How can we speak of yoga without falling into the same surface definitions, repeated ad nauseam by now and are just acts merely attempts to explain something that its depth is not subject to our limited powers of expression and why not, cognitive?
To answer those who question - But What is Yoga? - How and when were you born? -
this company really not easy, because the nature of yoga is cosmic and his advent on this planet is lost in time.
His coming is so long ago that we can begin the story as it does in fairy tales with a: - Once upon a time, long, long time ago, in the eternal infinite space, Seven Brothers which, by their nature could be called the Divine Beings of Light.
fact, their "father" was a Deva, that is a very high being of Light, a truly superior entity, and the seven brothers were no more than seven light beams each of which, in its vibration, expressed a Quality particular principle inherited from their native as Will , Knowledge, Love, Harmony, Knowledge, Devotion and the rituals.
"One fine day," the will of their "father", the Seven Rays of Light vibrating in the unmanifested Cosmo, each producing a universe made manifest, in its adoption and substance, expressed on Principle the original beam quality, while bringing in itself a reflection of the quality of the other Rays.
Our universe is the manifestation of the Ray of Love and, like all others, embodies an inconceivable numero di mondi che ospitano migliaia di razze e forme di vita molto diverse tra loro e tra cui anche l’Umana.
Queste, sospinte dalla forza attrattiva della Sorgente Iniziale, stanno sperimentando, attraverso il continuo divenire degli eventi, un processo di Evoluzione che in milioni di anni stimola e aiuta lo sviluppo della Coscenza di ogni singolo essere al fine di realizzare, per mezzo della propria volontà ed in piena libertà, la Sorgente Prima che le aveva originate.
Questo immenso lavoro di trasformazione non è affidato al caso: Leggi ben precise ne regolano il proceed and Ancient Shining Ones and loving guidance in their search for the evolving species through direct interventions (with the descent of the Masters in size materials) and indirect (inspiring the conscience), but never interfere with individual choices.
So, for our race, there came a time when it was decided by the Hierarchies of Light, Very high Guide descended into matter to communicate to a group of women started spiritually, all the knowledge essential for the 'evolution of humans.
These women were the result of careful selection and education of a particular duration millenni, al fine di creare una Casta di Esseri in grado di ricevere e comprendere tale Conoscenza Occulta.
Non a caso furono scelti esseri femminili, la ragione è perché la donna, per sua natura, ha una spiccata sensibilità emotiva; capacità indispensabile per operare nel campo delle percezioni sottili.
L’insegnamento impartito a queste Iniziate fu totale ed in ogni campo, soprattutto per i principi connessi al piano emotivo superiore e non relativi all’emotivo umano dal quale, nonostante la loro particolare sensibilità, erano distaccate e possedevano una freddezza ed una determinazione extremely high. This allowed them to develop the whole range of subtle perceptions, in most studied all forms of knowledge and especially working on the links between emotion and corporeality. In fact they were able to communicate the immense knowledge and skills acquired using the body as a transmission medium.
They could say all their knowledge to communicate only with the body without using either words or writings, these modes clearly insufficient to express the complexity of these occult concepts, so a minimal gesture, a movement of the head, and dance even the static stillness, expressing a infinite number of messages and meanings at all levels of perception coscenziale, interacting on an emotional and mental health of those who were simply in their presence.
To better understand the concept we take a simple example: imagine you have a large pool of water which is thrown a stone. From the point of impact on the water surface will create a series of circular waves that will spread until it meets the banks of the tank and hence will be rejected causing an infinite number of figures in increasingly complex movement.
Now imagine that the water is bright and the waves moving emit light reflections that radiate into the surrounding environment and in the depth of the water.
Think about how many more opportunities would be created by changing the shape and weight of the stone, its speed, the angle of fall, the position of the impact on the liquid surface, etc..
You can guess at this point, the infinite number of combinations which would be formed in this kaleidoscope of shapes and lights.
Now imagine that every spark, every reflection, each sequence has a meaning as if it were a language and you can decode it to include an incredible number of messages and concepts.
This may be the means of expression of an immense knowledge.
Thus, these high initiative through their bodies, by means of gestures expressed by the simple movement of a hand, from staying property, from taking a particular position, from walking, from dancing, etc.. were able to produce a wide range of vibratory changes in the environment involving humans, animali, i vegetali, i minerali ed inoltre trasmettendo la loro incommensurabile Conoscenza.
