatore e/o un privato si distingue da:

- tiene i cani in spazi angusti, cattive condizioni igieniche
- non vi fa nessuna domanda su come e dove vivrà il cane
- si comporta come se stesse vendendo un oggetto e non un essere vivente
- vi consegna il cucciolo prima dei 60 giorni
- Does not make you visit the farm
- there shows the pedigree - exams dysplasia, elbows and eyes of the parents of the puppy
- offers to send you a puppy if you live far

Once you choose a breeder or private, must wait for the litter. Before reserving a puppy, think about the best time to take it home, whereas the first days are the toughest. You can take it during the summer holidays or Christmas, if you pass in a place suitable for a puppy. However, in a time when you will have some 'time to set it in the best way.

And when you will davanti ai cuccioli…. ah, come sarà difficile scegliere !
Molti lo fanno in base al colore, più chiaro o più scuro a seconda dei gusti, ma non dovrebbe essere questo il primo requisito per sceglierlo. E’ meglio valutare il carattere; nei cuccioli di 40 giorni si possono già notare le diversità di comportamento. Chiedete all’allevatore; se ha passato del tempo con i cuccioli saprà dirvi qual’è quello più timoroso o il più intraprendente, quello che abbaia di più etc. Si possono anche usare dei Test - il più noto è quello di Campbell - per osservare le loro reazioni e il carattere. Ma non pensare che questo basti... Un cucciolo calmo, se andrà a vivere con una persona isterica, danger of becoming too ... this is to say that some pups inherit the character of the family, but much depends on how we will live then we bipeds.

Then let go and choose the emotion from the heart ...
See if one of the cubs is approached often to you or draws your attention for some reason or if his eyes makes you fall in love.

and taking home that puppy
think you have a friend gold
and love him as he deserves!


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