Il Sapere espresso da queste Messaggere era rivolto preminentemente ai Sacerdoti, esseri elevati e consapevolmente ricettivi, preparati a decodificare questi messaggi esoterici ed a trasformarli in una Scienza articolata e riproducibile, quindi comunicabile per mezzo di una metodologia operativa che racchiudeva in sè i Principi Divini contenuti in questa Conoscenza.
I Sacerdoti poi trasmettevano al popolo questi insegnamenti facendo da intermediari tra la Dimensione Divina e quella Materiale influenzando così la totalità delle funzioni sociali del popolo, dall’architettura alle coltivazioni, dalla politica alla religione, dalla vita familiare all’arte.
Tutto ciò accadeva agli inizi della Civiltà Atlantidea.
Sono Loro, queste Sacerdotesse, che hanno gettato le basi dello Yoga: Altissima Conoscenza Occulta che permette di “riunire” la Materia allo Spirito.
In realtà la Materia e lo Spirito non sono mai stati separati in quanto l’Una esiste in virtù dell’Altro.
It 's our mind that operates the separation, Yoga is the means by which we can regain the awareness of not being separated and to be part of the Whole.
The content and quality of messages transmitted by the gestures of the priestesses, and has led to a particular emotion, was transformed, through gesture, body posture, giving birth to a location or Yoga Asanas.
The Asanas were later studied and improved so as to form a perfect scientific system which takes into account the preparation and purification of the physical and emotional bodies then move on to planes consciousness thinner.
Some gestures and body positions, cleverly linked to breathing and meditation techniques specific to determine, through complex energy structures, particular states of consciousness and links in the subtle fields.
Besides the positions were born other practices such as those relating to the Art of Breathing (Pranajama), the control of Energy (Mudra, Bandha, Krija), concentration, meditation and, of utmost importance to 'power and methods of cultivation necessary to obtain food that was as suitable as possible for the evolution of physical and spiritual of human beings (they started at that time of the various cereal crops).
Thus was born the Yoga. It should be understood as teaching that, starting from the body and through the body, leading to the Truth.
Anyone, even those who do not yet possess the knowledge and insights necessary to understand its scope, it can through the practice of this science, create an intimate Principles contained in the Divine Source that had originated.
Than Yoga, for the message it contains is the One True, now do not exist more than some minor marks on our planet and are confidential knowledge only a few initiates.
Yoga has lost that has survived through the millennia, nearly all of its contents has been divided into various "currents", distorted by innumerable interpretations by the most personal and is currently regarded as a fashion.
Yoga is instead the Inner Path, a street away from the superficiality and trivial chatter of the mind. A mind that is continually being projected onto and identifies all that is outside of himself: people, objects, situations and desires.
Modern man, so busy to meet all that the mind asks, wishes, demands, has gradually lost the awareness of one's self.
man today must not only meet the needs of existence, but is overwhelmed by the endless series of false needs created by the mind, society, worries, fears and when not engaged in this fast-paced mechanism, is bored.
How do I get out of this vicious circle of unawareness and consequently leads us to act less and less aware?
A problem that at first glance may seem difficult to solve, but then eventually found its solution when you decide to approach the path of yoga.
But is it possible for us, men of the Third Millennium, a Yoga practice that is worthy of the ancient teachings? How?
Well, it's easy! This is a time of great difficulty for the Human Race, but it is also the time when you stir within us a strong push towards inner transformation, pressures that are motivated by an irrepressible need for change.
It 'just feel this strange feeling inside of us to begin the journey. But how?
Simply making the "first step". The others will follow and then gradually allow us to cover great distances.
And the first step does not require great skill or the use of great efforts, because it is just learn to observe paying attention.
observations, all that usually escapes us, make sure that our focus is to explain to 360 degrees, to abandon laziness, be receptive, to rediscover our capacity to forget and in so be aware and do not miss any of what is happening inside and outside of us, moment by moment, using an awakened ability to observe vigilant, constant and mostly free of any evaluation and assessment.
This simple approach will ensure that all our Action, even the most trivial, is not mechanical and therefore easily forgotten, but it will be lived fully and experience will become.
A new way of life that we call "we experience" that will allow us to recognize the actions and behaviors that are not in harmony with our being and will help us change our behavior by eliminating everything that disturbs us and As we become aware of it, we will, freely and without effort, to overcome rules, patterns and habits unnecessary.
This is a new way of life that makes us in the present, that is here and now, provided more than all that brings us closer to the Infinite-Time, making us feel more in harmony with the Eternal Source Before we originated.
E 'from here, from the search for inner freedom, which begins the Way of Yoga in which everyone is master of himself.